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i would think it be the opposite, how do you sprint without your neck and shoulder being involved?
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i would think it be the opposite, how do you sprint without your neck and shoulder be involved?
Because I don't have to engage my neck and shoulder muscles that much as opposed to lifting. I'm not exactly in a race or trying to run like Usain Bolt. Just fast enough to engage those leg muscles, but not too fast to re-injure my previously injured leg again. I just came back from that gastroc tear rehab. I only need reconditioning not competing.
really? wouldn’t it be better to just switch to isolation exercises/movements with lighter weights? running is requires coordinating your whole body, if you are limited because you are protecting an injury it seems like you would to only be risking re-injury but also doubly impairing your eventual outcome both by not resting and also ingraining/teaching your body a limited movement pattern that it has to make compensations for…

even at a super modest pace, jogging/running would seem to have way more potential exposure for you neck & shoulder than isolation lifting with light weights?
really? wouldn’t it be better to just switch to isolation exercises/movements with lighter weights? running is requires coordinating your whole body, if you are limited because you are protecting an injury it seems like you would to only be risking re-injury but also doubly impairing your eventual outcome both by not resting and also ingraining/teaching your body a limited movement pattern that it has to make compensations for…

even at a super modest pace, jogging/running would seem to have way more potential exposure for you neck & shoulder than isolation lifting with light weights?
I was thinking of that too. to be honest, I'm just thinking of ways to go around it without aggravating the injuries further. I don't want to stop now especially I have been working out pretty seriously since February and don't want to lose my progress. on the otherhand, my injury shouldn't be taken too lightly either because it concerns not just muscles but pinched nerves as well. so you might understand my hesitation on certain movements.

anyways, just watching those basketball drills made me realize that I lost some steps in my game. I'm getting really close now on retiring from competitive basketball. I could still play, but I fear that my legs are already gone.
I was thinking of that too. to be honest, I'm just thinking of ways to go around it without aggravating the injuries further. I don't want to stop now especially I have been working out pretty seriously since February and don't want to lose my progress. on the otherhand, my injury shouldn't be taken too lightly either because it concerns not just muscles but pinched nerves as well. so you might understand my hesitation on certain movements.

anyways, just watching those basketball drills made me realize that I lost some steps in my game. I'm getting really close now on retiring from competitive basketball. I could still play, but I fear that my legs are already gone.

you could ask your doctor what activities you can do in the meantime to stay fit, since it seems you get your injuries evaluated often? you can also adjust your diet (prioritize getting in that .75-1.5 gram of protein for every 1 pound you weigh range tho!) to account for not being able to do as much. doing really super low intensity stuff like short walks, slows reps with light weight, or isometric holds that don’t interfere with your injuries…

obliviously you know your own body’s capacity/capabilities not trying to jinx you but it kinda sounds like you are tempting fate by trying not to lose progress…

speaking of progress, finally broke through my deadlift & hit a 505 pr! last night (my local 24hr fitness is finally back to 24hrs!) i was randomly working on my conventional grip by doing deadlifts with my feet completely together & was able to pull up to 405 pretty fast and not losing grip at the top…felt i was moving the bar so fast, i just jumped up to 475 with mixed grip and almost hit that for double (alternating the mixed grip), then i threw 495 on and just missed the 1st attempt but got it with the alternate grip. usually i’d be gassed out trying to lift this heavy, but i guess the popeyes i had for brunch was hitting me differently than my typical fasted sessions (no homemade preworkout either 💪🏿)…barely missed 495 again but decided to try 505 (didn’t even think to find the 2.5lb joints 😅) and was finally able to lock one out after a few attempts. i wasn’t even planning to deadlift so the angle i had my camera recording at was terrible in terms of being able to check/see my form but now i at least know it’s attainable/possible
you could ask your doctor what activities you can do in the meantime to stay fit, since it seems you get your injuries evaluated often? you can also adjust your diet (prioritize getting in that .75-1.5 gram of protein for every 1 pound you weigh range tho!) to account for not being able to do as much. doing really super low intensity stuff like short walks, slows reps with light weight, or isometric holds that don’t interfere with your injuries…

obliviously you know your own body’s capacity/capabilities not trying to jinx you but it kinda sounds like you are tempting fate by trying not to lose progress…

speaking of progress, finally broke through my deadlift & hit a 505 pr! last night (my local 24hr fitness is finally back to 24hrs!) i was randomly working on my conventional grip by doing deadlifts with my feet completely together & was able to pull up to 405 pretty fast and not losing grip at the top…felt i was moving the bar so fast, i just jumped up to 475 with mixed grip and almost hit that for double (alternating the mixed grip), then i threw 495 on and just missed the 1st attempt but got it with the alternate grip. usually i’d be gassed out trying to lift this heavy, but i guess the popeyes i had for brunch was hitting me differently than my typical fasted sessions (no homemade preworkout either 💪🏿)…barely missed 495 again but decided to try 505 (didn’t even think to find the 2.5lb joints 😅) and was finally able to lock one out after a few attempts. i wasn’t even planning to deadlift so the angle i had my camera recording at was terrible in terms of being able to check/see my form but now i at least know it’s attainable/possible
like I said it's annoying, because I'm getting my stride again and these sort of injuries suddenly came into the picture. sadly, we can't have it both ways and something has got to give. the best I can do right now consistently is that japanese Yuka video on getting slim. :rofl:

but that's ok I think for a month atleast. hope to get better soon.

I have to agree. it is more of a cultural thing and as well as the interference of a very few groups like the PETA Karens that has limited the option for protein consumption in the U.S. speaking of that, I have yet to try some bison meat. maybe I'll buy some later.

as far as horse meat is concerned, some people are really missing out.
tried blood flow restriction (bfr) when i was trying to speed up my recovery, but i didn’t do the legit way tho…i would just wrap my achilles/calf relatively tight with bands for about 30-60s and do some movement or lift remove the band and do that same movement or lift; ideally you’d want to be able to dial in the exact amount of restriction for consistency/best efficacy.
tried blood flow restriction (bfr) when i was trying to speed up my recovery, but i didn’t do the legit way tho…i would just wrap my achilles/calf relatively tight with bands for about 30-60s and do some movement or lift remove the band and do that same movement or lift; ideally you’d want to be able to dial in the exact amount of restriction for consistency/best efficacy.
I might need to change my jog footwear as well. wearing the Cuts seem to put a lot of stress on my tibia. quite sore and felt some discomfort afterwards.
tried blood flow restriction (bfr) when i was trying to speed up my recovery, but i didn’t do the legit way tho…i would just wrap my achilles/calf relatively tight with bands for about 30-60s and do some movement or lift remove the band and do that same movement or lift; ideally you’d want to be able to dial in the exact amount of restriction for consistency/best efficacy.
just ordered and got some bfr bands yesterday. I could only use the leg bands for now since I just had my bi-monthly vampire activity yesterday.


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getting ready for my comeback. been a few weeks since being off-work and off-gym work. shoulder and neck seems to be getting much better. right now, I'm loading in prep for that comeback. hopefully, nothing gets aggravated.
What exercise do yall hate but you're married to?

Bulgarian Split Squats.

On everything I love I hate that *****.
What exercise do yall hate but you're married to?

Bulgarian Split Squats.

On everything I love I hate that *****.

does not really compute for me, all exercise for me borders on just being tolerable…so the extent that any exercise crosses the threshold into hate it gets excised from the rotation and there are usually alternatives that get at the same goal that are more tolerable
I always have trouble with the forward leg in split squats. Somedays i think I'm lunged out too far or too close.
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