STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Thanks again Tank Top Master Tank Top Master i just found a app for it, man this couldn't be more perfect!!!!

Here I am doing one compound each workout.

The program wants me to go extremely light sometimes. OHP they want me to throw 70lbs on the bar at 55% idk about that. Gonna be in the gym looking weak.

It also wants me to Sumo Deadlift which I never attempted because I'm not a fan, but I'm assuming it's good for legs. But it also has Conventional once a week.
Thanks again Tank Top Master Tank Top Master i just found a app for it, man this couldn't be more perfect!!!!

Here I am doing one compound each workout.

The program wants me to go extremely light sometimes. OHP they want me to throw 70lbs on the bar at 55% idk about that. Gonna be in the gym looking weak.

It also wants me to Sumo Deadlift which I never attempted because I'm not a fan, but I'm assuming it's good for legs. But it also has Conventional once a week.

The first and last day on the 6 day templates call for lighter weights for a reason: you finna be smoked if your TM is accurate.:lol: The OHP after the BP on day 1 is gonna feel heavier than is sounds, and there's eight sets of it, and after all those sets you still gotta finish accessory work. I usually spend 30 minutes each on BP/OHP, and around 30-45 mins (each) for squats/deads before I even start my 3rd lift.:rofl:

Then two days after that you gotta hit heavy OHP + T2 Incline Bench and a two days after that heavy BP + CGBP. The program is definitely doable, but if you are breezing at any point your TM is prolly too low.

The good thing about this program is your TM increases weekly as long as your 1+ set numbers on point. That means after four weeks, you'd be doing that 70lbs set with 80lbs instead. I think you see where this is going.

As for Sumo, this is the program that introduced it to me. I pull conv almost always, but the sumo here is a nice change of pace. Less stress on the lower back, more PC activation, and it serves to set you up for all the squatting and conventional pulling the program has you do.
High reps on squats is toughhhh mentally

Sometimes I wanna just rerack it.

Oh and I’ll be here a lot more now, get used to me.

SupremeBeing5 SupremeBeing5

Give sumo a try, I pull more weight conventional too but sumo has its place.

For one it uses muscles you never use. It has good carry over into your squat unlike conventional.

I pulled sumo for 6 weeks and didn’t squat heavy during that time. After my squat went up.

Do a good sumo day and your legs are gonna be fried but your back will be like you never deadlifted. I tend to get headaches the day after I dl becasue my traps are so sore. :lol:

And yeah high reps are a *****. I just hit 185x26 on back squats the other day and almost died. I was shooting for 31.
SupremeBeing5 SupremeBeing5 It has good carry over into your squat unlike conventional.

^This. The reverse is also true for conventional, I find. When I hammered front and back squat I could still match my DL PR with hardly any effort. Before squatting so much that effort might have killed me.:sick::rofl:

It forms a little circle: Sumo DL + ===> Squat + ====> Conventional DL + ===> Sumo DL +

Also explains why my sumo is so much weaker: I'm scared to hit them glutes hard at the gym, so my whole posterior chain is comparatively weaker...:nerd:
The first and last day on the 6 day templates call for lighter weights for a reason: you finna be smoked if your TM is accurate.:lol: The OHP after the BP on day 1 is gonna feel heavier than is sounds, and there's eight sets of it, and after all those sets you still gotta finish accessory work. I usually spend 30 minutes each on BP/OHP, and around 30-45 mins (each) for squats/deads before I even start my 3rd lift.:rofl:

Then two days after that you gotta hit heavy OHP + T2 Incline Bench and a two days after that heavy BP + CGBP. The program is definitely doable, but if you are breezing at any point your TM is prolly too low.

The good thing about this program is your TM increases weekly as long as your 1+ set numbers on point. That means after four weeks, you'd be doing that 70lbs set with 80lbs instead. I think you see where this is going.

As for Sumo, this is the program that introduced it to me. I pull conv almost always, but the sumo here is a nice change of pace. Less stress on the lower back, more PC activation, and it serves to set you up for all the squatting and conventional pulling the program has you do.

Lol I might be underestimating the 8 sets. That Friday already got me shook.

But I’m gonna get to it regardless. Even if I gotta use 2.5 plates.

SupremeBeing5 SupremeBeing5

Give sumo a try, I pull more weight conventional too but sumo has its place.

For one it uses muscles you never use. It has good carry over into your squat unlike conventional.

I pulled sumo for 6 weeks and didn’t squat heavy during that time. After my squat went up.

Do a good sumo day and your legs are gonna be fried but your back will be like you never deadlifted. I tend to get headaches the day after I dl becasue my traps are so sore. :lol:

And yeah high reps are a *****. I just hit 185x26 on back squats the other day and almost died. I was shooting for 31.

Ok thanks for the info. I’m excited for Sumo’s now. Hopefully I get the same results as you.

26 reps? I would’ve passed out.
^This. The reverse is also true for conventional, I find. When I hammered front and back squat I could still match my DL PR with hardly any effort. Before squatting so much that effort might have killed me.:sick::rofl:

It forms a little circle: Sumo DL + ===> Squat + ====> Conventional DL + ===> Sumo DL +

Also explains why my sumo is so much weaker: I'm scared to hit them glutes hard at the gym, so my whole posterior chain is comparatively weaker...:nerd:

Dude I didn’t dl at all for a month and only squatted heavy then went to dl and I was ripping 455 off the ground like it was 315. So much speed. Sometimes less is more with dl.
Bars are everything.

The Ohio bar is :pimp:

My favorite bar though is the Texas power bar my gym has with more chill knurling. The Chan bar is also dope by rogue. Pretty stiff with mellow knurling so it’s good for all lifts.




Lat Pulldown (V-Bar): 3x10
Rope Cable Crunch: 3x10
Seated Leg Curl: 3x20
Seated Calf Raise: 3x20
Face Pulls: 3x10
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