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People who aren’t competing get no say. Let those people be the ones to complain. Let them take a vote. I wouldn’t respect the opinion of someone who’s never competed in their lives in anything athletic let alone the olympics. If the athletes take a stand I’d see that. Anyone else, naw

exactly. i guarantee you 99% of the people upset in the comments don’t even watch olympic weightlifting much less compete at a level that matters

i know i don’t :lol:
i watch a little bit not enough to care or form an opinion
Just funny how things work with people. If they announce a trans one legged basket weaver then all of a sudden everyone has a deep care about “the integrity” of the sport :lol:. Ain’t never seen it or done it once but “does my voice not matter?!?!???”.No, it doesn’t lol
Didnt Russia already prove the integrity?

it’s just something you put on tv for two weeks and all the sudden you’re an expert at beach volleyball.
People who aren’t competing get no say. Let those people be the ones to complain. Let them take a vote. I wouldn’t respect the opinion of someone who’s never competed in their lives in anything athletic let alone the olympics. If the athletes take a stand I’d see that. Anyone else, naw

I don’t know if this directed at people in here. Literally everyone has either said they’re indifferent, don’t care, or otherwise hit the shoulder shrugged.

I’ve competed and coached at a high level, including actual woman athletes.

I’m not particularly invested in Trans sports participation but at a meta level, it kind of sucks because the only individuals absolved from harm no matter the outcome are men.

If trans women are not permitted to compete in women’s sports, they’re excluded from participating in the field of their self identified gender.

If they are permitted to compete, some will have a physiological advantage over their cisgender women peers.

Things get convoluted when you dial in and try to look at it through either a scientific or social lense.

You would probably have to be an endocrinologist to understand the potential affects various hormone treatments might have on athletic competition.

If you live in the US, you live in a country that openly discriminates against trans people and where one of two political factions has made it a point to demonize them by championing anti trans inclusion for political points. And there are societies that treat trans people far worse than us.

Anyone who tells themselves it’s a simple issue is fooling themselves.
I don’t know if this directed at people in here. Literally everyone has either said they’re indifferent, don’t care, or otherwise hit the shoulder shrugged.

I’ve competed and coached at a high level, including actual woman athletes.

I’m not particularly invested in Trans sports participation but at a meta level, it kind of sucks because the only individuals absolved from harm no matter the outcome are men.

If trans women are not permitted to compete in women’s sports, they’re excluded from participating in the field of their self identified gender.

If they are permitted to compete, some will have a physiological advantage over their cisgender women peers.

Things get convoluted when you dial in and try to look at it through either a scientific or social lense.

You would probably have to be an endocrinologist to understand the potential affects various hormone treatments might have on athletic competition.

If you live in the US, you live in a country that openly discriminates against trans people and where one of two political factions has made it a point to demonize them by championing anti trans inclusion for political points. And there are societies that treat trans people far worse than us.

Anyone who tells themselves it’s a simple issue is fooling themselves.
1. No, not directed at anyone

2. yes, complex topic to say the least……. But a simple solution. Let those who are competing do the talking. Everyone else can take a seat
:lol: They haven't even run into the problems they've been anticipating with Trans folks yet. People gotta relax.

“it’ll be all guys just trying to win!”

“nobody will want to participate anymore!”

“Lebron James will just kill the WNBA”

“nobody will watch anymore!”
Nope/nobody watches it anyway
1. No, not directed at anyone

2. yes, complex topic to say the least……. But a simple solution. Let those who are competing do the talking. Everyone else can take a seat

Thats overly simplifying what we both agree is a complex topic and IMO it doesn’t make sense to frame it that way.

Only those who compete in a sport can speak on it?

That doesn’t make sense because the outcome of the debate holds weight in all sports.

One top of that, Olympic level is probably of least importance here. It certainly has by far the smallest footprint.

I’m much more interested the affects of outcomes at the elite amateur level.

15 - 18 year old boys and girls.
Anyone on here use a rowing machine? I was contemplating between a rowing machine or a peloton.. I went with the Hydro Rower.. hopefully will be here 8-12 weeks… I’ve never used one but I checked some videos online and a Rowing Machine is way better than a cycling… I just wanted to get some input from anyone that’s used one before.. any info is greatly appreciated.
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that **** is brutal. i hate the rower, but use it often :lol:

never used a hydro rower though
i haven’t even attempted a snatch in almost 2 years :lol:

might have to today, for the culture

welp, i’m a liar. tried to hit a few snatches and the muscle memory definitely wasn’t there. body was confused then a mofo :lol:

hit a quick 12 minute emom:

1 hang power snatch
3 over head squats
10 hanging leg raises

good little finisher after hitting chest and shoulders
I think I may have sprained my right thigh or something. Hurts when I put pressure on it and it's a burning feeling. Def not muscle soreness.


What is Chris Jones smoking lol.

Just narcissistic loony toon rambling.

Bible says: turn the other cheek, give to the poor, love your enemy, etc. Don't guess he's made it that far yet, assuming he even reads it lol.

How does the saying go? You know you've made up god in your own image when he loves and hates all the same things you love and hate.
Anyone on here use a rowing machine? I was contemplating between a rowing machine or a peloton.. I went with the Hydro Rower.. hopefully will be here 8-12 weeks… I’ve never used one but I checked some videos online and a Rowing Machine is way better than a cycling… I just wanted to get some input from anyone that’s used one before.. any info is greatly appreciated.
Would of went with the concept 2 myself. They’re commercial grade and last forever
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