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Tank Top Master Tank Top Master too much volume?? What should I get rid of? It’s in order by days

Tank Top Master Tank Top Master too much volume?? What should I get rid of?

Only glaring thing I saw was the box jumps. Might wanna make em to the first exercise of the day, as part of your warm up, or axe em all together. Definitely don't want to do em after your legs are already shot.:sick:

Also, the push/pull volume looks a little wonky. nSuns has a lot of pushing sets (T1/T2), but no direct back work (we're not including deads here), so it's recommended that you add more pulling/back exercises and not too many pushing accessories to it (chest/shoulder exercises). If your shoulders tend to get cranky when you bench a lot, dial back the push accessories a bit.

Also, consider the amount of time you have. As I said earlier, I tend take about 30-45 minutes for both T1 and T2 lifts, including warm ups and around 2 mins rest/set. That's 1 hour to an hour and a half before I even start accessory work. I, however, usually budget at least 3 hours of gym time a day and can bump that up as needed. YMMV. I don't know your work/home/hobby life details. Your templates above have like 10-14 accessory lifts; at just 3 sets per accessory lift, that's 17 T1/T2 + 30 to 42 accessory sets = 47 to 59 working sets per day. If that doesn't sound on par with what you are already doing, you know you went OD and need to dial it back. You better be eating a whole horse a day either way.:lol:

As far as too much volume, that depends on what you can handle and what you can recover from. I'll say it again, volume being too much or too little depends on what you can handle and what you can recover from.

I will post my workouts and the accessories and note the time so you can see what it's looking like. For reference sake, I capped the number of lifts on all days to no more than 10 plus the T1 & T2.
Lol. Haven’t got to it yet. Most 3 sets.

As another reference, the workout I posted yesterday took me ≈ 2hrs, 55mins and was only like 45 sets, but a lot of those were singles. For instance, I took like 7 minutes between 455 and 550 on DL. Nothing else was that much, but you get the point.

As a general rule, as the weights get heavier in relation to your 1RM, so should the length of your rest time.
Monday on the 6 day Squat template will look like this:
Bench Press: 9 working sets
Military Press: 8 sets
Pendlay Row 3x10-12
Incline DB Press 3x6-8
Wide-Grip Pulldowns 4x8-10
V-Bar Lat Pulldowns 2x12-15
Seated Cable Row 3x8-10
EZ-Bar Curls 4x10-12
Tricep Pushdowns 4x10-12
Chin-ups x50
High-Low Cable Flyes 4x10-12
Face Pulls 5x12-15

That's 49 sets plus the chin-up ladder. It prolly won't take more than 2hr, 40mins.
Only glaring thing I saw was the box jumps. Might wanna make em to the first exercise of the day, as part of your warm up, or axe em all together. Definitely don't want to do em after your legs are already shot.:sick:

Also, the push/pull volume looks a little wonky. nSuns has a lot of pushing sets (T1/T2), but no direct back work (we're not including deads here), so it's recommended that you add more pulling/back exercises and not too many pushing accessories to it (chest/shoulder exercises). If your shoulders tend to get cranky when you bench a lot, dial back the push accessories a bit.

Also, consider the amount of time you have. As I said earlier, I tend take about 30-45 minutes for both T1 and T2 lifts, including warm ups and around 2 mins rest/set. That's 1 hour to an hour and a half before I even start accessory work. I, however, usually budget at least 3 hours of gym time a day and can bump that up as needed. YMMV. I don't know your work/home/hobby life details. Your templates above have like 10-14 accessory lifts; at just 3 sets per accessory lift, that's 17 T1/T2 + 30 to 42 accessory sets = 47 to 59 working sets per day. If that doesn't sound on par with what you are already doing, you know you went OD and need to dial it back. You better be eating a whole horse a day either way.:lol:

As far as too much volume, that depends on what you can handle and what you can recover from. I'll say it again, volume being too much or too little depends on what you can handle and what you can recover from.

I will post my workouts and the accessories and note the time so you can see what it's looking like. For reference sake, I capped the number of lifts on all days to no more than 10 plus the T1 & T2.

I completely forgot about the 8-9 sets and how long that will actually take. Wow.

Monday on the 6 day Squat template will look like this:
Bench Press: 9 working sets
Military Press: 8 sets
Pendlay Row 3x10-12
Incline DB Press 3x6-8
Wide-Grip Pulldowns 4x8-10
V-Bar Lat Pulldowns 2x12-15
Seated Cable Row 3x8-10
EZ-Bar Curls 4x10-12
Tricep Pushdowns 4x10-12
Chin-ups x50
High-Low Cable Flyes 4x10-12
Face Pulls 5x12-15

That's 49 sets plus the chin-up ladder. It prolly won't take more than 2hr, 40mins.

That looks good. Something that I would do. 2hr and 40 is a lonnngggg time.

I guess I'll have to go and experience it tomorrow. I'm going in the morning for Monday.

I'm use to high volume since I been doing it for a while now.
Today, 6 am light warm up on the leg press, one set, then back squats. 5x20 @ 225.
Reverse lunges 3x12 @ 135
Leg extensions 4x25 @ 100/150/200/250
Standing single leg curls 4x15 @ 100
Stiff legged dead lift 4/12 @ 225

DB Shoulder Press 4x12 @ 65/75/85
Barbell Behind The Neck Shoulder Press 3x8 155
DB Side laterals 3x20 30 lbs

Done, 1 Hour.
Monday afternoon 45 mins on stationary bike.
Yeah I don't wanna be in the gym anymore than 2hr 15 min. Hopefully it goes well tomorrow.

Combine some of that accessory work into super sets or giant sets and just hit like 3 sets to fail. It will save you a lot of time.

Combine the stuff that makes sense like all those curls and triceps work.

I superset a lot of leg day stuff too.
Anything more than 1 hr and 30 minutes imo is just too much. Pushing past 2 hours consistently may be alarming

That’s about where I’m at. 30-40 minutes on one of the big three and the rest is lighter weight accessory until I’m fried. I don’t focus so much on the machine or lift as much as the muscle group for accessory.

Some people do pec dec and cable flys. I’ll just do 100 reps on one vs 50 and 50 and superset that with another lift or two that makes sense and lift until the wheels fall off. Tons of reps in a little time.
im only in the gym 2 hours on the days i squat/bench on the same day. mainly cause im resting a lot between my sets. other days im done in 1 hour and outta there
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