To anyone looking to lose weight, you don't have to deprive yourself to get results. I've diet that way in the past and it was nothing but torture.
Now, I follow IIFYM (if it fits your macros) and there's no turning back. IIFYM means you can basically eat whatever you want as long as it meets your macros (protein, carbs, fats, calories). No, this does not mean it's ok to eat nothing but "junk" (it would be hard to do that while meeting your macros anyway). It means you can eat foods that aren't considered "clean" in your diet as long as it fits.
Carbs are fine when cutting. They should just be the first to be lowered if you need to lower your calories, as they're not needed.
Fat is not bad for you, unless we're talking excessive saturated fat's affect on health. But as far as body composition goes, it doesn't matter, as long as you're in a deficit. I get up to 200g some days. laugh.gif Might be a little excessive, but it's good fats.