STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Week 2, Day 4: 4:30AM workout

nSuns 5/3/1 - Day 4 (Deadlift/Front Squat 5/3/1 Day):
1. Front Squat: w/u
1x5x110; 1x5x145; 3,5,7,4,6,8 @175
2. Deadlift: w/u
1x5x310; 1x3x350; 1x1+ [5]x390; 1x1x455; 1x1x495; 1x1x555; 1x3x370; 1x3x370; 1x3x330; 1x3x310; 1x3x285; 1x3+ [3]x265;
3. Single-Leg Press 3x10
4. V-Bar Lat Pulldown 3x15
5. Seated Cable Row 3x10
6. Seated Calf Raise 1x20, 3x20

Summary: 33 working sets
Time: 2hrs, 00 mins.
Notes: Felt nauseous before I even left the crib and was dragging *** all workout. Took an hour and a half to finish fronts and deads. Ended up cutting accessories short.

Shouldn’t the +1 be 95%???

I notice you do heavy singles that’s way higher.
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Any members that are/were hard gainers for weight/muscle mass?

After a rough 2018 with health issues and other things with family and friends I started going to the gym in late September. Also started eating better and more in general. Since then I pretty much go to the gym 5x a week (Sun - Legs, Mon - Pull, Tues - Push, Wed - Off, Thurs - Pull, Fri - Push, Sat - Off). Seeing tiny changes but feel I should be seeing more improvement at this point. Obviously this is a marathon and something I'll continue to invest my time into now that I'm addicted.

Any tips from hard gainers to put on?





i agree with what Tank Top Master Tank Top Master said. idk how tall you are but you're def not eating enough. im 5'7 and started at 135 lb and i was eating 3K calories a day to bulk. i was dirty bulking though. im 173 now but im usually sit around 164ish.

also you have too many push workouts and I would personally not deadlift and squat the same day. how many times do you lift in a week? you need to be hitting each muscle group at least 2x a week. protein synthesis only lasts for about 48 hours so once that's done, the muscle is no longer growing so you need to hit it again. if you want the most frequency, you can do full body workouts since that training split allows you to hit the muscles with the most voume in terms of a weekly basis.
Man I’m over weight gain forever. Went from 175ish to 215 and kept it for about 2 and a half years. The most expensive and physicially destructive thing I’ve done to myself. Outside of the 2-3 hours or gym time I was completely worthless
I went from 115 to 200. :lol: I felt gross at 200.

I’m at 175 or so now and I’m good here.
Good lord. That like having and Asian woman strapped to your back forever lol. At some point you have have to realize where your body should be. I was also only pulling slightly more weight than I was lighter (40-50lbs ish).I also attracted older females for whatever reason
:lol: well I shouldn’t be 115 and I also shouldn’t be 200.

175 feels good.

It’s also effortless to maintain this weight. I just eat when I’m hungry now.
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I would personally not deadlift and squat the same day.

As a beginner, I actually would have him do both. A lot of beginner programs do because the squat and deadlift tax the same muscles and he can't lift heavy enough on one to impair recovery of the other. Better to fry both lifts and then be recovered a few days later than trying to juggle them with his already low recovery capacity.

if you want the most frequency, you can do full body workouts since that training split allows you to hit the muscles with the most volume in terms of a weekly basis.

Actually, FB training would have him using the greatest frequency (potentially tied with U/L), but the total volume is likely lower than a U/L, PPL, or Bro Split.

In general, as frequency increases, volume decreases to compensate.
Any members that are/were hard gainers for weight/muscle mass?

After a rough 2018 with health issues and other things with family and friends I started going to the gym in late September. Also started eating better and more in general. Since then I pretty much go to the gym 5x a week (Sun - Legs, Mon - Pull, Tues - Push, Wed - Off, Thurs - Pull, Fri - Push, Sat - Off). Seeing tiny changes but feel I should be seeing more improvement at this point. Obviously this is a marathon and something I'll continue to invest my time into now that I'm addicted.

Any tips from hard gainers to put on?

Yeah I have trouble gaining mass for sure. I'm an ectomorph. Long, thin and lean.

You need to eat at a caloric surplus. Use a macro calculator or something similar to find your maintenance calorie intake and then adjust accordingly.
My first workout program, college, a buck seventy five lbs @18 years old.

Squat 3x10 135lbs, Pull ups 3x5, Flat Dumbbell bench press 3x10 30lbs , Standing dumbbell shoulder press 3x10 20lbs. We had to be able to run two miles in twelve minutes in order be able to play collegiate hoops, so I did that twice a week as well.
I stuck with the same program freshman year, pre season, twice a week. Also Basketball practice for while the program was given to me. I went from 175 to 190 in three months. Never changed the weights being lifted. Diet was southern style. Grits and eggs for breakfast, a turkey lettuce and tomato cheese sandwich and a Chocolate shake for lunch, steak and potatoes for dinner. The dinner was at the athlete training table. I ate the same thing every damned day, lol just out of habit.
When I came home that summer, you could not tell me nothing! Before that, I hated playing shirts and skins. That summer, I could not wait to take my shirt off on court:lol:
As a beginner, I actually would have him do both. A lot of beginner programs do because the squat and deadlift tax the same muscles and he can't lift heavy enough on one to impair recovery of the other. Better to fry both lifts and then be recovered a few days later than trying to juggle them with his already low recovery capacity.

I disagree. he's on a PPL split and it sounds like his main goal is just size. you're not getting big legs deadlifting lol. I would move that to his push day and add more volume to his squats and more lifts that hit the legs directly.

Actually, FB training would have him using the greatest frequency (potentially tied with U/L), but the total volume is likely lower than a U/L, PPL, or Bro Split.

In general, as frequency increases, volume decreases to compensate.

yea I meant to say frequency again and not volume. Either way, FB is the most optimal way to train for hypertrophy. no other training split can keep protein synthesis stimulated as much as FB. the only closest training style would be U/L.
I was at 220a couple years ago. Dropped to 185 after I broke up with my girl, bc I went hard AF with lifting and cardio. Now I’ve been floating around 200-205, trying to get down to 190-195.
you're not getting big legs deadlifting lol.
Not sure if serious or not, but DL does help your legs (hamstrings) get bigger. But then again, most ppl don't deadlift much weight so maybe that's why. Buddy has 35lbs for the weight he's moving, so idk if anything is going to help with hypertrophy at that poundage.

I would move that to his push day and add more volume to his squats and more lifts that hit the legs directly.
Also not barbell back or front squatting so I'd start there.

FB is the most optimal way to train for hypertrophy. no other training split can keep protein synthesis stimulated as much as FB. the only closest training style would be U/L.
IMO, FB may actually be the least optimal split for hypertrophy. PPL, Bro Splits, and pretty much anything else will be superior assuming you have a decent strength base to move heavy enough weight. All things equated, total volume > frequency for size. Cumulative volume is usually not that high on FB splits, and usually not greater than splits with higher daily volume but lower frequency.

I did not recommend FB noob routines because the hypertrophy is better, I recommended them because DYNAMICS DYNAMICS is so weak that any other split seems impractical.

A lot of the hypertrophy associated with FB workouts are really just noob gains. I did FB training 5-7 times a week for 3 months last fall. See those posts for anecdotal evidence. YRMV.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.:frown:
Not sure if serious or not, but DL does help your legs (hamstrings) get bigger. But then again, most ppl don't deadlift much weight so maybe that's why. Buddy has 35lbs for the weight he's moving, so idk if anything is going to help with hypertrophy at that poundage.

Also not barbell back or front squatting so I'd start there.

IMO, FB may actually be the least optimal split for hypertrophy. PPL, Bro Splits, and pretty much anything else will be superior assuming you have a decent strength base to move heavy enough weight. All things equated, total volume > frequency for size. Cumulative volume is usually not that high on FB splits, and usually not greater than splits with higher daily volume but lower frequency.

I did not recommend FB noob routines because the hypertrophy is better, I recommended them because DYNAMICS DYNAMICS is so weak that any other split seems impractical.

A lot of the hypertrophy associated with FB workouts are really just noob gains. I did FB training 5-7 times a week for 3 months last fall. See those posts for anecdotal evidence. YRMV.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.:frown:

I would argue my points as to why FB is the most optimal but i really dont feel like using my brain lol. either way we both making gains and enjoying it lol.
as long as we're enjoying working out, then everything is gucci :pimp:
For me, my maintenance is between 2100 and 2700 calories. You are more than likely not eating enough and are working out too much. Try increasing your calories incrementally to see what produces results. You don't need much. Just up it around 300 - 500 more calories a day

Appreciate it. I had an idea this was one of the issues, just wanted to hear it from others.

i agree with what Tank Top Master Tank Top Master said. idk how tall you are


Yeah I have trouble gaining mass for sure. I'm an ectomorph. Long, thin and lean.

You need to eat at a caloric surplus. Use a macro calculator or something similar to find your maintenance calorie intake and then adjust accordingly.

Yeah thats me. Long, thin, lean. With my caloric intake I think I made a big mistake by coming up with my number using MyFitnessPal instead of the calculator, and that gave me a low number.

Thanks again for the tips/suggestions.
Lower back killing me when I woke up. Couldn’t do much. Gotta rest it today. This sucks.

For y’all out there, just a reminder be careful when squatting. The belt turned my squat into a good morning.
check the Mil surplus spots too..I use my plate carrier from work and replace the ballistic plates with the rouge training plates. It has a cumber-bun system so the vest doesn't move a alot.
Good looks brother. Gonna ask my military homies to see if they got stuff lying around lol. Does Supply carry them?
Lower back killing me when I woke up. Couldn’t do much. Gotta rest it today. This sucks.

For y’all out there, just a reminder be careful when squatting. The belt turned my squat into a good morning.


Take it easy lil homie. Remember, dis might not be the brogram for you. I've done it before and usually hate life on it.:smh:
Good looks brother. Gonna ask my military homies to see if they got stuff lying around lol. Does Supply carry them?
They could have some older model vest/plate carriers they use for field training. Most of the "high speed units" get issued the Gucci stuff every year so they end up selling/donating their old kits to surplus stores or the Airsoft dudes.
Hit chest first time in over a month.

Slow and steady. Feeling like I got my energy back this week. Went light.

Treadmill 20min
Elipitical 15min

Bench 135 2x10 185 3x10
Db bench 4x10
Db incline 4x10
Db fly (feet up) 4x10
Dips (bodyweight) 6x10
Skullcrushers 4x10
Rope pulldown 4x10

Forearm curls
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