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SHEEEEESH! bruh, did you put on 55lbs in year!? if so, what was that transition like tho? did you maintain it?how tall are you & what weight are you at now?

so a couple questions for you experienced lifters, how do y’all deal with (and recover from) nagging injuries/pain with compound lifts? do you seek out a doctor/medical/physio? just train around it?

for barbell deadlifts & squats how often, if at all, do you do variations and/or change things like depths, foot positioning, stances, etc.?

Yeah 55 pounds in a year. It wasn’t that hard honestly once I committed. I owned a food truck and stored it in the parking lot of a mma gym so I had the whole place to myself after work and unlimited free food. :lol:

I’m 5’8” I’m 180 now. A lot stronger than I was there slightly chubbier but I’ll drop it soon.

I hit the compounds everytime I lift but only dl once a week.

As far as recovery idc if I’m sore I’ll warm up and it goes away. If I’m injured then I’ll avoid that area.
SHEEEEESH! bruh, did you put on 55lbs in year!? if so, what was that transition like tho? did you maintain it?how tall are you & what weight are you at now?

so a couple questions for you experienced lifters, how do y’all deal with (and recover from) nagging injuries/pain with compound lifts? do you seek out a doctor/medical/physio? just train around it?

for barbell deadlifts & squats how often, if at all, do you do variations and/or change things like depths, foot positioning, stances, etc.?
nagging injuries and pain? well the rule of thumb is, when you feel it, it means you gotta stop for awhile. discomfort is fine but if you feel some significant pain, that means you have to take a rest and let your body heal. as far as doctors, meds, physio, just to be safe you have to see them. even average joes don't even come and see their doctors.

as far as deadlifts, 8 reps twice a week for me. I don't do squats because of my injury (knee and calf) and besides, my calves are always humongous due to years of jogging up and down the mountain since I was a teenager. not much variation really except for volume, added weights and intensity. proper posture, stance and execution is more than enough.
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Yeah 55 pounds in a year. It wasn’t that hard honestly once I committed. I owned a food truck and stored it in the parking lot of a mma gym so I had the whole place to myself after work and unlimited free food. :lol:

I’m 5’8” I’m 180 now. A lot stronger than I was there slightly chubbier but I’ll drop it soon.

I hit the compounds everytime I lift but only dl once a week.

As far as recovery idc if I’m sore I’ll warm up and it goes away. If I’m injured then I’ll avoid that area.
I do compounds as well on a regularity. as I mentioned, I only do dl twice a week. since I'm still recovering from a recent neck injury, I couldn't really do much lifting and sudden movements so my typical gym workout is on hold for now (maybe 2 weeks off) and recently doing this instead.....

on the otherhand, my injured calf has been recovering pretty well. did some dls before I hurt my neck last week. I couldn't catch a break. so annoying.
Yeah bro injuries suck. I f’ed up my back back in the day dl when I didn’t know anything about lifting.

Tbh the only thing I isolate is my arms.

Everything else is squat,bench, dl with accessories that make sense for those days and they’re all compound. I’m not trying to be a body builder. I just don’t want to be frail again.
Ayisha Diaz!
Yeah 55 pounds in a year. It wasn’t that hard honestly once I committed. I owned a food truck and stored it in the parking lot of a mma gym so I had the whole place to myself after work and unlimited free food. :lol:

I’m 5’8” I’m 180 now. A lot stronger than I was there slightly chubbier but I’ll drop it soon.

I hit the compounds everytime I lift but only dl once a week.

As far as recovery idc if I’m sore I’ll warm up and it goes away. If I’m injured then I’ll avoid that area.

that’s wild, 115 is flyweight territory…i hear it’s typically difficult for those guys to eat enough to put on weight, how long ago was that?

nagging injuries and pain? well the rule of thumb is, when you feel it, it means you gotta stop for awhile. discomfort is fine but if you feel some significant pain, that means you have to take a rest and let your body heal. as far as doctors, meds, physio, just to be safe you have to see them. even average joes don't even come and see their doctors.

as far as deadlifts, 8 reps twice a week for me. I don't do squats because of my injury (knee and calf) and besides, my calves are always humongous due to years of jogging up and down the mountain since I was a teenager. not much variation really except for volume, added weights and intensity. proper posture, stance and execution is more than enough.

none feel significant but a few different things going on, some pains are like my knee pain that is quite unpredictable & i’m not really able to replicate the circumstance(s) that cause the pain sensation but that leg has slightly less range of motion until i warm it up…which is kinda scary. others i’m able to completely avoid & train around, like my latest nagging thing of a calf pain at only at full bend, which likely not coincidentally is on the same leg with the knee pain. i’m hoping it’s something of compensation or an overuse thing from previously injuring my other calf
I used to just eat a burrito a day or something and figure it was enough food. :lol: I had no concept of certain people need to eat more or less.

that photo was 6 years ago. I've remained pretty much the same now give or take 10 pounds. I don't eat anywhere near 7k calories now though. I think my metabolism slowed down since I'm 34 now.
I used to just eat a burrito a day or something and figure it was enough food. :lol: I had no concept of certain people need to eat more or less.

that photo was 6 years ago. I've remained pretty much the same now give or take 10 pounds. I don't eat anywhere near 7k calories now though. I think my metabolism slowed down since I'm 34 now.

yea i can imagine a 7k daily calorie intake not being all that sustainable long term…🤣

i definitely can understand not being aware of ‘how’ to eat purposely (still working on this honestly 😅), i read somewhere that it actually isn’t the case that human metabolism slows all that substantially as we age, more so that the behavioral degradation that comes with aging, especially in the modern world, joint pain, nagging pains, less movement, muscle wasting, retirement, just make packing on pounds much easier because most people’s eating habits don’t change at the same speed as the energy demand(s)
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none feel significant but a few different things going on, some pains are like my knee pain that is quite unpredictable & i’m not really able to replicate the circumstance(s) that cause the pain sensation but that leg has slightly less range of motion until i warm it up…which is kinda scary. others i’m able to completely avoid & train around, like my latest nagging thing of a calf pain at only at full bend, which likely not coincidentally is on the same leg with the knee pain. i’m hoping it’s something of compensation or an overuse thing from previously injuring my other calf
you better have it checked first. I got a co-worker that had an accident at work and went away for a couple of months then came back again at work but was still experiencing some progressive pain. point was she never went to see a doctor but instead went to see her parasitic physiotherapist milking her each and every time. I told her years ago to ditch the bastard and look for someone else.

anyway, as she was complaining about her pain, I just told her the worst case scenario since her injury was synonymous to my knee injury from long ago. I told her that she could have suffered a tear possibly an acl and it could take months or years to recover fully. after giving her such a pep talk, haven't see her for months now and possibly could have seen a doctor and received the proper treatment that she needed.

when I had my calf torn a few months ago, my calves were extremely big (maybe swollen). though not painful, it was a bit of a struggle walking. I haven't rested that much considering we were close to the basketball playoffs and played some crucial minutes. during one of our practice sessions, I was doing well when my calf muscle snapped. it didn't hurt that much though I felt that I couldn't really move nor walk normal. myself and some people thought it was cramps, didn't think it was a lot more serious. the day after and the next couple of days was brutal. my injured leg was screaming in pain. have to go to emergency the day after.
yea i can imagine a 7k daily calorie intake not being all that sustainable long term…🤣

i definitely can understand not being aware of ‘how’ to eat purposely (still working on this honestly 😅), i read somewhere that it actually isn’t the case that human metabolism slows all that substantially as we age, more so that the behavioral degradation that comes with aging, especially in the modern world, joint pain, nagging pains, less movement, muscle wasting, retirement, just make packing on pounds much easier because most people’s eating habits don’t change at the same speed as the energy demand(s)
I might have eaten around 5k yesterday. but that was because it was a night-out with the family. really good sushi and cost us a lot but was worth it. sorry no pics. it was so late and we were so hungry. and the wife just finished her 24hr fast.
you better have it checked first. I got a co-worker that had an accident at work and went away for a couple of months then came back again at work but was still experiencing some progressive pain. point was she never went to see a doctor but instead went to see her parasitic physiotherapist milking her each and every time. I told her years ago to ditch the bastard and look for someone else.

anyway, as she was complaining about her pain, I just told her the worst case scenario since her injury was synonymous to my knee injury from long ago. I told her that she could have suffered a tear possibly an acl and it could take months or years to recover fully. after giving her such a pep talk, haven't see her for months now and possibly could have seen a doctor and received the proper treatment that she needed.

when I had my calf torn a few months ago, my calves were extremely big (maybe swollen). though not painful, it was a bit of a struggle walking. I haven't rested that much considering we were close to the basketball playoffs and played some crucial minutes. during one of our practice sessions, I was doing well when my calf muscle snapped. it didn't hurt that much though I felt that I couldn't really move nor walk normal. myself and some people thought it was cramps, didn't think it was a lot more serious. the day after and the next couple of days was brutal. my injured leg was screaming in pain. have to go to emergency the day after.

yea, it would probably be better for peace of mind & a voluntary trip to the the hospital is better than an involuntary one…but aside from my stereotypical reticence to make preemptive trips to seek medical attention i kinda think it would be a waste of time because an elective procedure is not something i’d be interested in anyway, and i don’t have any issues with these things outside of training

worked up to 435 again and afterwards felt out my full range squat for the one calf that had been felling iffy i added some machine weighted standing calf raises a couple days ago and went too heavy i think because getting a weird sensation in my other calf now, it’s odd because i definitely didn’t feel anything during the workout & felt great the rest of that day…starting to wonder if i can tell the difference between soreness and injury at this point

was watching this video this morning:

and it reminded me how automatically adaptable the body is, and will auto regulate based on the input(s), do a bunch of cardio and while you will likely burn more calories during it, the system will adjust down your daily normal activity and involuntary movement. if you resistance/strength train you don’t actually burn many calories while doing it but can potentially make the body burn more after/outside the workout. it’s something that isn’t at all obvious but makes it sense that intense cardio will make you slightly less active to compensate
^ I hear so much back and forth from both sides about cardio for fat loss vs weights / resistance.

I just chose to incorporate both as much as I can in my every day that way all bases are covered. Don't got time to pick sides and end up being wrong or inefficient.
yea, it would probably be better for peace of mind & a voluntary trip to the the hospital is better than an involuntary one…but aside from my stereotypical reticence to make preemptive trips to seek medical attention i kinda think it would be a waste of time because an elective procedure is not something i’d be interested in anyway, and i don’t have any issues with these things outside of training
Just got an update regarding that co-worker. She has an mcl injury just as I suspected. Never take a medical appointment for granted.
^ I hear so much back and forth from both sides about cardio for fat loss vs weights / resistance.

I just chose to incorporate both as much as I can in my every day that way all bases are covered. Don't got time to pick sides and end up being wrong or inefficient.
I lost weight doing cardio, I lost weight doing weights. I lost weight doing both. I believe it works both ways. But if you eat like a pig, no amount of cardio nor weightlifting will do you any good.
it’s just depends on what your goals are, what you enjoy, and how much/what you want to maximize…the thing is most people go way too far in with cardio part, and don’t really even like doing those activities. i think the whole ‘cardio isn’t necessary’ thing is aimed at letting people that are trying to control/lose weight know that not only that cardio isn’t the only way to do it, it is inefficient, probably is the most time intensive, and potentially counterproductive
it’s just depends on what your goals are, what you enjoy, and how much/what you want to maximize…the thing is most people go way too far in with cardio part, and don’t really even like doing those activities. i think the whole ‘cardio isn’t necessary’ thing is aimed at letting people that are trying to control/lose weight know that not only that cardio isn’t the only way to do it, it is inefficient, probably is the most time intensive, and potentially counterproductive
for me personally, I would argue that cardio is inefficient. I believe it is more on different folks, different strokes or preference. as far as the science goes behind it people would continue to argue unless it is 100% proven otherwise. also I believe it is a matter of execution. that goes for both cardio and weight training.
some bad news. went to see the doctor today. so no lifting for the moment and more likely for a month which is annoying. so not much upper body building for now. guess I'm stucked with midsections and lower extremities. oh well, guess it's time to get back to jogging/sprints and ab workout for a month.
for me personally, I would argue that cardio is inefficient. I believe it is more on different folks, different strokes or preference. as far as the science goes behind it people would continue to argue unless it is 100% proven otherwise. also I believe it is a matter of execution. that goes for both cardio and weight training.

well it is definitely proven that doing lots of cardio as a way to control/lose weight is inefficient, it might be the case that some people do actually enjoy cardio to a point they can tolerate it sustainably (maybe)…but the science is pretty clear that if you are relying on doing a bunch of cardio for fitness (especially if you don’t particularly enjoy it) you are sending your body a signal to get rid of muscle to get more efficient. which in the long term, losing muscle will make you weaker overall, not saying cardio is bad but dosage & intensity is the key…

the argument against cardio is just related to the fact that doing cardio is like the default approach most take and is easier to see results quickly in the short term but it has diminishing returns the more you do it

some bad news. went to see the doctor today. so no lifting for the moment and more likely for a month which is annoying. so not much upper body building for now. guess I'm stucked with midsections and lower extremities. oh well, guess it's time to get back to jogging/sprints and ab workout for a month.

you can’t lift but you can do sprints???
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well it is definitely proven that doing lots of cardio as a way to control/lose weight is inefficient, it might be the case that some people do actually enjoy cardio to a point they can tolerate it sustainably (maybe)…but the science is pretty clear that if you are relying on doing a bunch of cardio for fitness you are sending your body a signal to get rid of muscle to get more efficient. which in the long term, losing muscle will make you weaker overall, not saying cardio is bad but dosage & intensity is the key…

the argument against cardio is just related to the fact that doing cardio is like the default approach most take and is easier to see results quickly in the short term but it has diminishing returns the more you do it

you can’t lift but you can do sprints???
It's because of my neck and shoulder.
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