STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I know there’s a few of y’all here who wanna skip today, just like me. But just go. Days like this make you more committed.

Wanted to go spar but had some things to do and couldn't make it.

Was gonna be lazy and stay home but went and ran for half an hour and did some squats and light shoulder work.

Feels gooood

been starting to sleep on my back exclusively past few weeks and it's made a big difference

met with the author of this book few back


Were you sleeping on your side before? I mainly sleep on my side and back.

Never slept on my stomach, I've read that's not good for you anyways
Im not saying your logic is flawed, more so the examples you used weren't very good, not realistic at all.

I think youre using the extreme end of the bodybuilding spectrum like IFBB pros, of course they aren't healthy or at peak performance because they aren't training for it, not really a valid argument there. Its been widely accepted that bodybuilding at that level is very unhealthy and not what people should strive for. But you can most definitely be big and muscular and still be able to have great athletic performance, I will take that look over the weekend warrior look any day personally.

I agree with setting realistic and attainable goals thats why picking the right motivation is key.
Weekend warriors have to start someplace, and even they may be in better condition than the daily couch potato. The couch potato may look at the weekend warrior as a great athlete. So there are different levels of attainability for all. I do not know your goals, but I would not expect you to be able to do the things that I can athletically, running a 4/6 40, being big and muscular while doing it as I do. But I started somewhere, as everyone does.
Weekend warriors have to start someplace, and even they may be in better condition than the daily couch potato. The couch potato may look at the weekend warrior as a great athlete. So there are different levels of attainability for all. I do not know your goals, but I would not expect you to be able to do the things that I can athletically, running a 4/6 40, being big and muscular while doing it as I do. But I started somewhere, as everyone does.

Lets see it.
Where? When?

And you know damn well Im talking about your claimed 40 time, I almost think you're trolling now because lat pull downs and curls show literally zero proof of strength or athleticism...
Unfortunately I do not have vids of my athletic performance. However, I am not ashamed of that either. But the pics of my size, 6”4, 249 are here, Shannon Sharpe and I are of similar size. Supreme hoody and all. Being strong enough to do those pulldowns, strong enough to do what I do, is satisfactory for me.
Unfortunately I do not have vids of my athletic performance. However, I am not ashamed of that either. But the pics of my size, 6”4, 249 are here, Shannon Sharpe and I are of similar size. Supreme hoody and all. Being strong enough to do those pulldowns, strong enough to do what I do, is satisfactory for me.

okay buddy
Unfortunately I do not have vids of my athletic performance. However, I am not ashamed of that either. But the pics of my size, 6”4, 249 are here, Shannon Sharpe and I are of similar size. Supreme hoody and all. Being strong enough to do those pulldowns, strong enough to do what I do, is satisfactory for me.
6’4 tew fiddy built like Shannon Sharpe?????

Sounds like you should be playing outside linebacker bruh.

Pics or.....

6’4 tew fiddy built like Shannon Sharpe?????

Sounds like you should be playing outside linebacker bruh.

Pics or.....

One of my best friends is first cousins with Sharpe. Whole family come out built like that. His little brother came down to ball with us and I was chirping at him hard for some dumb stuff he did on the court. Found out he was 14 looking like a grown man.:lol: I was like don’t you know what you are doing? He was a kid. Whoops.
Week 4, Day 3: 4:15am workout

nSuns 5/3/1 - Day 3 (Military/Incline Bench Press, 5/3/1 Day):
1. Military Press: w/u
1x5x120; 1x3x135; 1x1+ [3]x150; 1x1x155; 1x1x160; 1x1x165; 1x3x145; 1x3x135; 1x3x130; 1x5x120; 1x5x110; 1x5+ [5]x105;
2. Incline Bench Press:
1x6x110; 1x5x135; 3,5,7,4,6,8 @160
3. DB Bench Press 3x8, straight sets
4. Decline Chest Press 2x10, 1x20 drop set
5. High-Low Cable Flyes 3x12, straight sets
6. Machine Shoulder Press 2x10,1x15 drop set
7. DB Side Lateral Raise 3x10,12,15, reverse pyramid
8. Barbell Shrugs 3x10, straight sets
9. Upright Cable Row 3x12, straight sets
10. Cable Rear Delt Flyes 3x12, straight sets
11. Face Pulls 3x12, straight sets

Summary: 47 working sets
Time: 1hr, 52 mins.

@SupremeBeing5 you doing a deload or what? Think I'ma do 5 forward, 3 backward.
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