STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Anyone have results with intermittent fasting? Going to try to start it up tomorrow. 18 hours fasting with a 6 hour eating window.
Anyone have results with intermittent fasting? Going to try to start it up tomorrow. 18 hours fasting with a 6 hour eating window.

Anyone have results with intermittent fasting? Going to try to start it up tomorrow. 18 hours fasting with a 6 hour eating window.

that’s just how I normally live my life. Wake up at noon. Eat my first meal around 3 keep stuffing my face until midnight or so.

nothing to compare to though because I’ve always ate like that.
i never knew this was a thing lol i never saw anybody doing this before
sadly in PF it has to be a thing.

plus for someone like me who herniated a disc 2 years ago doing them. its a bit safer to do i can handle up to 315 no problem tried to go to 365 and was like nope
So what’s everybody’s goal? Stupid strength or aesthetics? Performance or pretty muscles? I’ve been training for performance within the last 6 months and I still look the same, but the cardio and muscular endurance have went through the roof. Lost a lot of strength though 😭

my new belt squat attachment! Prob one of the best accessory to build up those squats. Also great for people who may have shoulder problems and can’t back squat.

gotta link? Seen reps version but looks like it doesn’t work too well.
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