STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


na the “I smell pie” comment got me 😂😂😂 reminded me of them old looney toons cartoons
hey guys, just have some questions and need input please. Starting to really care about my fitness because ever since covid I lost the urge to workout and then I got tired of being fat essentially. Also I am deployed rn so it makes it easier to just lock in. Been eating healthy everyday (chicken, veggies, rice and eggs). What are the best workouts I can to do lost body fat faster and what workouts or how many times should I workout chest for more results? Right now I am playing pickleball and lifting about 5 times a week. Also, what snacks are do you guys eat that are somewhat healthy?
You getting your belt promotion soon?

Still waiting on blue (4 stripes). I'm way ahead of schedule, coming up on a year of training.

I decided to man up and start prepping for the next tournament and I got so many questions. Some people just go in no strategy at all but I'm not tryna get embarrassed or worse, injured. If anything this gives me a chance to get in as great a shape as possible. I need to first figure out what weight to compete in. I'll do both gi and no gi.
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Still waiting on blue (4 stripes). I'm way ahead of schedule, coming up on a year of training.

I decided to man up and start prepping for the next tournament and I got so many questions. Some people just go in no strategy at all but I'm not tryna get embarrassed or worse, injured. If anything this gives me a chance to get in as great a shape as possible. I need to first figure out what weight to compete in. I'll do both gi and no gi.
You got this man.
That blue is as good as yours.
hey guys, just have some questions and need input please. Starting to really care about my fitness because ever since covid I lost the urge to workout and then I got tired of being fat essentially. Also I am deployed rn so it makes it easier to just lock in. Been eating healthy everyday (chicken, veggies, rice and eggs). What are the best workouts I can to do lost body fat faster and what workouts or how many times should I workout chest for more results? Right now I am playing pickleball and lifting about 5 times a week. Also, what snacks are do you guys eat that are somewhat healthy?

I'm not gonna spend too much time on my soapbox.

1) Most folks that find workout religion while deployed don't stay with it when they get back to the States IME. If you can only be bothered to put in work when there's almost nothing else you can do, once you can do other **** you'll do that instead.

2) You might be too fat to actually build an appreciable amount of muscle.

3) Working chest more may not grow more chest and tryna do so might cause you to end up injured.

4) The healthiest snack you can have if you're a Fat is water. Seriously. Don't add more calories to your diet when that's what's caused you to gain bad weight in the first place. If you absolutely need something in your stomach (pause), get two scoops of low-calorie whey protein mixed in some water.

Other than that, keep doing what you're doing and see if it works. Bush the pickleball and start doing moderate-high intensity interval training (i.e. sprints) either on the track/running trail, the treadmill, the bike, and/or the rower.

Consistency is key. If you're consistently lazy, skipping days, not going hard, 'cheating' on your diet, your results will consistently be ******. If you consistently go HAM, go through extra workouts, eat like you should, then your results will be consistently great.

I'll refrain from going into specific workout plans since it doesn't seem appropriate for your current level of commitment and fitness.
hey guys, just have some questions and need input please. Starting to really care about my fitness because ever since covid I lost the urge to workout and then I got tired of being fat essentially. Also I am deployed rn so it makes it easier to just lock in. Been eating healthy everyday (chicken, veggies, rice and eggs). What are the best workouts I can to do lost body fat faster and what workouts or how many times should I workout chest for more results? Right now I am playing pickleball and lifting about 5 times a week. Also, what snacks are do you guys eat that are somewhat healthy?

i’m definitely not an expert but depending on how much fat/weight you are trying to drop could determine the best path but generally if you are trying to shed weight fast doing a bunch of cardio/high intensity interval training style workouts are good money but it might be difficult to actually keep up with over time…if you want a smoother more sustainable outcome slowly dropping weight while improving your strength/building muscle by progressively increasing the reps/sets/weight…

as for snacking goes, i’m pretty terrible in that regard but as long as you prioritize getting protein in & don’t go too crazy with your daily calories it doesn’t really matter
Finally got a more intense workout in today. Mainly did some overhead presses and front squats, then suitcase carries.

Really think suitcase carries are becoming my GOAT exercise for core stability.
I'm not gonna spend too much time on my soapbox.

1) Most folks that find workout religion while deployed don't stay with it when they get back to the States IME. If you can only be bothered to put in work when there's almost nothing else you can do, once you can do other **** you'll do that instead.

2) You might be too fat to actually build an appreciable amount of muscle.

3) Working chest more may not grow more chest and tryna do so might cause you to end up injured.

4) The healthiest snack you can have if you're a Fat is water. Seriously. Don't add more calories to your diet when that's what's caused you to gain bad weight in the first place. If you absolutely need something in your stomach (pause), get two scoops of low-calorie whey protein mixed in some water.

Other than that, keep doing what you're doing and see if it works. Bush the pickleball and start doing moderate-high intensity interval training (i.e. sprints) either on the track/running trail, the treadmill, the bike, and/or the rower.

Consistency is key. If you're consistently lazy, skipping days, not going hard, 'cheating' on your diet, your results will consistently be ****ty. If you consistently go HAM, go through extra workouts, eat like you should, then your results will be consistently great.

I'll refrain from going into specific workout plans since it doesn't seem appropriate for your current level of commitment and fitness.
LMAO blunt but I totally agree. No need to dive in too deep if you don’t have the bare basics down yet.
LMAO blunt but I totally agree. No need to dive in too deep if you don’t have the bare basics down yet.

I’ve never personally seen (or even heard of) a person that started working out there and kept it going once they redeployed, only folks that started and fizzled out.

The amount of folks that start is just like New Year’s resolutioners; the amount of folks that succeed is prolly just as small.

A battle buddy of mine went when we were downrange, refused to go with me, Master of All Tank Tops and Professor of Chaos (
) and instead started going with a dude we worked with who also found religion there. My battle buddy hasn’t still lifted in the 5+ years since we’ve been back.

I called the same thing out for a homeboy of mine. Dude got brolic and was beating the ***** off with a stick down there. Folks back home was mirin gainz. I told our boss he wasn’t finna keep it up and folks accused me of being a hater and being jelly like I had competition.
Duke came back and lost about 20 solid pounds in less than 2 months and was just a guy last time I seen him.

FWIW, starting to work out because you now "have the time" isn't a strong enough impetus to stay with it once you get back to normal society. Even so, talmbout things like progressive overload, specificity, neural fatigue, and autoregulation is going way over the top for a dude that just started lifting and may be squatting to 45 ° above parallel.
Still waiting on blue (4 stripes). I'm way ahead of schedule, coming up on a year of training.

I decided to man up and start prepping for the next tournament and I got so many questions. Some people just go in no strategy at all but I'm not tryna get embarrassed or worse, injured. If anything this gives me a chance to get in as great a shape as possible. I need to first figure out what weight to compete in. I'll do both gi and no gi.
Blue belt usually takes like a year anyway if ur not going hard
I got 4 stripes at 3 different schools (One gym moved too far away then I switched from one to another to train with a friend) but never got my blue belt :lol: .
I'm not gonna spend too much time on my soapbox.

1) Most folks that find workout religion while deployed don't stay with it when they get back to the States IME. If you can only be bothered to put in work when there's almost nothing else you can do, once you can do other **** you'll do that instead.

2) You might be too fat to actually build an appreciable amount of muscle.

3) Working chest more may not grow more chest and tryna do so might cause you to end up injured.

4) The healthiest snack you can have if you're a Fat is water. Seriously. Don't add more calories to your diet when that's what's caused you to gain bad weight in the first place. If you absolutely need something in your stomach (pause), get two scoops of low-calorie whey protein mixed in some water.

Other than that, keep doing what you're doing and see if it works. Bush the pickleball and start doing moderate-high intensity interval training (i.e. sprints) either on the track/running trail, the treadmill, the bike, and/or the rower.

Consistency is key. If you're consistently lazy, skipping days, not going hard, 'cheating' on your diet, your results will consistently be ****ty. If you consistently go HAM, go through extra workouts, eat like you should, then your results will be consistently great.

I'll refrain from going into specific workout plans since it doesn't seem appropriate for your current level of commitment and fitness.
I can deff see that but its not really me finding workout religion, I always worked out or played sports but since covid and going through a breakup, I kinda just ditched the gym. I have a local LA fitness that I signed up for to play basketball so I will just workout there. Also I just pickleball, its intense and I burn about 1200 calories when I play for like 1.5 hours (according to apple watch). I telework too so with a peloton and some weights in my garage so itll deff be easy for me to keep it going.
Blue belt usually takes like a year anyway if ur not going hard
I got 4 stripes at 3 different schools (One gym moved too far away then I switched from one to another to train with a friend) but never got my blue belt :lol: .

Blue belt is like 2 to 3 years for most if you go consistently. It took me a while to get my first stripes cause I think I kept leaving early to go to work during the promo days. I got like 3 stripes within a month, 2 in one day after 8 months :lol: . I want to get to purple which takes like 5 to 6 years total.

Ill probably be in a wheelchair by then. :lol:

You should go back and get your blue belt if you haven't been out too long to forget the fundamentals.
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I need to decide whether to join the masters division for washed fighters. I'm 38 I think I fall into masters 2, or challenge myself and just compete against the 20 year olds. I hold my own against most, regardless of age in my gym but I don't know what kinda goons they got in other gyms.
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I quit lifting for about 2 years when I was working stupid hours and just hating life. I'm talking 17 hour days was normal.

just walked off the job one day and started lifting again right away. I was weak af for like 2 months. :lol: it came back quick though.

Glad to hear it but that's not quite what I'm driving at.

Going back to it isn't the same as starting from scratch when you're halfway around the world, away from home with little else to do to kill time. (I'm assuming dude is a noob based off the questions he's asking.)

Anybody tryna lose weight while on a deployment was almost assuredly husky/fluffy before they went downrange, meaning they weren't about that gym life before they left.

Idk anyone that started working out and became a gym regular just because the year on the calendar changed either, so if y'all do, y'all's mileage will definitely vary.

My main point was ole buddy will have to find his WHY? and that it will need to be better than "I have more free time now since I'm deployed" if he wants his progress to become permanent.

Not tryna hate on duke like that, just keeping it a buck that literally everyone I know that started while they were overseas fell off quickly once they got back.

Fade Beard Hubie
So gear/Steroids then, got it.

Does the tank top master be juicing too?

No gear, dude just has a fast metabolism and stopped eating to grow so his newb-gained muscle was catabolized.

We talking regular Air Force airmen, they’re not affording and smuggling steroids downrange for…what? Clout?

And I don’t and have never taken gear either. All-natural black genes descended from old American slave stock baby.
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