STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

just destroyed some 10 to 1s..
love the feeling of being light headed.
225lbs on bench
155lbs on cleans

70lbs dumbell fly
3 plates on each side hammer strength tricep pushdowns.
upside down underhand EZ bar tricep pushdown
2 45lbs plate on back pushups.
and finally a burnout of 100lb X 100 reps rope tricep pushdown.
Honestly a burn out of 2 sets of 12 reps at the heaviest weight you think you can do for tricep pushdown would be more effective.

100 reps is just extreme man imo.
^ i have been doing this for a while (lifting)

and it is what iam currnently in school for (exercise science)

but thank you !

I know this is going to sound really stupid, but you know Mike, Pauly D, Ronnie from Jersey Shore, these dudes are eating Pizza, Pasta, Ribs, Sandwiches, Lasagna, Cake, Meatballs etc. and are able to maintain there body. Is it because there body toned / ripped at a point already that eating all that high carbs and fats doesn't really matter or, they have to do crazy cardio the following day?


aware :rofl:
Yes to both questions.

I was in sports fitness program at UCF, but figured I would put in the extra work, and transfer into the exercise science degree.

More options career wise.
What's up guys I'm trying to gain a little bit of weight since I'm not able to eat as much as I'd like due to my work schedule and was wondering if a weight gainer would be a good option. If so which one would you recommended? Or would I just be better off taking a protein shake and throwing in some oats, fruits peanut butter and some yogurt to get more calories?

I'm currently at 205 and would like to get around 215 by the end of the year

Any suggestions or advice?
Doing a 7 day 24 hour fast, I guess you an call it that. On Monday (15th) I ate one meal @ 5pm everyday since Monday I've been eating one meal a day @ 5pm. Today make it day #4, 3 more days left. Everyday I wake up I see my body changing plus I'm walking for cardio.

My meal

*Lettuce/spinach salad with carrots, onions, cucumbers, black olives, tomatoes and boiled skinless chicken breast topped with pasta sauce and parmesan cheese (both are extremely low in fat compared to salad dressing and shredded cheese)

*Graham Crackers or Gourmet Crackers
*Some type of fruit

*Maybe 1 halve of a low fat bagel if I'm not feeling full

*I drink nothing but water through out the day

I can't buy all that fancy stuff some people are buying since I'm broke and don't know really what to eat. But this is what works for me for now.
Doing a 7 day 24 hour fast, I guess you an call it that. On Monday (15th) I ate one meal @ 5pm everyday since Monday I've been eating one meal a day @ 5pm. Today make it day #4, 3 more days left. Everyday I wake up I see my body changing plus I'm walking for cardio.

My meal
*Lettuce/spinach salad with carrots, onions, cucumbers, black olives, tomatoes and boiled skinless chicken breast topped with pasta sauce and parmesan cheese (both are extremely low in fat compared to salad dressing and shredded cheese)
*Graham Crackers or Gourmet Crackers


*Some type of fruit
*Maybe 1 halve of a low fat bagel if I'm not feeling full
*I drink nothing but water through out the day

I can't buy all that fancy stuff some people are buying since I'm broke and don't know really what to eat. But this is what works for me for now.


you're starving yourself though dude...that's just setting yourself up when you decide to come off it.
Doing a 7 day 24 hour fast, I guess you an call it that. On Monday (15th) I ate one meal @ 5pm everyday since Monday I've been eating one meal a day @ 5pm. Today make it day #4, 3 more days left. Everyday I wake up I see my body changing plus I'm walking for cardio.

My meal
*Lettuce/spinach salad with carrots, onions, cucumbers, black olives, tomatoes and boiled skinless chicken breast topped with pasta sauce and parmesan cheese (both are extremely low in fat compared to salad dressing and shredded cheese)
*Graham Crackers or Gourmet Crackers


*Some type of fruit
*Maybe 1 halve of a low fat bagel if I'm not feeling full
*I drink nothing but water through out the day

I can't buy all that fancy stuff some people are buying since I'm broke and don't know really what to eat. But this is what works for me for now.


IMO your headed for a burn out if you try to continue eating this way.
Fasting is great and is probably the best way to help calorie reduction but it 24 hour fasts should be done once/twice a week not everyday.
You might wanna look into intermittent fasting if you wanna do it everyday, but if your doing cardio and only eating about 900 calories your going to hit a wall
Picked up Reebok's push up 360's. They are like perfect push ups, but they have inflatable tubes on the bottom of them. It really works your back. I recommend them. Might get another pair so I can imbalance my feet while doing push ups.
What's the best way to tone my upper body? I really want my arms to be toned (biceps, triceps) over my chest since I mainly just bench. Any suggestions on tips or what sort of workouts? Also, any way to tone my calves? Thanks.
What's the best way to tone my upper body? I really want my arms to be toned (biceps, triceps) over my chest since I mainly just bench. Any suggestions on tips or what sort of workouts? Also, any way to tone my calves? Thanks.
IMO I would want to be proportional when it comes to the different body parts. I've heard lower weight + more reps will help tone vs lifting heavy which will add mass but i'm not  sure how much truth is behind that. The best way to get toned, at least to me, is lift + cardio to get any excess fat off your body thus helping you look more defined.
Bought a 10 pound lab of ON Double Rich Chocolate for $88.99 on eBay :pimp: Cheaper than GNC by almost $10 per 5 pounds.

Changed my diet up as well...used to eat at a 500 cal deficit for a few months but my lifts weren't getting the gains I wanted. Started eating the past week at maintenance and my squats and deadifts have both gone up by 10+ pounds.

Leg Pressed 540 x 10 today :pimp: felt good but hurt at the same damb time.
just got done! finished with a time of 1hr 21mins. not the best time but im happy with it. doing one more this sunday to cap off breast cancer awareness month then im done till the spring time.
Quick question about weight lifting. 

When I lift(just started) I do an amount that by the end of the rep my arm starts hurting like I read in Men's Health. 

Well my cousin told me and I've seen brolic dudes in the gym put like 220 and lift it like 3 times then stop. 

Which one is better? 
Quick question about weight lifting. 

When I lift(just started) I do an amount that by the end of the rep my arm starts hurting like I read in Men's Health. 

Well my cousin told me and I've seen brolic dudes in the gym put like 220 and lift it like 3 times then stop. 

Which one is better? 
depends on your goal.

Mass: lower sets, low reps, but HEAVY WEIGHTS


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