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Been reading this forum for a minute, finally decided to make a profile just for this thread. Had a question about trying to drop down in weight. Would it be alright to take about 2-3 scoops of whey a day?

I work out twice a day sometimes 3. Basically take a half or whole in the AM and the rest later in the day. Each scoop holds about 20 grams.
People will begin to take you serious as soon as you form a logical argument.

Supplements =/= meal replacement

Just playing devil's advocate here and speaking of logical arguments. Protein powders are supplements.

A scoop of ON Whey and :nerd:z of milk is 300 calories. For someone cutting, eating ~6 meals a day, why can't it be a meal replacement?
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Just playing devil's advocate here. Protein powders are supplements.

A scoop of ON Whey and :nerd:z of milk is 300 calories. For someone cutting, eating ~6 meals a day, why can't it be a meal replacement?

Someone cutting is more than likely using water or almond mild milking a shake with one scoop of protein only 150 cal or less with 20-25 gram of protein. Add another scoop and you have 220-300 cal at 40-50g of protein, which is a great snack, I don't think anyone can find me a meal that fits those macros. Shakes are technically meals because anything going in you could be considered a meal. I don't see why anyone makes such a big fuss about supplements.
Dude acts like we takin 3 fish oil pills and callin it a day

Thats what I do 
Been reading this forum for a minute, finally decided to make a profile just for this thread. Had a question about trying to drop down in weight. Would it be alright to take about 2-3 scoops of whey a day?

I work out twice a day sometimes 3. Basically take a half or whole in the AM and the rest later in the day. Each scoop holds about 20 grams.

Find a meal plan that works for you, there are tons out there. Some take more discipline than others (Paleo, Keto, Intermittent Fasting, etc). Be mindful of the calories you are consuming along with your other macros (Fats, Carbs, Protein). The easiest route to transition to meal plans that require discipline is watching the calories you consume, it will make you mindful of what you are putting in your body. Then go the "IIFYM" route. While 60g of protein isn't excessive, you are consuming a lot of calories. You can get the same if not more protein from a piece of chicken breast while consuming less calories.

Just playing devil's advocate here and speaking of logical arguments. Protein powders are supplements.

A scoop of ON Whey and :nerd:z of milk is 300 calories. For someone cutting, eating ~6 meals a day, why can't it be a meal replacement?

You're supplementing you're protein intake and if you are eating 6-8 meals a day, not every "meal" is a 3-course meal. If you are eating 6-8 meals a day, drinking a shake as one of your "meals" is not considered a meal replacement.

so u consume ~15 calories daily? :rolleyes

Sarcasm... :lol:
I have no idea what im talking about. You guy do what you think is best. I was just trying to help you guys out. I will do what I do and keep my 20S by my side, well not 20 but 19s im alittle dieted down right now. 20s+ when I up the carbs.
I have no idea what im talking about. You guy do what you think is best. I was just trying to help you guys out. I will do what I do and keep my 20S by my side, well not 20 but 19s im alittle dieted down right now. 20s+ when I up the carbs.

I have no idea what im talking about. You guy do what you think is best. I was just trying to help you guys out. I will do what I do and keep my 20S by my side, well not 20 but 19s im alittle dieted down right now. 20s+ when I up the carbs.

You come off like a tool. Like the way you talk, is so pretentious lol. You don't have to be like that man, seriously. humble braggin ***
Bruh 15 too much

gotta stay at 10 for full aesthetics :smokin

Slootz require 8 MAX brahs


true story, the birds in my flock wont even talk to you unless you on that water diet. you hungry? eat ice. that's the only way to get real abs. everybody else abs are fugazi. i had no pecs until i started eating ice, now i have d-cups and aesthetic dwade jaw abdominals. true story. real talk.
Slightly toasted multi grain bread with peanut butter and a chopped up banana is now my go to snack.
Best place to get Ezekial bread? Don't feel like driving 30 minutes to the health food store that I know has it.
You come off like a tool. Like the way you talk, is so pretentious lol. You don't have to be like that man, seriously. humble braggin ***

I dont mean to, really I dont. Im just speaking from results. I have feel victom of the supplement scam also. Its not a good feeling spend lots of money only to look the same month after month and for some year after year. So, take a picture of yourself now and then months down the road. Count the money spent on supplements. But the supplement companys love you guys more than you know.
You come off like a tool. Like the way you talk, is so pretentious lol. You don't have to be like that man, seriously. humble braggin ***

I dont mean to, really I dont. Im just speaking from results. I have feel victom of the supplement scam also. Its not a good feeling spend lots of money only to look the same month after month and for some year after year. So, take a picture of yourself now and then months down the road. Count the money spent on supplements. But the supplement companys love you guys more than you know.

See! Now that's the real you, that's the you we want in here. Be that guy. Just be cool. Then you're delivering the same message, but you aren't offending anybody and making them ignore you. Welcome to the thread man.
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I dont mean to, really I dont. Im just speaking from results. I have feel victom of the supplement scam also. Its not a good feeling spend lots of money only to look the same month after month and for some year after year. So, take a picture of yourself now and then months down the road. Count the money spent on supplements. But the supplement companys love you guys more than you know.

As its been said a million times before, that's because supplements aren't some form of magic. You have to bust it in the gym and have your diet on point to see real results.
I have no idea what im talking about. You guy do what you think is best. I was just trying to help you guys out. I will do what I do and keep my 20S by my side, well not 20 but 19s im alittle dieted down right now. 20s+ when I up the carbs.

Not bringing you down or anything, but again I agree with your statements in a perfect world, where we have ample amount of time and unlimited funds to make and buy foods that will meet our goals. I don't have 20s, not even 19s, hell, I'm a scrub compared to you, but these are SUPPLEMENTS, meaning we try to eat our macros, but sometimes we fall short (due to funds, time, etc) and it's better for us to get something in rather than nothing.

That's like telling kids to eat all their veggies (ideally of course) but you know it can't happen, so of course you try to supplement them with various vitamins.

Again, I agree with your statements as far as trying to get your daily macros through natural foods, but ideally, it's not very realistic.

Typing this up while drinking my Dymatize Iso-100, and no, I won't be on the toilet 20 mins later.
Fish oil.

Eat fish eat omega 3 eggs.

Do any of you look any different after spending 100s on supplements ?

Anybody in the know will tell you its nothing but some BS. Maybe something like a long acting protien is ok. casein every now and then.


you are such a troll.

fish oil should be taken by anyone and everyone.
You come off like a tool. Like the way you talk, is so pretentious lol. You don't have to be like that man, seriously. humble braggin ***

I dont mean to, really I dont. Im just speaking from results. I have feel victom of the supplement scam also. Its not a good feeling spend lots of money only to look the same month after month and for some year after year. So, take a picture of yourself now and then months down the road. Count the money spent on supplements. But the supplement companys love you guys more than you know.

the only way you will look the same month after month is if you dont have a proper diet and dont bust your *** in the gym. a lot of people do it where they spend all this money on supps and hit the gym but dont do a damn thing.

stop assuming everyone does it.
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