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I heard cardio is bad for those looking to build muscle. I play basketball 3 -4x a week after an hour workout, is that ok? I play fullcourt basketball for about 3hours. I dont want to kill any muscle gain / growth though...

Also is ok to subsitute baskeball for the treadmill?

Basketball is a great substitute but in all honesty, you're playing way too much. Thats 9-12 hours a week of cardio. That's too much, even if you're eating a lot of calories. When people are trying to gain muscle, they throw in 2-3 hours of cardio a week just to burn any fat or to keep their cardiovascular system healthy. In order to gain/maintain muscle while keeping up this routine, you're going to have to have A LOT of calories over maintenance

I'm not a heavy eater too so that's gonna be damn near impossible. I guess Ill cut my basketball down a day / hours :\
I'm not a heavy eater too so that's gonna be damn near impossible. I guess Ill cut my basketball down a day / hours
I was in the same boat as you. I was trying to get bigger but it just wasn't happening during basketball season. Too many practices a week = too much cardio. What I do ilift 4 times a week and every wednesday and once one the weekends ill play just basketball for exercise. That way, I' m able to still keep basketball in my life while reaching my goals

That guy reminds me of this fat dude that goes to my gym..

Just to paint the picture.. there is no heavy bag or anything like that at this place. Strictly weights, machines, treadmills, and bikes

This dude straps on his ufc branded gloves, goes to the corner and shadowboxes & kicks for like 15 mins.
Dude is literally dropping to the ground (pretty much in slow mo) and bouncing up and throwing some wack combinations over and over

After that he grabs one of the big half rubber balls with the base (ones for core work) and kneels over it and hits it with punches and elbows for another like 15 mins (gotta work on that ground and pound)

Now I'm not knocking dude for living out his mma dreams, it's probably a good cardio workout.
But I always ask myself why would he go to a gym for this? He could do the exact same workout in his living room with a couch cushion and not make a fool of himself in the process.
Also, I don't think i've ever seen dude touch a weight. (I could be wrong on that)

Anybody else have oddballs at their gym?....I'm sure every gym has a few

I'm gonna try and get video of our guy...I'm inspired
I think I have a herniated disk, its about to be a rough winter
. Anyone has any helpful info.
do you do deadlifts/squats? i pulled something doing deads a little bit ago, and i literally had a snapped up back, sitting on a chair was painful. since then i've worked a lot on lower body flexibility/mobility especially for my hamstrings/hips/glutes. i've also switched to sumo deadlifts it seems to put less stress on the lower back. also warm up and foam roll before lifting.
Rate my chest workout,

Flat Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Decline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Flat Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | reps
Chest Press (Machine) 60lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Pectoral Fly (Machine) 120lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Vertical Chest (Machine) 110lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps

Is there anything more I can do?
Rate my chest workout,

Flat Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Decline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Flat Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | reps
Chest Press (Machine) 60lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Pectoral Fly (Machine) 120lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Vertical Chest (Machine) 110lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps

Is there anything more I can do?

thats looks OD. I wouldn't do more than 4 diff. exercises for a particular muscle group. So id say that out of those, choose 4 of your favorite exercises and just work on increasing the weight and rep count.
Rate my chest workout,

Flat Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Decline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Flat Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | reps
Chest Press (Machine) 60lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Pectoral Fly (Machine) 120lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Vertical Chest (Machine) 110lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps

Is there anything more I can do?

:lol: OD.

you liftin light bruh. cut out some exercises and bump up the weight. i'd take out the machine and stick to free weights.
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Rate my chest workout,

Flat Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Decline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Flat Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | reps
Chest Press (Machine) 60lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Pectoral Fly (Machine) 120lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Vertical Chest (Machine) 110lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps

Is there anything more I can do?

Cut out the machines like dude said. Stick to free weights.

Up the weight on the dumbbells if you can also. I do simple diamond pushups in between my sets while doing chest exercises.
can't really think of any weirdo's at my gym from the top of my head. But I see people doing arm workouts while on the stationary bike lol. Spinning their arms around or into a wheel.
Sometimes they'll have the colorful dumbbells in their hands and do some kind of workout while on the bike. I dont really see a purpose in doing any of this imo.

Anyone ever cut just lifting weights without cardio?
can't really think of any weirdo's at my gym from the top of my head. But I see people doing arm workouts while on the stationary bike lol. Spinning their arms around or into a wheel.
Sometimes they'll have the colorful dumbbells in their hands and do some kind of workout while on the bike. I dont really see a purpose in doing any of this imo.

Anyone ever cut just lifting weights without cardio?

*raises hand*

Dont really have a need for cardio as I struggle to maintain my current weight/calorie intake as is.
There is this older woman at my gym. She is actually the most strict judge in Harford County (MD). She gets to the gym and posts up on the bench press. She wears a sports bra and small shorts and she has to be at least 50 years old. She gets a ball (big inflatable ones you use for abs). Puts it on top of the bench (the bar is removed). Lays on top of the ball while putting her arms through the rack and grabbing on like a horizontal jesus pose.....and then does lower abs by lifting her legs up and down.

It is the most ridiculous looking thing and can probably be obtained way easier. Instead she is floating on her stomach a solid 5 feet in the air.

Its basically looks like this just on a flat bench. I'm sure its a great work out but the combo of her 6 foot 2 skinny flabby old frame in small clothes doing this is always a little bothersome to my workout.
Rate my chest workout,
Flat Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Decline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Flat Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | reps
Chest Press (Machine) 60lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Pectoral Fly (Machine) 120lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Vertical Chest (Machine) 110lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Is there anything more I can do?

Interested to see what your weekly routine looks like.

Flat Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Flat Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | reps

-Flat BB
-Incline BB
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I think I have a herniated disk, its about to be a rough winter :smh:. Anyone has any helpful info.
Are you feeling any leg (calf/hamstring/glute) pain?

I feel pain at times from the top of my glute to the bottom, hamstring is tight as hell too but no pain

I think I have a herniated disk, its about to be a rough winter :smh: . Anyone has any helpful info.
do you do deadlifts/squats? i pulled something doing deads a little bit ago, and i literally had a snapped up back, sitting on a chair was painful. since then i've worked a lot on lower body flexibility/mobility especially for my hamstrings/hips/glutes. i've also switched to sumo deadlifts it seems to put less stress on the lower back. also warm up and foam roll before lifting.

I was doing Heavy deadlifts when I felt it. Sitting for too long is the worst and I like sleeping in my stomach so mornings be a killer for me. I just got a foam roller but I feel nothing when I use it on my hamstrings, I got the black one too and it's no joke. I'll try the sumo deadlifts, Thanks for the help
geezus thats 256 reps yo...yea you're doing it wrong. and all that light weight...thats just a waste of time..unless ur like 12..then you'd actually be a beast. lol
The highest number of reps for any body part I've done was 100 in one workout. And that was for German Volume Training. Only once a week.Lift heavy, not light with an insane number of reps. And I guarentee you you will see better results.
The highest number of reps for any body part I've done was 100 in one workout. And that was for German Volume Training. Only once a week. Lift heavy, not light with an insane number of reps. And I guarentee you you will see better results.

yeah i did 10x10 on bench with 185 with my strength and conditioning coach.... hurt like hell
I heard cardio is bad for those looking to build muscle. I play basketball 3 -4x a week after an hour workout, is that ok? I play fullcourt basketball for about 3hours. I dont want to kill any muscle gain / growth though...
Also is ok to subsitute baskeball for the treadmill?

are you trying to add muscle cuz if so all that basketball aint helping bro
Rate my chest workout,
Flat Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Decline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Flat Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | reps
Chest Press (Machine) 60lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Pectoral Fly (Machine) 120lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Vertical Chest (Machine) 110lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Is there anything more I can do?

yea add some weight :lol:
Thanks for all the responses, I really do appreciate it. I will cut out the machines and focus more on a few exercise and added weight.
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I think I have a herniated disk, its about to be a rough winter :smh:. Anyone has any helpful info.
Are you feeling any leg (calf/hamstring/glute) pain?

I feel pain at times from the top of my glute to the bottom, hamstring is tight as hell too but no pain

I think I have a herniated disk, its about to be a rough winter :smh: . Anyone has any helpful info.
do you do deadlifts/squats? i pulled something doing deads a little bit ago, and i literally had a snapped up back, sitting on a chair was painful. since then i've worked a lot on lower body flexibility/mobility especially for my hamstrings/hips/glutes. i've also switched to sumo deadlifts it seems to put less stress on the lower back. also warm up and foam roll before lifting.

I was doing Heavy deadlifts when I felt it. Sitting for too long is the worst and I like sleeping in my stomach so mornings be a killer for me. I just got a foam roller but I feel nothing when I use it on my hamstrings, I got the black one too and it's no joke. I'll try the sumo deadlifts, Thanks for the help
Sleep on your back with a pillow underneath your legs. Strengthen your core with planks and bridges that will take pressure of your back. Go to the doctor to find out what it is, if its really a herniated disc you don't want to be doing lifts or exercises that put pressure on your spine because it could make things worse.
Sleep on your back with a pillow underneath your legs. Strengthen your core with planks and bridges that will take pressure of your back. Go to the doctor to find out what it is, if its really a herniated disc you don't want to be doing lifts or exercises that put pressure on your spine because it could make things worse.

I'll use that pillow trick, Thanks again
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