STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I know this is going to sound really stupid, but you know Mike, Pauly D, Ronnie from Jersey Shore, these dudes are eating Pizza, Pasta, Ribs, Sandwiches, Lasagna, Cake, Meatballs etc. and are able to maintain there body. Is it because there body toned / ripped at a point already that eating all that high carbs and fats doesn't really matter or, they have to do crazy cardio the following day?
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my 5k time time is right around 27 minutes.

any suggestions to getting it down to 25 minutes?

higher intensity like sprinting for brief periods?
or longer duration like 10k or more.

thank you!
I heard cardio is bad for those looking to build muscle. I play basketball 3 -4x a week after an hour workout, is that ok? I play fullcourt basketball for about 3hours. I dont want to kill any muscle gain / growth though...
Also is ok to subsitute baskeball for the treadmill?

are you trying to add muscle cuz if so all that basketball aint helping bro

naw he can still play basketball he just needs to up his calorie intake, hes burning a lot of calories which will affect muscle/mass gain. which is why he would need to eat more.
I know this is going to sound really stupid, but you know Mike, Pauly D, Ronnie from Jersey Shore, these dudes are eating Pizza, Pasta, Ribs, Sandwiches, Lasagna, Cake, Meatballs etc. and are able to maintain there body. Is it because there body toned / ripped at a point already that eating all that high carbs and fats doesn't really matter or, they have to do crazy cardio the following day?

they prob bulimic
my 5k time time is right around 27 minutes.

any suggestions to getting it down to 25 minutes?

higher intensity like sprinting for brief periods?
or longer duration like 10k or more.

thank you!

train for the sport. if you're running long distances, train by running long distances.
Last night I finally ran my first mile @ under 10 minutes (9:50). I know that doesn't seem much in the grand sceme of being "in shape" but in 2010 I was almost 300 pounds and had no hope of ever losing weight. I am down in the 230's range and still dropping. So I find this to be a milestone in my ever lasting journey of getting into shape.

Today is arms day in the gym too. My favorite. :smokin
Last night I finally ran my first mile @ under 10 minutes (9:50). I know that doesn't seem much in the grand sceme of being "in shape" but in 2010 I was almost 300 pounds and had no hope of ever losing weight. I am down in the 230's range and still dropping. So I find this to be a milestone in my ever lasting journey of getting into shape.
Today is arms day in the gym too. My favorite. :smokin

congrats man! I remember i would run a mile in 10:24. I was fat as heck but i kept it up and eventually became a distance runner. Hit numbers i never thought i would reach.

Keep it up! Very motivating post.
Last night I finally ran my first mile @ under 10 minutes (9:50). I know that doesn't seem much in the grand sceme of being "in shape" but in 2010 I was almost 300 pounds and had no hope of ever losing weight. I am down in the 230's range and still dropping. So I find this to be a milestone in my ever lasting journey of getting into shape.

Today is arms day in the gym too. My favorite. :smokin

great job buddy. i love seeing stuff like this. Persistence and dedication is key. Keep up the great work, it will all be worth it in the end.
Was struggling to keep it under 8mins, now i'm hittin this :smokin :smokin.. gonna try for longer distances now while slowing up the pace.

my 5k time time is right around 27 minutes.
any suggestions to getting it down to 25 minutes?
higher intensity like sprinting for brief periods?
or longer duration like 10k or more.
thank you!

Intervals. Go to a local track, run 3 sets of 800 meter sprints at a fast pace, then jog for 400 meters in between. This way you never rest and you keep the intensity throughout the workout. You can do pyramids with it (first set 400 meters at above your 5 k race pace, 200 meter jog, then 800 meter at fast pace, 400 meter jog in between then 4 laps at race pace then 400 m jog in between and go down to 800 etc till you do a "pyramid")

if you dont have a track u can go to a local park and for 800 meters u can measure around 2 mins 20 secs for your 800 meters, 1 min 10 secs for your 400, and 7 mins for the mile to get rough numbers.

Distance running for recovery days in between so 3-7 miles where ever you're comfortable.

I dropped my 5k time from 23 mins my freshman year to close to 17 flat my sophomore year. My goal had been to get it down to U19 mins but i over did it. You have a lot of room to get faster. I wont be surprised if you get it down even lower than 25
Rate my chest workout,
Flat Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Decline Dumbbell: 40lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Flat Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 25lbs - 4 sets | reps
Chest Press (Machine) 60lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Pectoral Fly (Machine) 120lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Vertical Chest (Machine) 110lbs - 4 sets | 8 reps
Is there anything more I can do?

yea add some weight :lol:

:rofl: Word
congrats man! I remember i would run a mile in 10:24. I was fat as heck but i kept it up and eventually became a distance runner. Hit numbers i never thought i would reach.
Keep it up! Very motivating post.

great job buddy. i love seeing stuff like this. Persistence and dedication is key. Keep up the great work, it will all be worth it in the end.

Thanks guys. I always appreciate support from the NT fam.
shoulder is killing me from a rough shoulder workout Wed and a killer Chest and Tri last night.

Gotta listen to my body and rest it.

Gonna hit Legs tomorrow and just focus on running until early next week
Any good isolation exercises to hit my serratus anterior muscle?

Been going real deep on dips and wide grip pull downs. Can't think of anything else.
im officially on down time for my half marathon this sunday. excited but dread it at the same time. its for a good cause and i always reward myself with a pair of shoes or something lol
I know this is going to sound really stupid, but you know Mike, Pauly D, Ronnie from Jersey Shore, these dudes are eating Pizza, Pasta, Ribs, Sandwiches, Lasagna, Cake, Meatballs etc. and are able to maintain there body. Is it because there body toned / ripped at a point already that eating all that high carbs and fats doesn't really matter or, they have to do crazy cardio the following day?

Anyone have good links for info on the paleo diet? Once i start crossfit back up i'm going in on the diet and want to do some good research before.

just destroyed some 10 to 1s..

love the feeling of being light headed.

225lbs on bench
155lbs on cleans

70lbs dumbell fly
3 plates on each side hammer strength tricep pushdowns.

upside down underhand EZ bar tricep pushdown
2 45lbs plate on back pushups.

and finally a burnout of 100lb X 100 reps rope tricep pushdown.

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