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Whats bar grip and why not


they’re shirts with grippy material on the back so you don’t slide around when benching. It can also help squats if you have a slippery bar on your back.

they look tacky and they’re kinda expensive. But I have a shirt and they def do help with bench for sure.
I signed up for a deadlift showdown on Halloween and am running the Dr. Squat deadlift program to ensure I'm ready and I still have 7 weeks to go on Squat Everyday.

Might have to make that last week or two front squat only so my spine doesn't crumble...
i really dont mine the rules of cleaning the equipment you use before and after.

it is slowing my workouts down tho. its atleast adding 15 mins total to my gym time. which hurts me since i go to work straight after
i really dont mine the rules of cleaning the equipment you use before and after.

it is slowing my workouts down tho. its atleast adding 15 mins total to my gym time. which hurts me since i go to work straight after

It's just useless that's the only thing.

We know surface-to-surface transmission of the virus is not a major concern. We've known this with a reasonable degree of certainty for months.

Don't touch the bar and then put your hands in your mouth or vice-versa. That's just common sense and bad for everyone. Wiping down a bench with disinfectant does absolutely nothing.

The effort would be put to better use ensuring some of these dumb mother ****ers wear mask (and wear them correctly) at all times.
It's just useless that's the only thing.

We know surface-to-surface transmission of the virus is not a major concern. We've known this with a reasonable degree of certainty for months.

Don't touch the bar and then put your hands in your mouth or vice-versa. That's just common sense and bad for everyone. Wiping down a bench with disinfectant does absolutely nothing.

The effort would be put to better use ensuring some of these dumb mother ****ers wear mask (and wear them correctly) at all times.

Definitely not a waste of time. It might not be the most effective against rona, but there are other things that need to be killed that you wouldn't want to get besides rona.

Not sure how y'alls gyms move but we were wiping **** down before and after rona kicked off anyways.
Mostly body weight exercises with some cable machines and Smith machine work.
🤔🤔 Crosstraining/functional fitness is varied movement/fast transitions i.e hang cleans to box jumps or burpees etc..If your just doing what you described above you can get away with wearing vans/chucks for lifting and switching to running shoes after..
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