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Hit a 5x5 @ 135 deadlift :pimp:


You better be talking kilos papi. >D
had to go to the gym at 1 today and i was miserable. had coffe in the morning was all hyped to go but my wife had a work call so i had to take the kid. then had to caffeinate again and was just out of it. there was only 8 people there tho.
but back to the 6 am life for me.
335s 455dl. I ain’t **** 😂.

Couple pages back you guys discussing flat feet. My **** has zero arch. Kinda back issues we talking? Spasms or locking up?

Muscle tightness in my posterior delts, lats, and lower back from not stretching/foam rolling.
Ive been to multiple gyms in multiple states and I can count on one had seeing anyone hit those number legitimately :lol:

Understood Your Excellency.

However, at my base those numbers would get me laughed out of the mega weight room.

Hell, my homie that just started lifting like a year ago was doing 405 high bar/455 conventional and he's still a baby under the bar.

There’s a powerlifting gym called the shop in VA. My #s are laughable

Multiple 700lb+ pullers, 600+ squatter, 500+ benchers.

I ain’t ****:lol: imma just keep going to commercial gyms to boost my ego:D

in all seriousness its a great place to lift if youre looking to get stronger. there's also a lot of serious bodybuilders in there too.
those are good numbers. Squatting 3 plates alone means you squat more than 99% of the world.

appreciate it. 😂 squats always been trash. What’d you recommend to up it? Was thinking of doing a smolov jr or 5/3/1 sometime in fall.
Understood Your Excellency.

However, at my base those numbers would get me laughed out of the mega weight room.

Hell, my homie that just started lifting like a year ago was doing 405 high bar/455 conventional and he's still a baby under the bar.


Haha I wasn't coming at you brethren.

Oh yeah back in Feburary I had to go out of town for work to Fort Bragg area and I went to the World Gym they had and there were some certified beasts there. In general though most people don't lift heavy on squats and DL, hell most don't even do them.
never ran either of those but im sure Tank Top Master Tank Top Master has and can give you some advice.

I have. :lol:

Neither is appropriate for getting your squat up. Jr. was designed for presses, rows, etc., not for squats. Some masochists even run it for deads. :sick::smh:

Smolov (the 13 wk program) is for squats (only) and can put 120 pounds on your 1RM after completion. The Base Mesocycle is the most beneficial part of the program. I wouldn't recommend Smolov for anyone not squatting x2 their BW and/or anyone whose technique is sloppy (doing so is a good way to end up in Snap City). The program is brutal and many folks (including myself) do not have the balls to finish it from A to Z. (I've only ran the base meso.) One day. :angry:

5/3/1 is more appropriate for intermediate and advanced lifters that cannot progress on beginner LPs (although there is an "on-ramp" called 5/3/1 For Beginners and it can be ran by noobs). 5/3/1 is a set of separate templates and mini-programs (one could always make their own; the creator kinda shuns this) that tend to focus on slow, steady, constant progression; it is NOT optimal for adding #'s to your lifts quickly. The name of 5/3/1's game is not getting injured or run down so you can keep adding incremental increases to your lifts over the long-haul.

To put things in perspective: Smolov is a "peaking program" that will put pounds on your squat at the cost of enormous strain on your body. It cannot be ran by everybody and cannot be ran both consecutively and indefinitely. 5/3/1 can be ran indefinitely (the last book is titled 5/3/1 Forever) but the changes it produces are much smaller than the adaptations from Smolov.

jr35 jr35 , if you really want to get your squat up, I'd milk out all of the gains out of a linear progression program like ICF 5x5 or SL 5x5 and then reassess once you're done. Just my .02.
335s 455dl. I ain’t **** 😂.

Couple pages back you guys discussing flat feet. My **** has zero arch. Kinda back issues we talking? Spasms or locking up?

Those are solid bro. Everyone starts somewhere. Everyone built differently. What's your BW and height if you don't mind my asking.
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