STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

i necessarily dont like stims and pre workouts at all, for anyone. i just think they are un-safe and not needed.

you want energy? drink some coffee or eat some carbs before a workout.
I started drinking coffee as opposed to pre-workouts, just cause its way cheaper. 
nothing is wrong with DB shoulder presses. they are better than barbell presses. you get a fuller range of motion with DB presses. Worm up the shoulder with another shoulder work out before doing presses. If not its a great way to mess up your rotator cuff.
What's wrong with my DB shoulder press? A few days ago, I could put up 45 lbs in each hand up 10 sets of 10 reps, today I tried doing 50s and went 10-9-8-6-7 before I switched over to another exercise to hit the deltoids. My shoulders have been plateauing for a while now, and this isn't helping.

10 sets of 10 reps? That sounds like overkill, no?
Barbell Calf Raises

That's all I've been doing for legs. Any other good leg exercises pple recommend? Tough being an ectomorph :\

I feel like my calfs and forearms grow the slowest.
try and decrease the weight. its not always good to go heavy every single time you lift

so for a few weeks maybe do a little less then what you're doing now. try doing 3 sets of 10 with 35s or 40s

throw in some dropsets and some supersets each week (one or the other not both) and you will get over the plateau in no time

i change my back routine every 6 weeks or so. i deadlift heavy. after a while i changed my routine from 5 sets of 5 heavy weight to 3 sets of 10 with not so heavy weight

I did 3 sets of 10 with a 45 on each side for 6 weeks. then when I went back to lifting heavy my max had increased
Barbell Calf Raises

That's all I've been doing for legs. Any other good leg exercises pple recommend? Tough being an ectomorph :\

I feel like my calfs and forearms grow the slowest.

I do this

leg press
1 leg leg press
leg extension super set with lunges

the 1 leg leg press is my favorite
keep it simple, heavy, and lots of reps for legs.

lunges on the smith machine
hack squat
seated and standing calves

and sometimes leg curls if im feeling it
For those looking for some cheap protein muscle HQ has 10 lbs of myofusion for 73 shipped today only they sell out quick so I suggest ordering if you are interested
keep it simple, heavy, and lots of reps for legs.

lunges on the smith machine
hack squat
seated and standing calves

and sometimes leg curls if im feeling it

I've seen/heard so many varying opinions on how to correctly perform a deadlift. I try to keep my legs a little wider than shoulder width (I'm 6'3"), Chest up, back at like a 60-70 degree angle, and push up with my heels, abs tight, tighten cheeks at top of movement and push chest out. Sound about right? I always feel like majority of work is being done my by hamstrings and lower back.

Anything I should specifically be careful about?
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It is a lot but I really feel it in my shoulders after I do that, really getting them worked with some high volume.

It was weird though cause of how I had trouble putting up just 5 lbs extra on each side.
OHP is the best strength exercise for shoulders in my opinion. Switch it up between seated and standing (stiff legged), and I promise you will see results.
I've seen/heard so many varying opinions on how to correctly perform a deadlift. I try to keep my legs a little wider than shoulder width (I'm 6'3"), Chest up, back at like a 60-70 degree angle, and push up with my heels, abs tight, tighten cheeks at top of movement and push chest out. Sound about right? I always feel like majority of work is being done my by hamstrings and lower back.

Anything I should specifically be careful about?

im actually going to do deadlifts right now. everything you said sounds just about right but im no deadlift expert.
the most important thing is to never round your back. always look straight, never down. and try to keep the bar as close to your shins/body as possible.
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Did Legs yesterday.  My routine

Leg Extensions (4 sets)

Barbell Squats (4 sets)

Squat Press (4 sets). Better than the leg press IMO

Barbell Lunges (3 sets)

Stiff Leg DL (3 sets)

Standing Calf Raises (4 sets)

Seated Calf Raises (4 sets)

Lying Leg curls (3 sets)

Felt good after and finished with some pull-ups.

Today however, walking up the office stairs brings tears to my eyes..
keep it simple, heavy, and lots of reps for legs.

lunges on the smith machine
hack squat
seated and standing calves

and sometimes leg curls if im feeling it
I hate the leg press, I do them but I feel like im not training my legs too much, maybe its the range of motion that I dislike. I only go 4-5 plates on each side.

I just do 5-6 sets of squats, some calves and those quad/ham machines for leg day. Im dunzo after that.

Anyone ever think of doing something like this for chest day: say...

135 warm up

185- 8 reps, immediately drop weight and do 135 to failure.

205- 6 reps, immediately drop to 135 til failure

225- 6 reps, etc

Just a thought, dont know how effective it would be.
I've seen/heard so many varying opinions on how to correctly perform a deadlift. I try to keep my legs a little wider than shoulder width (I'm 6'3"), Chest up, back at like a 60-70 degree angle, and push up with my heels, abs tight, tighten cheeks at top of movement and push chest out. Sound about right? I always feel like majority of work is being done my by hamstrings and lower back.

Anything I should specifically be careful about?
Deadlift is mainly hamstrings and lower back though...
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