STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Half now / half tomorrow.

Sweet potato noodles ftw.

“Fresh kitchen”

I think at my peak I did 365x5x5 and I would probably struggle to hit it for one right now. Its not only the weight loss but also my programming, I haven't trained for strength solely in like 2 years.

What was your meet #s and what weight class did you compete in?
Anyone working on pull ups?

im trash at them but definitely know theyll get me the gains. especially in my shoulders.

any tips tricks are appreciated

Right now I do pull ups 2x a week on the assisted machine in my gym. I absolutely hate it but I do it. I just bought a stretch band to help with my pull ups this week, so I'll start using that instead of the machine on my next pull day (tomorrow).
Tips for pull-ups, use your upper chest. Imagine touching the bar with your upper chest. Most people don’t know that the upper chest is worked when doing pull ups.

Watch this. Dude has a 200lb weighted pull-up. I’ve never seen anyone stronger than him on pull ups
Right now I do pull ups 2x a week on the assisted machine in my gym. I absolutely hate it but I do it. I just bought a stretch band to help with my pull ups this week, so I'll start using that instead of the machine on my next pull day (tomorrow).

Yeah I think bands are gonna get me right.
Yeah I think bands are gonna get me right.

I should add a few of my friends said it took them almost a year to be able to do pull-ups. Just got to keep it on the machine or with bands, in between time also working at it without any assistance.
I should add a few of my friends said it took them almost a year to be able to do pull-ups. Just got to keep it on the machine or with bands, in between time also working at it without any assistance.

Damn. I don’t remember when I couldn’t do a pull-up.

Have someone hold your legs and help push you up. It’s like someone spotting you at the gym.

Or is that what the machine does?
Any members that are/were hard gainers for weight/muscle mass?

After a rough 2018 with health issues and other things with family and friends I started going to the gym in late September. Also started eating better and more in general. Since then I pretty much go to the gym 5x a week (Sun - Legs, Mon - Pull, Tues - Push, Wed - Off, Thurs - Pull, Fri - Push, Sat - Off). Seeing tiny changes but feel I should be seeing more improvement at this point. Obviously this is a marathon and something I'll continue to invest my time into now that I'm addicted.

Any tips from hard gainers to put on?

Any members that are/were hard gainers for weight/muscle mass?

Any tips from hard gainers to put on?

Aye, I be a hardgainer (read: skinny bastard). Didn't weigh more than 155 lbs until I was 24.:sick:

Before I saw the attachments I figured the two biggest issues were that you were not eating enough and not lifting heavy or hard enough. Saw the pics, I was correct in my assumptions.

That number of calories seems super low. I'd check the math and recalculate. I am assuming you are male. If so, there are very few dudes that are small enough to where they can make gains on such a small amount of food. If you are trying to gain and are not, your calories are too low. I'll say it again: if you are trying to gain weight and the number on the scale stays the same, your calories are too low. If you are gaining noticeable amounts of fat in a short period of time, you're obviously overdoing it. You want to be somewhere in between those extremes.

As for the workout, I expected some type of BS split and I was not disappointed. As a complete noob (somebody who is, by the numbers, very weak) PPL (push/pull/legs) is simply too advanced for you. It'd be like signing up for a doctorate level course your freshman year of high school. You simply don't have enough experience under a bar to program a workout for yourself or to incorporate auto-regulation. Even looking at the schedule/order of the workouts I could tell something was off (it should ideally be Legs then Push then Pull or Pull then Push then Legs). The main benefit of PPL is increased frequency compared to 1x/wk "bro" splits, so by not training everything twice in a 7-8 day period, you're kind of shooting yourself in the foot.

The workouts you posted are wildly imbalanced, you have way too much pushing volume (i.e. push ups on pull day), not enough pull or legs, and you have too much focus on smaller muscle groups (arms, chest), and not enough on the ones that matter (back, quads, hams, traps, etc.). It looks like something either you or another novice slapped together. Scrap it. Pick up the e-version of Starting Strength and either do that program, Greyskull, StrongLifts 5x5, or another proven novice program.

tl;dr: Eat more, workout less, use a proven novice program.

Don't take this as me coming at you sideways, I just didn't sugarcoat my response. Congrats on at least attempting to change and feel free to ask for any advice that you need.
Any members that are/were hard gainers for weight/muscle mass?

After a rough 2018 with health issues and other things with family and friends I started going to the gym in late September. Also started eating better and more in general. Since then I pretty much go to the gym 5x a week (Sun - Legs, Mon - Pull, Tues - Push, Wed - Off, Thurs - Pull, Fri - Push, Sat - Off). Seeing tiny changes but feel I should be seeing more improvement at this point. Obviously this is a marathon and something I'll continue to invest my time into now that I'm addicted.

Any tips from hard gainers to put on?

For me, my maintenance is between 2100 and 2700 calories. You are more than likely not eating enough and are working out too much. Try increasing your calories incrementally to see what produces results. You don't need much. Just up it around 300 - 500 more calories a day
Week 2, Day 4: 4:30AM workout

nSuns 5/3/1 - Day 4 (Deadlift/Front Squat 5/3/1 Day):
1. Front Squat: w/u
1x5x110; 1x5x145; 3,5,7,4,6,8 @175
2. Deadlift: w/u
1x5x310; 1x3x350; 1x1+ [5]x390; 1x1x455; 1x1x495; 1x1x555; 1x3x370; 1x3x350; 1x3x330; 1x3x310; 1x3x285; 1x3+ [3]x265;
3. Single-Leg Press 3x10
4. V-Bar Lat Pulldown 3x15
5. Seated Cable Row 3x10
6. Seated Calf Raise 1x20, 3x20

Summary: 33 working sets
Time: 2hrs, 00 mins.
Notes: Felt nauseous before I even left the crib and was dragging *** all workout. Took an hour and a half to finish fronts and deads. Ended up cutting accessories short.
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