STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

What martial art?
Taekwondo. he still is 2 belts away from obtaining his black belt since it is quite tough to obtain especially when there are some insane conditioning, sparring and hours of teaching is required. once that is obtained and hopefully before he becomes a teenager, I would incorporate or mixing it up with either BJJ and boxing.
Thread has been useless for years. Unsubbed.
How much advice is really necessary though?

In the hood, people are able to build respectable physiques just off the strength of pull ups, push ups and dips. No gym membership or expensive home equipment required, just going to the neighborhood park (free) and putting in the time.

That's also a major key because it's known that sunlight increases vitamin d, endorphins, this putting you in a positive feedback loop both burning fat and having the motivation psychologically to continue working out every day.
This still makes me laugh. Exactly one year apart 115->170. 7k+ calories a day and StrongLifts.

115 stones though!
Highly recommend BJJ. Great martial art to learn.. I only did 6 months before I fell in love with Muay Thai but even that would help me tremendously over someone who has never trained before.
the BJJ class is with the same dojo that he goes to which would have been fine but a bit farther from our place. the closest one would be the boxing gym. I even considered putting him in a Krav Maga class which the location is somewhere in between, but felt Krav Maga was just too violent. as far as incorporating multiple disciplines for my son is concerned, I took him for Taekwondo for distance and kicks, boxing for mid ground and bjj for close and ground. the little still need some work with his punches though, but his kicks are pretty nasty especially when they connect.
Thread has taken a sad turn. Folks in here calling exercise an unnatural chore, defending fat folks, talking about food deserts, blaming fast food for being delicious…:smh:

It’s very sad how little personal accountability plays into society these days. :nerd:
I eat cookies and cheesecake after a beast mode lift and I’m happy asf .. whutchu talking bout
Lol.. I’m high asf..
healthy food is expensive. Straight up. To the point I just buy sand which meat (roast beef, honey ham) and eat it out the plastic. Lots of water and can’t forget about cookies :lol:

Healthy food is expensive but folks got money for weed, booze, edibles, and all other stuff they don’t really need?

Like I said, folks aren’t held accountable. :evil:
Can't take those muscles with you. But enjoying life until that day...priceless. LOL

You can't take money with you either but it doesn't stop folks from tryna get their paper up.

You'd prolly have more days to enjoy life if you're not a complete fat **** but I'll leave folks to it.

You can't take money with you either but it doesn't stop folks from tryna get their paper up.

You'd prolly have more days to enjoy life if you're not a complete fat **** but I'll leave folks to it.

Yo. I'm going to be dripped out. Tailored Italian suit, Gucci loafers, a $200K chain, Rolie, earrings....

You could have 8% BF and die tomorrow from whatever. None of us know the day nor time. I get where you're coming from.

Yeah I got a boat but I ain’t got money for healthy food so back off g
My man you can get fresh filet o fish. I cannot...

You probably got designer high tier protein.
This still makes me laugh. Exactly one year apart 115->170. 7k+ calories a day and StrongLifts.


SHEEEEESH! bruh, did you put on 55lbs in year!? if so, what was that transition like tho? did you maintain it?how tall are you & what weight are you at now?

so a couple questions for you experienced lifters, how do y’all deal with (and recover from) nagging injuries/pain with compound lifts? do you seek out a doctor/medical/physio? just train around it?

for barbell deadlifts & squats how often, if at all, do you do variations and/or change things like depths, foot positioning, stances, etc.?
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