STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

If you don't have a Facebook, you aren't a real person. According to my sources.

Frickin headphones, forgetting them is the absolute worst

Keep 'em in the car now to avoid such occurances :lol:

lol I have a pair I keep at my moms house, my girls house, at my desk at work, and a pair of beats pros and LG tones I keep at home. Must be prepared at all cost
Depends on your size

Whats ur height, wt, bf %?


15% if I was being nice lol

I'm not anywhere near where I want to be but all my lifts have/are going up. I hate deadlifts but do them anyway, but my squat and bench have progressed nicely. 

Edit: Nice lifts Timbo, I'll be happy with a bodyweight press by the end of the year, one of my favorite lifts.
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Thoughts on my leg day

Squats 4X8
Dead Lift 3x5 (warm up of 1X8 to get blood flowing in there 1st)
Leg Press 5x10
Calf Raises 5X20
What I would do:

Get rid of leg press, add lunges and stiff legged deadlifts.

I tried Lunges in the past, and I dont know if its because I`m uncoordinated or something but they didnt feel good to me, I kept feeling like I would tip over.

and with stiff leg deadlifts I assume you go light? So its cool to do regular deadlifts and stiff leg?
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I tried Lunges in the past, and I dont know if its because I`m uncoordinated or something but they didnt feel good to me, I kept feeling like I would tip over.

and with stiff leg deadlifts I assume you go light? So its cool to do regular deadlifts and stiff leg?

Try reverse lunges (step backwards, not forwards)
I tried Lunges in the past, and I dont know if its because I`m uncoordinated or something but they didnt feel good to me, I kept feeling like I would tip over.

and with stiff leg deadlifts I assume you go light? So its cool to do regular deadlifts and stiff leg?

:lol: you're probably just goofy man - if you're having trouble with squats and lunges. Keep at it and you'll get more comfortable, just make sure your form is on point.

Btw if you do squats, dead lifts , stiff leg dead lifts and lunges on the same day your legs are going to be 900% done :lol: you might want to do normal dead lifts on a separate day
:lol: you're probably just goofy man - if you're having trouble with squats and lunges. Keep at it and you'll get more comfortable, just make sure your form is on point.

Btw if you do squats, dead lifts , stiff leg dead lifts and lunges on the same day your legs are going to be 900% done :lol: you might want to do normal dead lifts on a separate day

lol thats the point I want my legs to be done, I`m only working them out twice a week (Monday and Thur)
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lol I have a pair I keep at my moms house, my girls house, at my desk at work, and a pair of beats pros and LG tones I keep at home. Must be prepared at all cost

Need to do this. I have a spare pair I got at the headphone night @ the Dodger game a few weekends ago, should toss em in the GFs car
Facebook group, it's closed/private for now and if you want to be an admin, just let me know and I'll make you one. I'm not friends with many hear on FB but with the group we don't have to be.

Again, I can't be that active due to school/patients/working out/etc. but I'll try to do what I can and I'm fine with making others admins.
Need to do this. I have a spare pair I got at the headphone night @ the Dodger game a few weekends ago, should toss em in the GFs car

I Keep my lifting gloves and some vans in my trunk, since I joined LA fitness and I keep a toiletry bag with soap, deodorant, a brush and durag in my trunk. I felt there shouldnt be excuses for me not to lift no matter where I am.
Frickin headphones, forgetting them is the absolute worst

Keep 'em in the car now to avoid such occurances
Absolute Worst....

Killed Back Today, Focused on Squeezing The Muscle Throughout The Movements..

-Wide Grip Pulldowns

-Close Grip Pulldowns

-T Bar Rows (3 Plates With Ease 

-Seated Rows (waiting on kid to finish with squat rack)

-Bent Over Rows (The Pump 


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