STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I don't eat Jif or Skippy natural peanut butter since both have added palm oil & sugar in their natural peanut butter. I buy Adams Natural Peanut butter since the only ingredients in it are just peanuts and a little bit of salt (made w/o hydrogenated oils), but you can do whatever the EFF you wanna do 8)

I switched to the Trader's Joe brand of natural pb because of the added salts in natural Skippy. Its cheaper too.
Anyone interested in a cutting challenge thread or competition within this one?

I just joined the one on BB, but thought one here might be a hit. Thoughts?
I've gotten stricter on my diet and on my "cheat" days, I only eat at maintenance. The last 4 weeks, I've lost 2 lbs/week. When I first started a few months back, I was real sloppy with eating on the weekends. I've drop weight during the week and add it right back on in 2 days...

Went from 192 to 177 in about 6 weeks, I plan to drop to drop down to ~170 and stay there till late November or so then bulk.


Deadlift and squats on one day feels like :x and :pimp: at the same damn time.
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you shouldnt assume just because someone takes protein they are taking 5+ shakes a day and taking in 250g of protein everyday :lol:

im far from that, i take in a fair amount and i only take a shake after i workout..

im not those dudes who OD on protein

like ive said a million times, real food>>>>>>whey

whey should only be consumed 1 to maybe 2 shakes max. if you take in more than that then your are DOING IT WRONG.

I never did nor did my statement supply you with an idea that I think your taking that much protein.

I'll stop. Was just stating my philosophy on being healthy and staying in shape. Whatever works for you, everyone just be safe and give it your all.
No you weren't. You came in here spouting off ridiculous overgeneralizations while backing it up with "well cavemen were in shape". I don't know you and you may know alot and that's fine, but no one in here is gonna take what you said and change their behavior because of the overall condescending attitude within your posts. If you feel like engaging in a discussion with the rest of us, please do so, but otherwise you can drop your nuggets of wisdom elsewhere.

I'm not mad.

Never done EC but Glutamine is amazing, I ran out a few weeks back and I can definitely tell a difference, always sore :frown:

Same here. People might say otherwise but Glutamine has worked for me.

When did you take it? after working out only or do you have to take it a few times a day. link to it too :nerd:

I've always just thrown it in with my postworkout whey, one serving a day worked for me.
Anyone been successful at breaking a weight loss plateau? Im not sure wether to switch up my diet to more carbs and less protein or switch my exercises up

Don't eat less protein.

What kind of cardio work you doing? If you're doing long distance running, switch to sprint (especially 400m). If you sprint change to Barbell complexes. If you doing Complexes switch to KB swings. If you're doing swings switch to weight circuits. Jump rope, hill sprints, modified strongman training. Get where I'm going, switch **** up. Take up a martial art of play a sport a couple times a week if you got the time/money

Don't eat less protein.
What kind of cardio work you doing? If you're doing long distance running, switch to sprint (especially 400m). If you sprint change to Barbell complexes. If you doing Complexes switch to KB swings. If you're doing swings switch to weight circuits. Jump rope, hill sprints, modified strongman training. Get where I'm going, switch **** up. Take up a martial art of play a sport a couple times a week if you got the time/money
I got you bro, actually want to do some swimming so i think ill try that out and see if it helps
Add cardio or a bigger calorie deficit.
Weight loss isn't linear as long as your burning more than your taking in, you'll be losing weight.

This is some good advice right here. Was arguing with someone the other day, and I kept telling them that as long as you have a large enough deficit, you will be loosing weight.
How would it work?

I misspoke, not a competition, essentially it'd be a thread where we post our day one weight and/or measurements, along with a picture. Post updates throughout the challenge checking in with updates, notes, motivation, what you're up to, and post a final picture at the end of the challenge noting what your original goals were, where you're at on that date, critique your approach etc.
This is some good advice right here. Was arguing with someone the other day, and I kept telling them that as long as you have a large enough deficit, you will be loosing weight.
yup. At the same time, dont take it to the extreme. Eat well and workout your hardest. You dont even have to count calories.
where a good place to buy cable machine attachments?? I checked Amazon but i thinki they had 2 different versions. I wasn't sure how to tell which is better??
This week Im going to try I.F intermittent fasting and see if I can handle. If I dont post next sunday, send flowers
I lost 15 pounds these past 2 weeks and I hadn't even noticed it.

All I did was skate a lot more than usual! I was eating a lot of junk food though!! I seriously hadn't even paid attention to eating healthy and all of that stuff!
Here's a better resource on it, even alludes to Joel Marion's plan which costs money but you could probably piece together well enough just from reviews and commentary on it plus it's free with his brand of overpriced *** supplements (BioTrust). HodgeTwins really don't really give you much detail on what or how to do it.

Uncover how to use this 1 method of intermittent fasting for weight loss to SKYROCKET your results!

I’ll be perfect and honest with you by saying intermittent fasting is going to be hard both physically and mentally.

Most people don’t have the willpower to put in the fortitude necessary to endure an entire day of not eating.

fasting Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

But this method is single handedly the most effective way to boost your fat loss results and if you’re willing to go through the pain you’ll reap the benefits.

So why is intermittent fasting so gosh darn effective?

It essentially puts your body in a highly efficient fat burning environment as it stimulates the hormones responsible for fat loss while simultaneously inhibiting the fat gaining hormones.

Unfortunately when most people hear of intermittent fasting they immediately take a step back but you have to realize that it’s probably the most natural method of fat loss.

As humans evolved over thousands and thousands of years food wasn’t always so readily available as it is today. And this meant that there were some days when we just didn’t have food to eat.

So your body would use its fat reserves as fuel until it could find its next meal.

The secret for our purposes is to strategically use intermittent fasting to skyrocket our metabolism so we maximize fat loss while keeping our lean muscle.
And here’s how you do intermittent fasting for weight loss

First you’ll need to pick up some Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s) which will prevent the breakdown and catabolism of muscle (muscle loss).

BCAA’s are essentially the building blocks of protein and I like to think of them as the “best parts” of protein.

The day prior to fasting your going to have a cheat day which entitles you to eating just about anything you want until 8pm at night. I don’t like to make any rules on cheat day but once the clock strikes 8pm you’re immediately on fasting mode.

For the next 24 hours you’re going to put yourself in intermittent fasting mode.

This means you’re going to go to sleep and when you wake up the next morning you can only drink water or steeped green tea.

The reason we have a cheat day prior to the fasting day is simply because the massive influx of calories will elevate the leptin hormone in your body essentially telling it to start burning fat pronto.

You’re also going to take in your BCAA’s too on your fasting day. To calculate how much you should be using take your body weight in pounds and multiple it by 0.3. Then divide this number by 6 and that’s how much you should take throughout the day in 6 separate “feedings.”

So I weigh around 200 lbs. that means I would take in 10g of BCAA’s over 6 doses throughout the day.

I personally like to use the BCAA’s by Athletic Greens because their supplements are always high quality and they never skimp on the ingredients. They’re a stand up company that strives to perfect their products and I stand behind them 100%.

And once 8pm hits the next day you’re allowed to have a meal that is very low in carbohydrates. I usually eat some BBQ chicken with guacamole.

Like I said earlier intermittent fasting isn’t for the weak at heart but if you’re up for it get ready to experience some extreme fat loss results.
Can you workout while on a intermittent fasting for weight loss plan?

First let’s dig into what kind of workouts that will maximally enhance the fat loss process on your fasting day.

Because of your massive decrease in caloric intake it’s probably going to leave you without much energy but if you’re willing to take things to the next level then these workouts will do the trick.

In the morning A.M. I would recommend a metabolic resistance training workout such as the Spartacus Workout 2012 and then if possible you should try to get in another High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout later in the P.M. [

These workouts are unquestionable tough but I can promise you they will effectively enhance your fat loss in addition to the fasting day.

I personally only prefer to do a fasting day once per week combined with carb cycling throughout the rest of the week. For my goals I don’t think it’s necessary to fast more than once a week but if you have some serious fat to lose than adding in additional fasting days can work too.

But I would max out with 3 fasting days per week and make sure you have a break day in between so you can consume some actual food.

I also recommend picking up some high quality Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) for your fasting day because they will prevent the breakdown of your muscle during your fast. As we all know muscle is going to be important not only for toning the body but also to keep our metabolisms high.
The Next Level To Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

If you want to get extreme like my pal Joel Marion you could also add in a Shake Day following your Fasting Day. This means you drink 6 protein shakes throughout the day in replacement of your meals.

It’s important to pick up a high quality whey protein isolate too as they will be the only thing you’ll be consuming throughout the Shake Day.

Joel is currently putting the finishing touches on his rapid fat loss program that strategically implements intermittent fasting too, I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

Once again these fasting days can be tough but accomplishing the most difficult things in life usually produce the most results.

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you out on intermittent fasting for weight loss by leaving a comment below.
One of my pet peeves is people saying they want to lose weight, I always try and get their mindset into losing FAT.

Unless you're competing for a weight category based sport or something, does it really matter how much you weigh? ...or more what you look like? because for the most part, people who say they want to "lose weight" really mean they'd like to look ripped and muscular.

Try and get into the habit of saying you want to lose fat, learn to evaluate your progress by the mirror and the tape, rather than the scales.
Here's a better resource on it, even alludes to Joel Marion's plan which costs money but you could probably piece together well enough just from reviews and commentary on it plus it's free with his brand of overpriced *** supplements (BioTrust). HodgeTwins really don't really give you much detail on what or how to do it.
Uncover how to use this 1 method of intermittent fasting for weight loss to SKYROCKET your results!
I’ll be perfect and honest with you by saying intermittent fasting is going to be hard both physically and mentally.
Most people don’t have the willpower to put in the fortitude necessary to endure an entire day of not eating.
fasting Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
But this method is single handedly the most effective way to boost your fat loss results and if you’re willing to go through the pain you’ll reap the benefits.
So why is intermittent fasting so gosh darn effective?
It essentially puts your body in a highly efficient fat burning environment as it stimulates the hormones responsible for fat loss while simultaneously inhibiting the fat gaining hormones.
Unfortunately when most people hear of intermittent fasting they immediately take a step back but you have to realize that it’s probably the most natural method of fat loss.
As humans evolved over thousands and thousands of years food wasn’t always so readily available as it is today. And this meant that there were some days when we just didn’t have food to eat.
So your body would use its fat reserves as fuel until it could find its next meal.
The secret for our purposes is to strategically use intermittent fasting to skyrocket our metabolism so we maximize fat loss while keeping our lean muscle.
And here’s how you do intermittent fasting for weight loss
First you’ll need to pick up some Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s) which will prevent the breakdown and catabolism of muscle (muscle loss).
BCAA’s are essentially the building blocks of protein and I like to think of them as the “best parts” of protein.
The day prior to fasting your going to have a cheat day which entitles you to eating just about anything you want until 8pm at night. I don’t like to make any rules on cheat day but once the clock strikes 8pm you’re immediately on fasting mode.
For the next 24 hours you’re going to put yourself in intermittent fasting mode.
This means you’re going to go to sleep and when you wake up the next morning you can only drink water or steeped green tea.
The reason we have a cheat day prior to the fasting day is simply because the massive influx of calories will elevate the leptin hormone in your body essentially telling it to start burning fat pronto.
You’re also going to take in your BCAA’s too on your fasting day. To calculate how much you should be using take your body weight in pounds and multiple it by 0.3. Then divide this number by 6 and that’s how much you should take throughout the day in 6 separate “feedings.”
So I weigh around 200 lbs. that means I would take in 10g of BCAA’s over 6 doses throughout the day.
I personally like to use the BCAA’s by Athletic Greens because their supplements are always high quality and they never skimp on the ingredients. They’re a stand up company that strives to perfect their products and I stand behind them 100%.
And once 8pm hits the next day you’re allowed to have a meal that is very low in carbohydrates. I usually eat some BBQ chicken with guacamole.
Like I said earlier intermittent fasting isn’t for the weak at heart but if you’re up for it get ready to experience some extreme fat loss results.
Can you workout while on a intermittent fasting for weight loss plan?
First let’s dig into what kind of workouts that will maximally enhance the fat loss process on your fasting day.
Because of your massive decrease in caloric intake it’s probably going to leave you without much energy but if you’re willing to take things to the next level then these workouts will do the trick.
In the morning A.M. I would recommend a metabolic resistance training workout such as the Spartacus Workout 2012 and then if possible you should try to get in another High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout later in the P.M. [
These workouts are unquestionable tough but I can promise you they will effectively enhance your fat loss in addition to the fasting day.
I personally only prefer to do a fasting day once per week combined with carb cycling throughout the rest of the week. For my goals I don’t think it’s necessary to fast more than once a week but if you have some serious fat to lose than adding in additional fasting days can work too.
But I would max out with 3 fasting days per week and make sure you have a break day in between so you can consume some actual food.
I also recommend picking up some high quality Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) for your fasting day because they will prevent the breakdown of your muscle during your fast. As we all know muscle is going to be important not only for toning the body but also to keep our metabolisms high.
The Next Level To Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
If you want to get extreme like my pal Joel Marion you could also add in a Shake Day following your Fasting Day. This means you drink 6 protein shakes throughout the day in replacement of your meals.
It’s important to pick up a high quality whey protein isolate too as they will be the only thing you’ll be consuming throughout the Shake Day.
Joel is currently putting the finishing touches on his rapid fat loss program that strategically implements intermittent fasting too, I’ll be sure to keep you posted.
Once again these fasting days can be tough but accomplishing the most difficult things in life usually produce the most results.
Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you out on intermittent fasting for weight loss by leaving a comment below.

The twins state regularly that they follow a modified form of Martin's Leangains, 16fast/8feed

Read all of the guides on before you begin IMO, beginning my 15th week, doing a 20/4 schedule , throwing in an occasional 24 fast whenever I feel like I'm up for it. Best decision I've made, supersrs
down 30 lbs from april, ate like **** last week and only worked out twice

prob gained like 4 lbs :x :smh: .. back to the gym this week...
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Trying to get a bigger chest by not lifting, what else can I do? I want to lift, but have no partner / not able to do a significant amount yet.

Right now Im doing pretty much every chest machine known to man, pushup's, dips (machine). My chest is getting there, but not to where I want it to be. Im being very patient, but what are some other things I can do?
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