STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Imagine if she did that to a new dude going to the gym and maybe genuinely admiring her physique for literally a quick sec. Someone who isn’t a trainer with the ability to confront her. If she’s wound up ready to pop off like that it could ruin someone’s want to even go to a gym at all for simply glancing around.

This kind of aggressiveness needs to be removed from gym culture tbh. It’s unnecessary and she clearly wanted a confrontation. People like that should be thrown out.

didn’t consider that, good point…still as the person with some authority i think he had the opportunity to state gym etiquette rather than immediately threaten removal
didn’t consider that, good point…still as the person with some authority i think he had the opportunity to state gym etiquette rather than immediately threaten removal
well she had it coming. secretly recording others is also a major offense. in our job, that is automatic banning for visitors. for employees, it could result to termination. you don't insinuate on something just because you felt like it. it's downright disrespectful. I had encountered people like that in other public events.
it’s changed a ****load regarding gender. You’d maybe see a half dozen females in a gym back in 2000. Rest we’re in fitness aerobic rooms. Now their everywhere with the tight tights lol. It’s all good though. Get your fitness on you bad mamma Jamma :pimp:
Random yt girl looked at me as I was walking by to move to a different piece of equipment today.

I immediately went from a neutral face to the

-style mean-mug.

How you gonna be an outta shape, weak brawd staring down the gym gawd?
isn’t this just reverse band bench press? he is a bit too nonchalant about it but it is a valid modification to bench press
I have no qualms with it.

But it seems to stem from Smith being assisted & only a fixed angle.
what is your 1 rep max? trying to slowly work up to that full depth 4 plate club, tho it does spook me a bit to do a bunch of reps with such heavy weight

what’s wrong with the that particular machine tho?


If you’re spooked to rep heavy weight try incorporating a heavy single (1x1) into your workout before your working sets.

For ex if my one rep max is 520, I’ll do 1x1 with 455 - 485 so my body/CNS is still somewhat used to heavy weight.

Then I’ll do some rep work with lighter weight. Also doing singles wakes your body up so backdown work feels lighter.

Also why tf is everything I type underlined on this iPad smh

If you’re spooked to rep heavy weight try incorporating a heavy single (1x1) into your workout before your working sets.

For ex if my one rep max is 520, I’ll do 1x1 with 455 - 485 so my body/CNS is still somewhat used to heavy weight.

Then I’ll do some rep work with lighter weight. Also doing singles wakes your body up so backdown work feels lighter.

Also why tf is everything I type underlined on this iPad smh

I do something similar, my last warm up set is 1x1 at 90% of my 4-5 rep max.
i haven’t been following any program(ming), not sure what you mean by working sets? you would just start with a heavy single without building up to it? how would you warmup for this?

i just go off of how my body/joints feel, keeping the reps low…for squats i’ ll start/warmup with 135 back & front squats for 3-9 reps each, then depending how those go up the weight to 185 or 225 for 3-6 reps for both front & back squats. around this weight usually i can only manage around 3 reps of front squats in a row, so i’d do 3 then switch to back squats the do the other 3 front squats, then depending how those feel i’d either stop or go up again to either 275 or 315 for 1-5 reps just back squats, if those go well anything past 315 is 1 maybe 2 reps except when i box squat, where i can do more.

if after the heavy single reps, everything is feeling decent i’ll switch to a lighter weight, where i feel i can be fast/explosive for 3-9 reps depending on the weight. recently i switched things up such that i have been deadlifting & squatting on different days, before i would deadlift almost immediately after squats every session.
I have no qualms with it.

But it seems to stem from Smith being assisted & only a fixed angle.

i know that it’s fixed but how is it assisted?

If you have to ask that question you clearly do not know The Whey.

clearly 😂…i don’t see problem with it…i’m an novice, basically only have had any interest in lifting at all for a little over a year so i don’t have much reference, seems like it would be a good option for simplifying a movement as it limits the plane of motion and not having to create stability like with free weights?
it limits the plane of motion and not having to create stability like with free weights?

Undesirable, unless you have some kind of physical limitation or restriction.

People can do what they want, but in general instead of simplifying the movement, I’d advocate for learning to perform movements correctly with lighter loads and putting the work in to progress from there.

But that’s why the clapping bench press with resisted bands is so funny. We adding like two different layers of complexity to a movement that apparently we also need to simplify? Make it make sense. :lol:
Smith machine isnt bad, it just shouldnt be used as the main equipment for whatever lift imo. I like it for burn out type sets at the end of my workout. It serves a purpose, but if you want to improve your bench/squat/shoulder press that shouldnt be your main focus
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