STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Did he really **** one?
I dunno; the Misc loves talking about it. I have no interest in actually tracking down any actual evidence of it, though.

Hit 345 6 reps on the DL today bros. Was done for squats though, only did 225 smh.
What's your program call for in terms of squat and deadlift reps?

I just started on the Texas Method and in the E-book, Justin suggests working up to a heavy triple on your intensity day. He writes that for the deadlift, giving how taxing it is, working up to 5 rep maxes (or more) isn't really productive. You may want to cap your deadlift sets at 3 (probably go a little heavier). Should leave more in the tank for squats if you have to do them in that order. High rep deads (at least conventional) don't make all that much sense in terms of hypertrophy. SLDL's are probably more worthwhile for hamstring hypertrophy.

^ sorry if that sounds jumbled - off the top of my head.
The infamous "grapefruit" vid is out there.

But don't watch it. Just don't do it.


Think I'm in the beginning stages of a shoulder injury :\ Hurts toward the rear part of my shoulder. Anyone have any advice or been through anything similar?

I'm gonnna be googling this A LOT and reading anything and everything I can, but I'm curious if you guys have any knowledge to share. Besides resting of course lol
Think I'm in the beginning stages of a shoulder injury :\ Hurts toward the rear part of my shoulder. Anyone have any advice or been through anything similar?

I'm gonnna be googling this A LOT and reading anything and everything I can, but I'm curious if you guys have any knowledge to share. Besides resting of course lol

I'm dealing with a shoulder/ rotator cuff injury at the moment. It's gotten much better over the last week, but I'm finally going to the doctor tomorrow to see if it's anything tomorrow. I'm gonna ask a ton of questions so I'll share what shoulder knowledge I get lol
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Think I'm in the beginning stages of a shoulder injury :\ Hurts toward the rear part of my shoulder. Anyone have any advice or been through anything similar?

I'm gonnna be googling this A LOT and reading anything and everything I can, but I'm curious if you guys have any knowledge to share. Besides resting of course lol

I'm dealing with a shoulder/ rotator cuff injury at the moment. It's gotten much better over the last week

it's because you fap too much, bro.

I'm dealing with a shoulder/ rotator cuff injury at the moment. It's gotten much better over the last week, but I'm finally going to the doctor tomorrow to see if it's anything tomorrow. I'm gonna ask a ton of questions so I'll share what shoulder knowledge I get lol

Awesome man, that would be great :pimp:
i just got back in the gym recently, and i know diet is key. haven't read through the thread yet but do yall post recipes of thinks yall cook?
I cycled off of my pre-workout (C4) for 2 weeks and now I'm back on it. It feels amazing. For those who take pre-workouts don't forget to take some time off of it every month or two. You don't want to become dependent and it begins to wear on your body after awhile. Not to mention that feeling when you get back on it is un-freaking believable. I felt like I could lift the whole dang gym today.
I cycled off of my pre-workout (C4) for 2 weeks and now I'm back on it. It feels amazing. For those who take pre-workouts don't forget to take some time off of it every month or two. You don't want to become dependent and it begins to wear on your body after awhile. Not to mention that feeling when you get back on it is un-freaking believable. I felt like I could lift the whole dang gym today.
if you havent tried it try to old old formula of 1mr i think its the one with the 1, 3 dimethylamine

its like working out on adderall

over the past couple months though i havent had money for pre  workout so i switched it up to just coffee  
Think I'm in the beginning stages of a shoulder injury :\ Hurts toward the rear part of my shoulder. Anyone have any advice or been through anything similar?

I'm gonnna be googling this A LOT and reading anything and everything I can, but I'm curious if you guys have any knowledge to share. Besides resting of course lol
How about you see a Dr yourself?

on the real, i respect everyone as a human being

but i no longer take him serious at all, he took it way farther than ogus
Yeah, not an issue of sexuality for me - but anyone (male, female, gay, straight) who does sex acts with a grapefruit on video for money loses a lot of respect in my book.

i just got back in the gym recently, and i know diet is key. haven't read through the thread yet but do yall post recipes of thinks yall cook?
There are some here and there. Speaking for myself, I don't really follow traditional recipes in terms of quantities etc, but I always appreciate the inspiration. Anything food-wise your looking for specifically - cutting meals, bulking meals?
Pros and cons of crossfit?
List below is not exhaustive - I'm sure we'll
1) Team atmosphere
2) Metabolic conditioning is an effective way of burning calories
3) With proper coaching, it can offer novice trainees a solid introduction to Olympic weightlifting.
4) Offers an alternative to traditional strength and bodybuilding routines

1) Cult-like atmosphere that is offputting to a lot of outsiders
2)Focus on AMRAP sets/speed sets of complex lifts is not the most effective means of achieving strength gains or hypertrophy; can increase risk of injury if form issues come into play
3) Crossfit techniques (such as kipping) are not necessarily translatable to more traditional gym exercises/goals
lost 2.5 last week. back on track. sucks that i have to eat that little or that "clean" to lose weight now.
getting skinnier :D and much weaker :frown:

can fit a medium tee now - before washer and dryer :lol:.
maybe i should have flexed for the pic.

props to you bro! i'm happy if i can achieve your physique. care to share your routine?
^ you gotta realize that routines don't matter all that much and the same routine isn't going to produce analogous results in different people. You'd be better off finding a routine that a) you can stick to consistently and b) that you understand.
Hit 100 lb DB 5 times on flat bench this morning. Beyond ecstatic right now. Feels good to finally move through the plateau I had these past 2 months.
Good stuff. Rare to find someone you can share your hobbies with to that degree.
I feel like fitness is one of the few hobbies I'd feel comfortable "pushing" on my future gf/wife. Ideally I'll find a chick who lifts or at least crossfits but if not. I will push her until she incorporates some strength training into her chronic cardio fitness routine. Other habits and hobbies I'd be much more reluctant to push

Word. I try not to "push" anyone into anything, but fitness is more than just a hobby.
:lol: b...kai...fam did i just see. did he really did this. smh. what has been seen, can NOT be unseen. i thought it was a joke, but there was penetration. this can't be life. he was a stripper or some **** too? I'm lost b. he seemed like such a cool dude.
I don't think I can watch another Kai video the same way.  

How the hell did you guys find out he did that though?
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