STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

A Tee, in Nike font Bold Futura ala "BO KNOWS" but saying NT STRONG or NT KNOWS WEIGHTS with each word superimposed in front of the previous one would be great


this is cool IMO
Anybody want to buy some ON chocolate from me? 5 lbs...Ive only had a few scoops but im done with chocolate. ive never tried any other flavor..

Not looking to re sell just a little $$ plus shipping
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**** it. I aint competing or playing sports. Where can I get some roids?
Hey dude, when I need an extra boost, I use hit up my local GNC around closing time and ask the guy behind the counter where their "creatine" is with a wink. Usually, they'll recognize the signal and hook ya up. Usually, they give you a tub of generic store brand proty with a smaller tub inside. Pretty risky, but all good things in life are.


LOL this would be funny.. on the back " iLLest! " like stuntman mike said

or TAP TAP PULL in red idk

Things aren't aligned, but you get the general idea:

I think the badge should be on the front and the larger stuff on the back.

How bout make up a mascot preferably a shaker cup with arms and a face and legs. Of course those extremities would be yoked. That can be our mascot. That make any sense?
Romanian DLs
Leg Press
Standing Calf Raises
Seated Calf Raises

That's my leg day.

Whattt? Squats and DL on the same day? Keep on doing what you're doing cause I don't think I can handle half of that regime in a single work out. More power to you.

Romanian DLs aren't as taxing as regular DLs.

My back day would be Thursday, and that's when I do regular DLs.

Also... I don't isolate abs. Enough stimulation from Squats, and DLs.
Dan Green is a monster with sumos.

Him and the Rhino are my favorite powerlifters :nthat:

That hair probably boosts his test levels by like 13%. Everytime I try and grow mine out that long, I give up when it gets kinda unruly before it starts to look cool.
That hair probably boosts his test levels by like 13%. Everytime I try and grow mine out that long, I give up when it gets kinda unruly before it starts to look cool.
I can get long locks like dat but its hot as hell in da summer.

I need to stop playing and just be a powerlifter, my bodytype is best suited for it.
I can get long locks like dat but its hot as hell in da summer.

I need to stop playing and just be a powerlifter, my bodytype is best suited for it.
Ya last time I did it, I was 16 and skinny. Winter is definitely the time to do it tho.
I think it's crucial to get some facial hair going with it tho. Like a killer stache or broatee or something. Might do a Viking bulk this winter (same as a normal winter bulk but with no hair cutting or shaving allowed).

Ya training for strength is much more gratifying in the long run than pseudo-bodybuilding. Plus you really won't miss out on too much aesthetic gains. Just don't overdo it and get above like 15%
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Cereal is hard as **** to limit because you never properly time the milk and the cereal so you always end up needing more of one to properly finish the meal and it becomes a vicious cycle. Haven't had cereal either in mad long. Granola on occasion and some paleo cereal past few days, but Chex/Cheerios/Sugary-Os can't even remember.
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