STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread


brothers, what ya'll think? Getting this per recommendation from my trainer. These sore muscles gots ta go :smh:
Do you guys work out solely in the gym or do other activities as well, ie biking? Been thinking about switching up the routine a bit. Went for a quick swim on Thursday and woke up feeling sore (the good kind) around the shoulders and back area :smile:

I want to join a team of some sort... kickball... but got damn the one all my homies are on are like 40 mins from my house :smh: Driving back late at night and then having to get up for work would suck. The one by my way has crazy fees though.

I live in Texas though, outdoor activities between June-September is no ******g go :lol: Then, it gets cold from like November to February.... can't really win.
I dont rock with Herbalife stuff, seems like a Pyramid scheme like Body By Vi.

Imo take multis with meals, Creatine with a Post Workout shake and BCAAs during workout and you`ll be good

.... man that's a lot.... I don't even know the **** a BCAA is :lol:

Multivitamin, ok. That's some **** I can **** with.
.... man that's a lot.... I don't even know the **** a BCAA is :lol:

Multivitamin, ok. That's some **** I can **** with.

its really not a lot. You should be taking Multis anyways, And I assume you drink protein shakes, and BCAAs are Amino Acids, I assume you drink something during your workouts, you get BCAAs in Protein shakes so you dont necessarily need them during workouts, but I found that drinking them during workouts have been beneficial to me.
just spazzed at the grocery store and market. couple hundred bucks. tons of fruit, chicken breasts and boneless skinless thighs, greek yogurts and steaks, spinach greens and beans and oatmeal. i love sundays, means a full pantry and fridge. About to grill up about 20 pieces of chicken for the week, then fix a salad and some pinto beans and feast. hell of a week out at the gym today, back n shoulders finished with some hiit elliptical. I'm off the next 3 days from the gym, so I'll just be keeping the diet tight and getting my rest.
Damn I need to get a grill ASAP. You using a real life outdoor charcoal grill, propaner, georgey foreman? I've had moments like yours where I buy way too much food and end up losing it in the back of the fridge and it goes bad - ******g sucks. Wasted meat is heartbreaking.


brothers, what ya'll think? Getting this per recommendation from my trainer. These sore muscles gots ta go :smh:
Your trainer probably works for Herbalife. Pyramid scheme - no thanks Jeff. Product doesn't seem to provide anything you couldn't get from a multi. Pop some fish oils too and you'll be good to go. Use some other source for the placebo effect.

I want to join a team of some sort... kickball... but got damn the one all my homies are on are like 40 mins from my house :smh: Driving back late at night and then having to get up for work would suck. The one by my way has crazy fees though.

I live in Texas though, outdoor activities between June-September is no ******g go :lol: Then, it gets cold from like November to February.... can't really win.
That's a stupid attitude and something you need to overcome if you wanna fully enjoy life and be in good shape. Do you really think that the only people out there who exercise are in climates where the temperatures stay a balmy 60 degrees year round? Those are just excuses used by lazy people to justify their inactivity.

Best of luck on everyone's Monday workouts. We're all gonna make it. Just so everyone is aware, I will be squatting and benching tomorrow. Nothing wrong with participating in national chest day.
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I want to join a team of some sort... kickball... but got damn the one all my homies are on are like 40 mins from my house :smh: Driving back late at night and then having to get up for work would suck. The one by my way has crazy fees though.

I live in Texas though, outdoor activities between June-September is no ******g go :lol: Then, it gets cold from like November to February.... can't really win.
That's a stupid attitude and something you need to overcome if you wanna fully enjoy life and be in good shape. Do you really think that the only people out there who exercise are in climates where the temperatures stay a balmy 60 degrees year round? Those are just excuses used by lazy people to justify their inactivity.

Best of luck on everyone's Monday workouts. We're all gonna make it. Just so everyone is aware, I will be squatting and benching tomorrow. Nothing wrong with participating in national chest day.
Idk if she's lazy, her body is on point

I can confirm. I am stalker
"Why don't you go back to being fat again? It was cheaper" -my mom, commenting on my diet
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It's raining right now in NJ.

Can't wait to go running tomm :evil:
I know it's all mental, but I love working out in the cold and going to the gym when it rains and the parking lot is light. It makes you feel like a beast.
"Why don't you go back to being fat again? It was cheaper" -my mom, commenting on my diet

Dollar menu was my chit bros

Laying on my bed after a night out...

two McDoubles...two McChickens...Large fries, $1 sweet tea

Disgusting AF!

...cheaper than the way I eat now. Not killing myself any longer though :smile:
oh lord the dollar menu at Mcds used to get abused...
havent eaten McDonalds in a year and dont miss it at all.
with time eating healthy becomes easier and easier
Doing 5x5 for about 7months already, increased the weights that ive been lifting but lately been stuck on my lifts. My friend told me that i should cycle my program every 2months. 5x5 for 2 months then 4x10 for 2months then back to 5x5 and so on. Should i listen to him? Would i still get gains doing 4x10?
Dollar menu was my chit bros

Laying on my bed after a night out...

two McDoubles...two McChickens...Large fries, $1 sweet tea

Disgusting AF!

...cheaper than the way I eat now. Not killing myself any longer though :smile:
I think your taste buds change throughout the whole process, man. This is a theory I've been working on for a while now :lol:

When I was bigger, I ate horribly....Denny's at 2AM, In N' Out multiple times a day, mad snacks at the movies late at the smell of butter on popcorn at the movies is gross to me, even when I ate at Subway...I'd OD on the ranch dressing and stuff.

I'll do an In N' Out once in a great while now (4-5 months), but man...I can't see myself eating like that ever again.
Oh yeah, question for you guys who do many can you do? I always thought that you're supposed to be very fatigue after 10-15 reps otherwise you're doing something wrong, ie not jumping your highest or doing the reps as fast as you can.
I think your taste buds change throughout the whole process, man. This is a theory I've been working on for a while now :lol:

When I was bigger, I ate horribly....Denny's at 2AM, In N' Out multiple times a day, mad snacks at the movies late at the smell of butter on popcorn at the movies is gross to me, even when I ate at Subway...I'd OD on the ranch dressing and stuff.

I'll do an In N' Out once in a great while now (4-5 months), but man...I can't see myself eating like that ever again.

damnnnnnn, that was the life.
i have done 50 burpees, not back to back, 15 seconds rest after each 10
still pretty badass, most people i know can barely do 10
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damnnnnnn, that was the life.
i have done 50 burpees, not back to back, 15 seconds rest after each 10
still pretty badass, most people i know can barely do 10
That's pretty nice. The first 12 burpees are cool with me, but I get really winded out after that. My jumps become slower and lower.
That's pretty nice. The first 12 burpees are cool with me, but I get really winded out after that. My jumps become slower and lower.

damb really?....

ive maxed out at 30 straight....been doing burpees ODEE for the past 7 months at crossfit....last week we did 100 burped to 24 inch box jumps in sets of 10's mixed with 10 pull-ups, finishes all 200 reps in 26 minutes.
early sunday morning is my favorite. there's usually less than 8 people in the whole gym. sometimes, i start my warm up shadow boxing in the octagon :rofl:
Oh yeah, question for you guys who do many can you do? I always thought that you're supposed to be very fatigue after 10-15 reps otherwise you're doing something wrong, ie not jumping your highest or doing the reps as fast as you can.

the key to burps is not lowering yourself with your arms, just drop, then contract your hip into your stomach and bring those legs underneath asap on the way up, also BREATH.
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