STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

^ I'm interested, but I'm currently in another country.

I have my laptop and sketchbook and could come up with some designs if you guys want.
Sweet. That would appreciate it. I have my Photoshop skills of any sort. I'm still talking to Meth about the logistics of it.

Realistically, I don't plan making more than 20 since it's a small gang here. If/when things are laid in stone and I am ready to accept payments, I'll have to move onto the for sale thread. Truthfully, the only thing I'm worried about is if some guy files a chargeback for a miniscule reason, ie the red used was fire red and not infrared (making up an example here :lol: ) I'm not looking to make a profit on this, just break even. I'm more concerned and interested in doing the legwork myself for fun :smile:

NT Fitness is a more classic statement, but I feel NTstrong would work too on multiple levels.
With the print I think we should keep it to a minimal to save cost and go for the clean aesthetic. I'm going to email the company that made this shirt. It was a promo shirt given from the shoe shop I talked about. The fit is quite nice I think. The shirt is a small and I'm 5'9". Print is still fine with no cracking after about 5 or so washes. Talk to you dudes later. Gym time!
I'm still in.

Would it be a normal hanes tee with the logo on it? or something else... 

Someone photoshop the logo with a barbell behind it or something along those lines
It's not a normal t shirt, man. It's a wicking shirt so it dries a lot faster when you're sweating. Like the Nike Drifit folks mentioned.
It's not a normal t shirt, man. It's a wicking shirt so it dries a lot faster when you're sweating. Like the Nike Drifit folks mentioned.
Well thats even better. Now let me know when to send some $$$ 
I'm in for the NT shirt. 

Anyone here eat nuts? I started eating almonds, pecans, and cashews as snacks. Started out with a handful of the mixture, but now i find myself eating them more and more. I thought i read somewhere that nuts are good fat to eat but should be limited. Anyone have some insight?
Ya bro. I recently got a shipment of 10 pounds of California almonds. You're right, nuts are good in small doses. Their Omega 6-Omega 3 ratio isn't very good.

Animal/Universal has a forum gathering called the "Animal Barbell Club" aka ABC's. They have it many states and every year at the Arnold & Olympia they have a national ABC. What they do is, its kind of like an NT summit except they all meet up at a local gym, gym it up & get food afterwards. Theres a bunch of videos of them on youtube. 

Could this be something NT is interested in possibly doing in the future? Thing is...we all have to wear our NT shirts. If/when we can actually do the shirt thing. 

The Misc does misc meetups like that. The one real issue is geography versus number of active members. Like at most you're gonna get 3-4 members per area. That said, if the Boston crew wanted to do one at some point this summer, I'd likely be down.

Anyone ever try these?

They have them at costco $11.69 for 24 bars. 10g of protein per bar.
Loaded with soy protein and vegetable oils, no thanks Jeff. I'd much rather pound a protein shake and have a couple squares of quality dark chocolate, but then again I'm bout that rich bulk life.

NT Fitness...."Dropping Bro Science Since (insert date here)"

I'm in on the T-shirt idea assuming a few things. First off, no hashtags, I ******g hate em and would never wear a shirt with one on it. I like the NT Fitness idea plus a bro-science related tag line has potential. A couple ideas "75% broscience, 25% science" or "More bro-science than Dom Mazzetti" The Since idea would work as well but I feel like there's other clever options out ther.

In terms of color scheme, I'd prefer black with red lettering. Also if it could have the logo on like the left pec rather than all the way across that'd be cool.
Dri-fit works or tanks.
couple of you guys put up recipes for protein shakes. i would take the whey with water only but i started makin shakes with peanut butter berries milk almonds etc. tastes amazing
If we make a statement we should make it clever and simple, something like "not just about kicks".

I know you guys are playing with the slogans but we should disprove that all gym heads are d bags and avoid obnoxious statements like the ones Nike and the likes are using now, ie "I'm that dude". We should use the simplicity that the original NT shirts used. If things go well we can make another run later on in a diff color and use the ever so nice crest or badge and modify it for fitness.
If we make a statement we should make it clever and simple, something like "not just about kicks".

I know you guys are playing with the slogans but we should disprove that all gym heads are d bags and avoid obnoxious statements like the ones Nike and the likes are using now, ie "I'm that dude". We should use the simplicity that the original NT shirts used. If things go well we can make another run later on in a diff color and use the ever so nice crest or badge and modify it for fitness.

I agree. I think just a logo would be fine.
in the front it should say NT Fitness and a simple logo
in the back it should say NO Talk Just Weights

that way dudes dont come up to you when your working out lol
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