STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

My wife wants to get back into shape after having our third kid earlier this year

Hasn’t been able to get back to the gym and it will be harder once her part time instructor position begins mid January

She typically uses an elliptical or arc trainer at the gym and is looking to buy one to be able to make time for it rather than try to make time for the gym

Any suggestions? Should she be considering anything else?

Mainly looking to get in shape/lose weight
My wife wants to get back into shape after having our third kid earlier this year

Hasn’t been able to get back to the gym and it will be harder once her part time instructor position begins mid January

She typically uses an elliptical or arc trainer at the gym and is looking to buy one to be able to make time for it rather than try to make time for the gym

Any suggestions? Should she be considering anything else?

Mainly looking to get in shape/lose weight

Have her read this. One of the best fitness resources for women. Diet and resistance training. She's very accessible on social media too.

Amazon product ASIN 1492545902
My wife wants to get back into shape after having our third kid earlier this year

Hasn’t been able to get back to the gym and it will be harder once her part time instructor position begins mid January

She typically uses an elliptical or arc trainer at the gym and is looking to buy one to be able to make time for it rather than try to make time for the gym

Any suggestions? Should she be considering anything else?

Mainly looking to get in shape/lose weight

eat right?
My wife wants to get back into shape after having our third kid earlier this year

Hasn’t been able to get back to the gym and it will be harder once her part time instructor position begins mid January

She typically uses an elliptical or arc trainer at the gym and is looking to buy one to be able to make time for it rather than try to make time for the gym

Any suggestions? Should she be considering anything else?

Mainly looking to get in shape/lose weight

Just my .02, but I would help her make time for the gym. She doesn't need to be there that long or that often to make a difference.

Not sure how you could make time for a machine at home but not for the gym, the only time savings is the commute.

Also, what the others said: eat right.
My wife wants to get back into shape after having our third kid earlier this year

Hasn’t been able to get back to the gym and it will be harder once her part time instructor position begins mid January

She typically uses an elliptical or arc trainer at the gym and is looking to buy one to be able to make time for it rather than try to make time for the gym

Any suggestions? Should she be considering anything else?

Mainly looking to get in shape/lose weight

If she’s really that strapped for time, tell her to forget the cardio and lift. Resistance training is the most economical form of exercise when you consider all that you get for your effort (highest increase in LBM, highest increase in strength, improvements in cardiovascular health, lower BP, etc).

Secondly, everyone makes time to eat. Reducing her calories is something she can work on everyday at every meal. Diet will be the most important factor in her weight loss because as everyone knows, you can’t outwork your mouth.

I would just have her resistance train 3x a week and reduce her calories while upping her protein. Something like 11-12 calories per pound and 1.15g of protein per pound are good starting points and then she can adjust from there depending on her results week to week.

For the training itself, if she’s new to lifting I wouldn’t specialize her in Barbell movements yet. Get her to build strength in a variety of movements, rep ranges, and intensities. A 30-45 minute full body routine 3x a week and a caloric deficit with high protein would be a solid start for her.
I can help her, but she needs to help herself first

As far as making time for the gym, it would be Monday, Tuesday, or Friday mornings before I leave for work (have to get a kindergartener on a school bus and two younger ones to daycare two days a week) outside of weekends

I work Monday-Friday and leave about 7:30-7:45, and get home close to 6 except Fridays which is more like 6:45

She works Monday-Thursday with Wednesday and Thursday starting at 6:30 so she’s out the door prior to 6 but is starting a part time instructor position mid January which will be 4 hours Monday evening (potentially changing shift at primary job to accommodate this) 4 hours Wednesday evening, and maybe another 4 hour shift Thursday

My mom watches the younger ones two days a week and having her stay extra is asking for a lot

Our youngest one is only 10 months old and goes to bed at 7 and is in a teething stage which disrupts sleeps for both of us

The older two go to bed 8-8:30 but can’t be sent to bed alone...I have to help the toddler get to sleep by laying with her

A gym commute on top of this just seems like it’s too much and would be tough for her to have the enthusiasm to do it

We were going to look into the YMCA as an option but there’s concern about germs especially this time of year
I can help her, but she needs to help herself first

As far as making time for the gym, it would be Monday, Tuesday, or Friday mornings before I leave for work (have to get a kindergartener on a school bus and two younger ones to daycare two days a week) outside of weekends

I work Monday-Friday and leave about 7:30-7:45, and get home close to 6 except Fridays which is more like 6:45

She works Monday-Thursday with Wednesday and Thursday starting at 6:30 so she’s out the door prior to 6 but is starting a part time instructor position mid January which will be 4 hours Monday evening (potentially changing shift at primary job to accommodate this) 4 hours Wednesday evening, and maybe another 4 hour shift Thursday

My mom watches the younger ones two days a week and having her stay extra is asking for a lot

Our youngest one is only 10 months old and goes to bed at 7 and is in a teething stage which disrupts sleeps for both of us

The older two go to bed 8-8:30 but can’t be sent to bed alone...I have to help the toddler get to sleep by laying with her

A gym commute on top of this just seems like it’s too much and would be tough for her to have the enthusiasm to do it

We were going to look into the YMCA as an option but there’s concern about germs especially this time of year

Right, all of that is normal, it's called having a family. I don't know what to tell you except that if she's serious, she will find a way. I used to make excuses and I am single, so I can only imagine having family commitments on top of that.

The one thing I do know is that the drive to do this thing has to come from within. It can't effectively be forced on people and you can only do so much for them. I know active duty folks with little kids and spouses that still make it to the gym, on top of regular PT sessions.

If she want's, she'll get it.

As far as germs go, all gyms are filthy, just like most other public places like movie theaters, shopping malls, grocery stores, restaurants, etc., but I doubt that keeps you guys from going to them. Your kids are also germ farms but you guys still have them in the house. Let's not have a weak germs excuse deter you all from fitness.
My wife wants to get back into shape after having our third kid earlier this year

Hasn’t been able to get back to the gym and it will be harder once her part time instructor position begins mid January

She typically uses an elliptical or arc trainer at the gym and is looking to buy one to be able to make time for it rather than try to make time for the gym

Any suggestions? Should she be considering anything else?

Mainly looking to get in shape/lose weight
Ask her to do some classes (depending on your gym what they offer). Some people are hard to internally motivate themselves. In classes it’s ride or die for at least 30-45 mins with a group of people. Then she can branch off if need be.
Right, all of that is normal, it's called having a family. I don't know what to tell you except that if she's serious, she will find a way. I used to make excuses and I am single, so I can only imagine having family commitments on top of that.

The one thing I do know is that the drive to do this thing has to come from within. It can't effectively be forced on people and you can only do so much for them. I know active duty folks with little kids and spouses that still make it to the gym, on top of regular PT sessions.

If she want's, she'll get it.

As far as germs go, all gyms are filthy, just like most other public places like movie theaters, shopping malls, grocery stores, restaurants, etc., but I doubt that keeps you guys from going to them. Your kids are also germ farms but you guys still have them in the house. Let's not have a weak germs excuse deter you all from fitness.

I was gonna say the same thing.

Let’s say she decides all the stress is too much and she can’t habdle the gym on top, Shell just fill her free time with something else (movies, books, crafts, tv, social media, etc)

We all have free time even if some have more or less than others. It’s about what you do with what you have. If it means sacrificing tv time or an hour of sleep or just lounging around the house then so be it. But it comes down to the individual.
How’s chocolate peanut butter?

How would cop mocha cappuccino but it’s gone.
Sup NT brethren.
I have an Olympic bar and some weights that I want to put to use. Im buying a weight bench. Anyone have experience with golds gym weight bench?

These are the two im looking at...

Also can these fit the oylmpic size bar?
My budget is around $125.

Should be able to. No experience with Gold's benches though.

I'd prolly get the second one. It looks a bit sturdier and slightly more flexible in terms of exercise selection. Also, the first bench looks uncomfortable for flat presses from a knee/leg space position.

I’m not the strongest guy in the gym. But with this NT shirt, I am the freshest.
Got 2 for $42 after my GC. I’ll be good for the next 6 months :pimp:

I was able to order mocha cappuccino. I didn’t see it until I filtered by the 5lb size and it popped up. Got that and extreme milk chocolate.
Check your email.

It’ll get cancelled. I’m tight lol.
Check your email.

It’ll get cancelled. I’m tight lol.

YOOO they really cancelled the mocha capp and sent the milk chocolate. Should have just cancelled the entire order. That's foul.

Guess I'll have to place another order and return the other one, but they only charged me $30 for the milk chocolate. If they still charged the GC then I have to wait to get that refunded. Hopefully the sale code is still going on.
YOOO they really cancelled the mocha capp and sent the milk chocolate. Should have just cancelled the entire order. That's foul.

Guess I'll have to place another order and return the other one, but they only charged me $30 for the milk chocolate. If they still charged the GC then I have to wait to get that refunded. Hopefully the sale code is still going on.
I was sooooo mad. Like why even make it an option to choose and order.

Was about to place another order but don’t feel like going to the hassle or being the ultimate gym bro and sit on 15 pounds of protein :lol:
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