STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Mine are subpar lol. I wish I had good genetics. I think my back is probably my only strong point.

Finally got 360x1 paused though 2 weeks ago. On the grind to 405 paused and a 600 dead. I'll worry about squats after I finish PT for my knee.

Threw up 130x8 easy on DB flat press tho.

Guys talking about his backs only strong then proceeds to mention how he did 360 paused on bench

Yo **** outta here maaaan :lol:
Guys talking about his backs only strong then proceeds to mention how he did 360 paused on bench

Yo **** outta here maaaan :lol:
Lmaoooo yeah but that's just relative strength that anyone can get to with proper training and eating, genetics or not
Don't know if its the cold *** mornings or **** air quality (Oakland) but I cannot get my *** out of bed in the morning.

Been missing workouts because I don't have time at night to go.
Anybody in here ever try “squat everyday” ?

I’m about to start it.

Ran it from 6 Aug to 21 Oct.

Squat 1RM went from a grindy 390 (sleeves) to a slow 510 (wrapped). That's 120 lbs. in 11 weeks; lifetime PR of 50#.

Probably could have gotten more out of it if food/sleep/recovery were on point. Lower back was also never 100% while I ran it after I tweaked it deadlifting.:lol::smh:

Used the same principles and applied them to the press. Bench press gains were better than the last time I ran Smolov Jr.
Mine are subpar lol. I wish I had good genetics. I think my back is probably my only strong point.

Finally got 360x1 paused though 2 weeks ago. On the grind to 405 paused and a 600 dead. I'll worry about squats after I finish PT for my knee.

Threw up 130x8 easy on DB flat press tho.
Welcome back my g. :pimp:
Anybody in here ever try “squat everyday” ?

I’m about to start it.

I don't get that fad lol

Cant see how you would benefit from it anymore than doing it 3 days a week and having your volume/intensity in check.
I don't get that fad lol

Cant see how you would benefit from it anymore than doing it 3 days a week and having your volume/intensity in check.

The Bulgarian method is not really a fad but a program in its own right based on high-frequency training methods employed by some Olympic lifters.

The benefits in squat strength are much better than 3x/wk because frequency/technique trumps volume/intensity for increasing 1RM strength, all other factors being equal.

For me it worked better than Smolov/Smolov Jr., can be also be applied to just about any lift, can be sustained for a longer duration, and produced much less soreness/joint pain. Only real downsides are the decrease in endurance strength (i.e. the ability to sets of reps >5 or so) and the increased caloric demand of doing what amounts to full body sessions 5-7x a week), compared to more "Bro" types of training.
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