STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Ya last time I did it, I was 16 and skinny. Winter is definitely the time to do it tho.
I think it's crucial to get some facial hair going with it tho. Like a killer stache or broatee or something. Might do a Viking bulk this winter (same as a normal winter bulk but with no hair cutting or shaving allowed).

Ya training for strength is much more gratifying in the long run than pseudo-bodybuilding. Plus you really won't miss out on too much aesthetic gains. Just don't overdo it and get above like 15%
Yeah bro winter is when the beard game is put on.

I wouldn't take it to the extreme, DG and Stan have the perfect physiques in my opinion and are strong as ****. I love doing singles, doubles and triples way more than 12 rep stuff any day.

I think a lot of those guys just get fat because they can use the excuse, "if I lose 5 pounds my (whatever lift) max goes down" 
Cereal is hard as **** to limit because you never properly time the milk and the cereal so you always end up needing more of one to properly finish the meal and it becomes a vicious cycle. Haven't had cereal either in mad long. Granola on occasion and some paleo cereal past few days, but Chex/Cheerios/Sugary-Os can't even remember.
So true. I'll be going to oatmeal and fruit starting tomorrow morning.
I never eat it (or breakfast for that matter) but I've been reading in here how important breakfast is. Too lazy to cook eggs at 6 am :lol:

bruh when my cut is over I`m gonna get a big ol popcorn bowl and one of them good times African Cooking spoons and eat a big bowl of Cinnamon Toast crunch
Let me know if y'all need someone to work on a shirt. Graphic Design is my major and I'd be more than happy to help.
I decided to man up and do deadlifts after a 4 month hiatus. accomplishments for the day include 10 reps at 315 and 2 sets of 2 reps at 365. the last set of 365 was done with straps but the rest was raw. I would have done more but my shins couldn't take it. Another guy at the gym was bleeding all over the place after sumo squats:smh:
I never eat it (or breakfast for that matter) but I've been reading in here how important breakfast is. Too lazy to cook eggs at 6 am :lol:

Mix a little of this


with some plain yogurt.

Depending on how many servings you have, it's right around 20g of protein to start the day. Just as easy to put together as cereal. The protein granola is cinnamon flavored. Has cranberries, nuts, and flax in it too.
that power lifter is really lean... most power lifters i seen or heard of are short chubby/fat dudes
props to him tho, dudes a beast

i think the shirt would be better with out legs...just the bottle with the arms
something about the legs is weird to me lol
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Alright, dudes...

I sent Meth this message:

Thanks for the prompt reply. I absolutely understand your stance and thank you for the alternative suggestions. Can you please clarify what names/logos you have licensed? If I use a "NT Fitness" or "NT Strong"in the classic black/white/red colorway, would that be acceptable with you?

The idea just came out of nowhere truthfully. I know there are many questionable individuals on NT, and the thought of having a Paypal charge file back against me if someone should buy a t shirt, and dislikes it has crossed my mind.

At this point, I'll just continue the logistics talk in the thread and if it does come into fruition or at least when I ask for the payments, I will make a separate thread in the buy/sell forum.

I may just do a shirt for myself first. A nice wicking shirt for working out would be more costly than a regular t shirt. I'll get that screen printed and see how it holds up after multiple wearings. If it is up to my standard, I'll go ahead and continue with the process.

Meth replied:

There are two separate, yet related, issues here. The first is that we don't want any confusion to over whether or not an item is associated with or offered by Again, we don't want our reputation to be damaged if an unauthorized offering, service, etc. manages to disappoint anyone. The second is that our rules prohibit selling outside the buy/sell area.

In both cases, I don't think it would be appropriate to have an individual fulfill the sales of such an offering. There are reputable custom screen printing businesses online that will take your design and print it on any number of products. If everyone in the thread likes a particular design, and it does NOT use the name NikeTalk,, or any of the graphics or logos appearing on our site, and that shirt is sold and fulfilled by a custom printing site and not an individual, I can live with that.

If an individual sells something on the site, it should pass through the buy/sell section.

I'll think about potential solutions in my head throughout the week. If anyone else has legitimate ideas, please chime in.

Meth suggesed using Cafepress, which allows you to design your own shirt. The cost is a bit above what most want to pay. For the dry fit shirt, you're looking at about $40 shipping. It's not that cheaper for a normal tank either.

If you guys want to go nuts and design since I know we have some Picassos in here :lol: :

shipping info:
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On another note, should I take the L with one of my shaker cups. I somehow forgot about it in my car and its been sitting with a tiny bit of protein (still mixed with water) and it smells like absolute CRAP. I tried rinsing it out and let it sit full of water/soap for 24 hours and the smell is still there. Im sure the actual bottle is fine, but the smell is horrid. Im letting it sit another day with water/vinegar mix.

Its my "best" shaker too. The one im using right now always leaks.
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