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Does it have creatine? How the BA?

You like? Flavor? Focus?

I use ghost legend. Would be down for a new thang. Something good. Good flavor. Sour. Good BA. No creatine. Doesn't cause acne lol.


3 g of creatine mono.

Yea the flavor is good and has a little sour to it.

They have a lot of flavors and apple lychee is so far my favorite. I need to try their blueberry acai and black cherry tho
For you guys that eat one meal a day, how do you stop the cravings? I’m going to try it out.
For starters, its difficult and it is the most crucial stage. As someone already mentioned, choose the time which is easiest to achieve then you set the adjustments. As far as craving, I'd say start with the easiest to achieve, like 12 hours. If you are no longer struggling with that time, push it to 14, then 16, 18, and so forth. The idea there is to condition your body to adapt til it becomes less reliant on food but stored fat/glucose in your body. I'm planning on doing 24 hrs today or try pushing it further to 36 hrs or 48. We'll see if I can manage it. As far as temptation goes, don't buy any food or grocery stockpiles. Sleep it out or tire yourself to the brink that you would rather sleep than eat. I also have my cheat days but don't overindulge.
More ppl in the jacuzzi than the actual weight or cardio room lol.

It's a great facility if you use all the amenities and get your money worth
rested my wrist for about a month now. going back to my routine once we finished with the moving.
anyway, just done 27 HR IF a few days ago. was brutal and wanted to push it to 36. too bad the successive overtime work days I did took it's tool while I was doing my 24HR IF target and I was down for the count. I'm fine now but I'm still feeling winded due to lack of sufficient rest days.
im indifferent on the whole thing. i don’t know enough about what goes into the olympics decision to allow the switch.

…but the comments are comedy

USAPL got a lot of flack for not allowing transgender to compete a year back.

While this is for the USAPL, its still a good source of information regarding strength sport and steroids. highly recommend watching.
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