STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Hit chest first time in over a month.

Slow and steady. Feeling like I got my energy back this week. Went light.

Treadmill 20min
Elipitical 15min

Bench 135 2x10 185 3x10
Db bench 4x10
Db incline 4x10
Db fly (feet up) 4x10
Dips (bodyweight) 6x10
Skullcrushers 4x10
Rope pulldown 4x10

Forearm curls

I’m skipping chest today. Worked 12 hours slept one... **** that. :lol:

If I gotta skip one it’s chest.
Welp, that was an awful weather conditions run this AM.

Disney Star Wars race.

Pouring rain.

5 x 5 BB flat bench press ( 65%, 75% 80% 85% 90% )
4 X 12 Incline DB press / 4 x 12 DB reverse grip Standing Rows (superset)
3 X 12 DB Flys / 3 x 12 DB incline rows (superset)
5 x 12 BB Rows
3 x 12 seated chest press
3 x 12 seated machine rows
3 x 12 cable chest press
Dips super setted with rope pulldowns ( to faliure )

Did this for Chest and triceps day.... any sugggestions to spice it up?
Had shoulders today but will switch it to legs. Need these quads to grow

I is excited.

Wednesday i didn't feel as if i put in work smh
Week 2, Day 5: 4:00ish workout

nSuns 5/3/1 - Day 5 (Bench/Close-Grip 5/3/1 Day):
1. Bench Press: w/u
1x5x195; 1x3x220; 1x1+ [5]x245; 1x1x255; 1x1x265; 1x1x275; 1x3x235; 1x5x220; 1x3x210; 1x5x195; 1x3x180; 1x5+ [5]x170;
2. Close-Grip Bench Press:
1x6x100; 1x5x130; 3,5,7,4,6,8 @ 155
3. Decline Chest Press 3x15
4. High-Low Cable Flyes 3x12
5. Machine Preacher Curl 3x12 ss/
6. EZ-Bar Skullcrushers 3x12
7. DB Hammer Curls 3x12 ss/
8. Tricep Pushdowns 3x12
9. Overheard Cable Press 3x10
10. Tricep Cable Kickbacks 3x12
11. Incline Dumbbell Curls 3x15
12. Seated Barbell Wrist Curls 4x12
13. DB Wrist Curls 3x12

Summary: 52 working sets
Time: 2hrs, 15 mins.
To people asking what to do if its difficult for you to put on weight, the answer will always be: eat more.

Its probably the most simplest answer to any question ever. Theres tons of tricks too.

Cook everything with fatty oils
Eat fatty meats
Put sauces on everything
High calorie meal/shake before bed like peanut butter sandwich
Cheat meals
Full sugar juices/gatorades
Chocolate milk after every meal
Snack on high fat things like nuts
Eat a ******* honey bun or ice cream every night

Theres tons of other ways but those are all easy and effective, you cant gain weight eating plain chicken, turkey, broccoli and rice, not gonna happen. I remember making the craziest shakes and meals when i was trying to get big and strong, my fat *** would put mayo on my rice and beef and **** like that. Its not hard once you get it down pat.
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How much has it? Know their stuff is taxed lol
got it for $699 free shipping but with tax close to $750

I bought the wind guard and cell phone holder for it too. looks they raised the prices on them recently :smh:

some models of the schwinn airdyne bikes have decent reviews but I don't have any first hand experience with them
To people asking what to do if its difficult for you to put on weight, the answer will always be: eat more.

Its probably the most simplest answer to any question ever. Theres tons of tricks too.

Cook everything with fatty oils
Eat fatty meats
Put sauces on everything
High calorie meal/shake before bed like peanut butter sandwich
Cheat meals
Full sugar juices/gatorades
Chocolate milk after every meal
Snack on high fat things like nuts
Eat a ****ing honey bun or ice cream every night

Theres tons of other ways but those are all easy and effective, you cant gain weight eating plain chicken, turkey, broccoli and rice, not gonna happen. I remember making the craziest shakes and meals when i was trying to get big and strong, my fat *** would put mayo on my rice and beef and **** like that. Its not hard once you get it down pat.
i guess you didn't fear diabetes, 'eh?
I got an assault bike n rogue safety squat bar on craigslist for 400

always good deals
got it for $699 free shipping but with tax close to $750

I bought the wind guard and cell phone holder for it too. looks they raised the prices on them recently :smh:

some models of the schwinn airdyne bikes have decent reviews but I don't have any first hand experience with them
You can catch them on sale after the games or when Rogue has new inventory, I got mine for 700. If you want a quick cardio burn.. Echo Bike>>>
Thanks guys. Seen some shwinn bikes for 400 but I’ll check those out. I don’t mind paying more for quality
lol did I say sit on the couch everyday and eat candy? We are talking about people who exercise here and are trying to put on muscle.

Responses like this are why a lot of you will never get bigger or stronger. Dudes been in the gym 2 or 3 years and still look the same.
You do realize that there are people who are predisposed to certain metabolic disorders, who still train and are active athletically, correct? If you are predisposed to certain maladies, eating as you've suggested will place you at risk. I can't hate on anyone who is chasing the look, and that is cool. But health and function is equally as important, if not more important, would you agree? Being big, yet unhealthy should not be the goal.
You do realize that there are people who are predisposed to certain metabolic disorders, who still train and are active athletically, correct? If you are predisposed to certain maladies, eating as you've suggested will place you at risk. I can't hate on anyone who is chasing the look, and that is cool. But health and function is equally as important, if not more important, would you agree? Being big, yet unhealthy should not be the goal.

I think there's probably a happy medium. Moderation is key. Everyone has to tailor their diet to their own needs. Sounded like the dude asking for advice had an extremely hard time putting on mass. Having a milkshake, eating a burger or having some Ben and Jerry's occasionally probably wouldn't hurt. His meals looked super clean.
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I think there's probably a happy medium. Moderation is key. Everyone has to tailor their diet to their own needs. Sounded like the dude asking for advice had an extremely hard time putting on mass. Having a milkshake, eating a burger or having some Ben and Jerry's once in a while probably wouldn't hurt. His meals looked super clean.

I didn't know that it was a response to an inquiry. I simply saw all of that food, and was like :wow:

Now im curious why you asked :lol:

I know its not healthy. But this was during the middle of the day is when i weighed myself,and after eating/drinking i figured the numbers might be off somewhat.

Either way i changed my diet up, that body fat number scares me tbh
I didn't know that it was a response to an inquiry. I simply saw all of that food, and was like :wow:

Yeah us slender folks have stupid fast metabolisms. In college I ate a straight pizza, burger, taco, chicken tender diet and still didn't add any real weight :lol:
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