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The Bulgarian method is not really a fad but a program in its own right based on high-frequency training methods employed by some Olympic lifters.

The benefits in squat strength are much better than 3x/wk because frequency/technique trumps volume/intensity for increasing 1RM strength, all other factors being equal.

For me it worked better than Smolov/Smolov Jr., can be also be applied to just about any lift, can be sustained for a longer duration, and produced much less soreness/joint pain. Only real downsides are the decrease in endurance strength (i.e. the ability to sets of reps >5 or so) and the increased caloric demand of doing what amounts to full body sessions 5-7x a week), compared to more "Bro" types of training.
How was dat thigh growth doe?

And what were your rep ranges and %
The Bulgarian method is not really a fad but a program in its own right based on high-frequency training methods employed by some Olympic lifters.

The benefits in squat strength are much better than 3x/wk because frequency/technique trumps volume/intensity for increasing 1RM strength, all other factors being equal.

For me it worked better than Smolov/Smolov Jr., can be also be applied to just about any lift, can be sustained for a longer duration, and produced much less soreness/joint pain. Only real downsides are the decrease in endurance strength (i.e. the ability to sets of reps >5 or so) and the increased caloric demand of doing what amounts to full body sessions 5-7x a week), compared to more "Bro" types of training.

The squat everyday thing that people jumped on is what I was talking about, mainly people that did it for view or likes online. Not people that actually know what the Bulgarian method is lol

I would probably argue that just because you are becoming a better squatter by squatting more frequent it will not make you a stronger squatter necessarily if you do not know how to actually program how to get stronger. The strongest squatters in the world aren't squatting over 2-3 times a week, unless they are a olympic lifter. Just follow any top PLers split and you'll see it more intensity volume based than frequency.

Smolov has been proven to not be good for anything other than maxing out one lift at a time, you cant use it for any length of time because it will literally break you lol

GVT, Bulgarian and just volume/ training are good as a whole but if we are strictly talking about making someone stronger than you aren't going to use those. If you want to get stronger you have to get under heavy weights and you cant do that frequently, for a natural, non "pro" lifter.
How was dat thigh growth doe?

And what were your rep ranges and %

I suggest reading, at the very least, the Greg/Omar pdf on the program. Also, see my previous posts where I explained this more thoroughly.

Short version:
1) Thigh growth was awesome, needed to buy new drawers. Old spandex from before doesn't quite fit as comfortably.

2) Stretch/warm up however you like. You should have a bare-minimum number in mind, not a PR but something you could hit with on sleep with no food and a case of the flu. Don't leave until you hit that number. [2. Daily minimum]

Do a few weighted warm up sets and then start your work sets. The rep range(s) is 1 rep. Keep going until the bar slows down significantly, you think you might miss a rep, or you can't hit the next set without psyching yourself up. [2. Daily max.] Bonus points for going beltless. No spotters, no smelling salts, no Kobes, nothing.

Once that is finished, if you still have gas in the tank, take 85-90% of the heaviest single you did and do a few doubles or triples with it. [3. Back off sets]

That's it. Move on to the next exercise or take your tail home. Rinse and repeat 5-7x a week.

As your confidence in hitting heavier weights increases, your daily max will go up higher, pushing your daily min (baseline) up and you get stronger.
The squat everyday thing that people jumped on is what I was talking about, mainly people that did it for view or likes online. Not people that actually know what the Bulgarian method is lol

Ah, misunderstood your post. My mistake. I would also agree.

If aNYone aNYone has to ask all of this, my guess is he is not ready. Would not recommend squatting erryday unless you are prepping for a contest (and there are much better ways to prep).
Ah, misunderstood your post. My mistake. I would also agree.

If aNYone aNYone has to ask all of this, my guess is he is not ready. Would not recommend squatting erryday unless you are prepping for a contest (and there are much better ways to prep).
I’m aware of the Bulgarian method and have watched a handful of vids on it. I’ve just always thought it wasn’t for me. From recreational lifting I’m in the mid 450s but I wanted to take it up a notch and see where I could get my squat to.
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Ive a few of my old programs saved on my phone and computer if anyone ever wants, I've sent to a few before, they were made by 2 different people that total over 2000.
Do you mind if I PM you my guy?
Anyone catch larry wheels body building show.
Not bad. Just needs to work on posing and getting shredded. His muscle is super dense from the power lifting.
I like this lane hes in tho. The stupid strong bbers . like johnnie jackson and branch warren
Anyone catch larry wheels body building show.
Not bad. Just needs to work on posing and getting shredded. His muscle is super dense from the power lifting.
I like this lane hes in tho. The stupid strong bbers . like johnnie jackson and branch warren

He's already eclipsed pretty much every pro in terms of strength, Stan is the only one on his level.

I just wish he would go for more of a classic look than open, he's taller so his lines are going to get distorted because of how much weight he's gonna have to put on.
He's already eclipsed pretty much every pro in terms of strength, Stan is the only one on his level.

I just wish he would go for more of a classic look than open, he's taller so his lines are going to get distorted because of how much weight he's gonna have to put on.
Does he plan on continuing? He may be too big for classic. Hes in that regan grimes territory. Big and going to be hard to shred like that
Does he plan on continuing? He may be too big for classic. Hes in that regan grimes territory. Big and going to be hard to shred like that

I think in one of his YT videos he said he wants his pro card and he always does open so I would assume he has ruled out classic. He's taller than Regan too I believe. It was crazy, Regan post a picture like 2 days after the Olympia and he looked like a different person, he was crazy looking, big and shredded, if classic had a bigger weight limit for his height he would destroy people. Still a C Bum fanboy personally.
I think in one of his YT videos he said he wants his pro card and he always does open so I would assume he has ruled out classic. He's taller than Regan too I believe. It was crazy, Regan post a picture like 2 days after the Olympia and he looked like a different person, he was crazy looking, big and shredded, if classic had a bigger weight limit for his height he would destroy people. Still a C Bum fanboy personally.
6'1 open class heavy weight.....may take a moment. He def going to need to get more shreded. He was good tho. He may only be like 3 shows away. After he qualifies for nationals.

Regans case. Thats what happens after shows all the time. I think 2015 or 2016 when big ramy won Arnold after the olympia that year. He was super shreded . may have stolen olympia that year if he came in like that. Some people peak to early Some dont peak in time.
6'1 open class heavy weight.....may take a moment. He def going to need to get more shreded. He was good tho. He may only be like 3 shows away. After he qualifies for nationals.

Regans case. Thats what happens after shows all the time. I think 2015 or 2016 when big ramy won Arnold after the olympia that year. He was super shreded . may have stolen olympia that year if he came in like that. Some people peak to early Some dont peak in time.

Yep exactly, it truly is a science at that level, hell your body is a science project :lol:
This was good! Thanks.
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