STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

leg day. gonna kill. squats. deads. leg press. hip abductor. hamstring curls. lots and lots of calve work. can't wait.

and some cardio. just a quick 100-150 session. hiit. should take..meh, 7 minutes.

shred season. we out here.
Friday was my first time doing a split-style workout (legs) in years. I'm sore as hell today, yo. Anyways. It's good to see this thread is still going.
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there was one vid on vice about some dudes taking roids but his physique was still garbo
idk...looks easy af to me honestly. And just more taxing on the cns than necessary. sitting to standing places no more stress on the shoulders. Just burning out the rest of our energy while barely hitting your delts.

meh af.

Try it before you deny it my guy.
Explain the biomechanics of why it would work more for delts.

It's a squat shoulder press with db's.
Explain the biomechanics of why it would work more for delts.

It's a squat shoulder press with db's.

Did you read the caption? The dumbbells never return to my sides. The shoulder is always flexed at ~90 degrees (i may have been a little lower in the video). Whether you’re pressing the weight overhead, lowering them back down, or holding them in place through the sit to stand portion there’s always load on the delts. The sit to stand portion acts to increase TUT while the shoulder and DBs are held in flexion, provide assistance when we fatigue concentrically so we can train THROUGH failure by training the eccentric (since were always stronger eccentrically than concentrically), gets the anterior chain working together, and burns more calories to boot.
Did shoulders and legs, switched it up.


One arm barbell shoulder press
Barx10 x4

Way harder than using a 45lbs db.

Calf raises
Db Side raises into front raises
Power shrugs
Face pulls
Zerchers seem like they’d be harmful for the back, no? I like the idea of building up core strength by having to fight the barbell pulling you into a rounded low back position but loading up a rounded back in any case isn’t a good idea. Plus, like he mentioned, that’s gotta be hell for the elbows.
Zerchers seem like they’d be harmful for the back, no? I like the idea of building up core strength by having to fight the barbell pulling you into a rounded low back position but loading up a rounded back in any case isn’t a good idea. Plus, like he mentioned, that’s gotta be hell for the elbows.

I don't really feel much stress on my back, feels the same as a front squat to me. Definitely feel it in my core and quads. I seen a lot of people start with the bar on the ground but I'm not there just yet. I have it at the 3rd or 4th lowest level in the squat rack.

Today was the first time I did em in a long time and first time I went past 2plates. Need to do these on a regular basis again, same with front squats.
yea i gotta start warming these elbows up better. usually I just do the bar and go up but thats not cutting it anymore.

anyone use smelling salts?

Tried it once, my boy has a bottle with him.

All i can say is make sure you take a quick wiff, dont inhale too long :lol: it helped...but its not something necessary imo.


Hey folks. Need some advice. How to you come back from an injury? I injured my shoulder back in January. I couldn't work out and got fat. I got lazy and ate horribly. I recently started getting back into the gym but my shoulder is killing me. I can't back squat at all because I can't hold the bar. Back squat was my best exercise too so a little disappointed in that.

Do y'all have any recommendations? I'm going to have to change how I work out completely.

I have a bike that I ride everyday for cardio so I've been losing weight like that. I need to get back into strength training though. Any help is appreciated.
Have you seen a physical therapist? Unless you’ve been diagnosed and treated I’d recommend staying out of the weight room until you get that checked. You’re either going to make it worse or it’s going to give out something really bad could happen. Shoulders are no joke.
Entering another pro-am league next month so I’m back on my super lean, diamond abs physique. Feeling light again.


-Weekly yoga.
-Lift heavy at least 5x week.
-buckets minimum 2x/week. (Stair master for cardio when runs are weak.)
-Aquatic exercises for muscle/cardio endurance.

Shouts to all y’all for daily inspiration!
Did shoulders and legs, switched it up.


One arm barbell shoulder press
Barx10 x4

Way harder than using a 45lbs db.

Calf raises
Db Side raises into front raises
Power shrugs
Face pulls

bra you stay killin your legs lol.. im about to switch it up and try something similiar to this
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