STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Christmas was good. Old lady got me my SBD knee sleeves and wrist wraps. Brother surprised me with Romaleo 3's. My white elephant got me deadlift slippers but havent received them yet.

Retiring the chucks for good. Can't wait to get back and try this new stuff.
Same. Avoiding all sodas that has caffeine in it as well. It’s gonna be hard to get a workout in but I honestly feel like it’ll do me better health wise in the long run. I’ll also get better sleep.
For me I'm drinking nothing but water to be on the safe side of guaranteeing no caffeine..
I lift at night man and I’m also on medication that makes me drowsy so I need a cup of coffee some days man.

I miss having time in the AMs. That morning pump is the best feeling in the world.
That morning pump is the best feeling in the world.

My wife got me the jaybird freedoms (she bought em for me 2 months ago before Best buy had the x3s for 70 bucks.)

What do you think off em

I just got my replacement freedom 2 from jaybird yesterday.

they worked fine for about 8 months then I got a new phone and it wouldn't connect to new phone. Tried a soft reset and hard reset a bunch of times still wouldn't connect. the headphones wouldn't reconnect to my old phone either. it was a wrap for them
I just got my replacement freedom 2 from jaybird yesterday.

they worked fine for about 8 months then I got a new phone and it wouldn't connect to new phone. Tried a soft reset and hard reset a bunch of times still wouldn't connect. the headphones wouldn't reconnect to my old phone either. it was a wrap for them
They sent it for free?
They sent it for free?

yeah it was still under warranty. I contacted them via chat, sent them copy of receipt and other info. I thought it was going to a refurb :sick: but I was surprise it was brand new.

if they crap out on me like the first one I'll be done with them
Quit in April. Best decision I ever made aside from quitting smoking when I was 23.

I quit drinking energy drinks and pwo months ago. It was a good idea for sure.

I still drink two cups of coffee in the morning though.
I’ve been using these powerbeats for the last 1.5 yrs, they been good to me. I lost one of the rubbers, can’t find the replacements. Too cheap to spend the <$10 to get more. Been going raw in my left ear for like a month smh
That external stimuli of always having to be on your guard. Like continuous survival mode. Has to have some sort of impact on one’s CNS.

**** all that I rather pay $600/Month or less for semi-personal training and access to an open gym.
Absolutely convinced that inmates testosterone must be through the roof.

Not sure whether a naturally high test rate cause them to be wild aggressive which therein caused them to be locked up or the theory you mentioned. Either them dudes swole.
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Them boys lifting hard becuase that ALL they got to get them through the day. It’s dedication or nothing in there. Good for them but that ain’t it for me :lol:
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