STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

After being on vacation out of state for the last 2 weeks I'm back on the grind today! Only able to workout twice during those 2 weeks but it was a nice break. I feel rested and I'm ready to go back in there and destroy myself for eating like a slob! Lets get it!
I'm not knocking cross fit but I hear nothing but people clowning it. I've never been to a crossfit gym but there was one dude at my old gym who use to do crossfit stuff and he was skinny fat lol. You guys remember when bodybuilding competitions use to come on ESPN? My how times have changed

Seems like a cult to me :lol:
Seems like a cult to me
herbalife seems more like a cult imo

never done crossfit but i heard its good for weight loss if your really overweight wouldnt use it as a means to build mass

know a fat chick who did crossfit and after a few months she got pretty skinny so i cant hate on it
Doing 5x5 for about 7months already, increased the weights that ive been lifting but lately been stuck on my lifts. My friend told me that i should cycle my program every 2months. 5x5 for 2 months then 4x10 for 2months then back to 5x5 and so on. Should i listen to him? Would i still get gains doing 4x10?

Doing 5x5 for about 7months already, increased the weights that ive been lifting but lately been stuck on my lifts. My friend told me that i should cycle my program every 2months. 5x5 for 2 months then 4x10 for 2months then back to 5x5 and so on. Should i listen to him? Would i still get gains doing 4x10?

You could do that, or you could do a deload week and then jump back up. Also you could lower the reps to 3s and add weight. 3s are great strength builders in my opinion.

There are also many 5x5 variations out there, i just started one for squats. Here it is:
I'm not knocking cross fit but I hear nothing but people clowning it. I've never been to a crossfit gym but there was one dude at my old gym who use to do crossfit stuff and he was skinny fat lol. You guys remember when bodybuilding competitions use to come on ESPN? My how times have changed

I think it is a legit program. I have no interest joining the organized club/groups because I have other goals in mind and some of the workouts look unnecessary but overall it is effective. The guys are doing pull ups, hand stands, swimming etc. They all seem like normal exercises so they are bound to get in shape. I also like the fact they do several different types of exercises so unlike many body builders they give their bodies a well rounded work out. My workout is somewhere in between cross-fit and body building.
Speaking of MMA.

What kind of practices focus on Grappling / Wrestling and not so much striking?

I'm looking to join the police academy within the next year and would like to have some toe of training in that.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Sambo, Greco-Roman, Aikido
Dollar menu was my chit bros

Laying on my bed after a night out...

two McDoubles...two McChickens...Large fries, $1 sweet tea

Disgusting AF!

...cheaper than the way I eat now. Not killing myself any longer though :smile:

I feel like when I was in my partying era I did a lot of fast food binging. Disgusting. Go to McD's after a night of drinking and put the dollar menu to work :smh: :x
Do they test for anything in the Crossfit games?? :nerd:

Not to say all those guys are juiced on something, could very well all be clean but I'm not naive to think everyone is 100% clean :lol:
I'm not knocking cross fit but I hear nothing but people clowning it. I've never been to a crossfit gym but there was one dude at my old gym who use to do crossfit stuff and he was skinny fat lol. You guys remember when bodybuilding competitions use to come on ESPN? My how times have changed
my only problem with cf is that since it is relatively new, and with it being the  "new and cool" thing to do, theres all these new gyms starting up with people just trying to catch the latest fitness craze so its easy for me to talk ish cause they have no idea what theyre doing (coaches too)

but i think the real boxes with the dedicated cf atheletes aint no gosh damn joke. i watching the cf games and the guys had to 3 sets of 405 lb deadlifts with 53lb single leg squats in between. thats beastly 
Do they test for anything in the Crossfit games?? :nerd:

Not to say all those guys are juiced on something, could very well all be clean but I'm not naive to think everyone is 100% clean :lol:


Apparently they do. Banned types of drugs include: stimulants, anabolic agents, beta blockers, diuretics and other masking agents, peptide hormones and analogues, anti-estrogens, beta agonists

I don't know enough about bicycles and these other substances and how they test for them to make any conclusive statements but my guess is that you could juice during the year and then stop so its out of your system by the games. Not the same benefits of actually being on the substances during the game but would def help with training. Plus it looks like testing is random so probably some guys try and get away with it.
my only problem with cf is that since it is relatively new, and with it being the  "new and cool" thing to do, theres all these new gyms starting up with people just trying to catch the latest fitness craze so its easy for me to talk ish cause they have no idea what theyre doing (coaches too)

but i think the real boxes with the dedicated cf atheletes aint no gosh damn joke. i watching the cf games and the guys had to 3 sets of 405 lb deadlifts with 53lb single leg squats in between. thats beastly 
This is what irks me. There are some random places that say they have crossfit that all they want to do is get people in the door. There's a rockclimbing place i drove by the other day that says they have crossfit classes. I just shook my head when i saw that.

Before i started, i bought like 5 groupons to different boxes. Then just ended up picking the one i felt would be the safest and best based on the trainers and their knowledge. 
You could do that, or you could do a deload week and then jump back up. Also you could lower the reps to 3s and add weight. 3s are great strength builders in my opinion.

There are also many 5x5 variations out there, i just started one for squats. Here it is:

Thanks! I would probably be deloading for a week. When should i stop and change 5x5? Im currently bulking right now, is 5x5 still good when cutting or should i do 4x10 by then?
Thanks! I would probably be deloading for a week. When should i stop and change 5x5? Im currently bulking right now, is 5x5 still good when cutting or should i do 4x10 by then?
Well since youve hit a plateau I would stop the 5x5 and switch now. I think it would work for both cutting and bulking because the only time your gonna stop making strength gains is when you dip under say 5-7% bf or so, in my opinion of course.

For squats for me, I do a heavy day, like 5x5 or 3x3 something like that maybe working up to a heavy single and then I have one light day where I do a 5x10 with less weight and less rest time between sets.

I just started that program in the link today so i will know soon if I like it or not.
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Well since youve hit a plateau I would stop the 5x5 and switch now. I think it would work for both cutting and bulking because the only time your gonna stop making strength gains is when you dip under say 5-7% bf or so, in my opinion of course.

For squats for me, I do a heavy day, like 5x5 or 3x3 something like that maybe working up to a heavy single and then I have one light day where I do a 5x10 with less weight and less rest time between sets.

I just started that program in the link today so i will know soon if I like it or not.

Thanks for the quick response. Repped!
This is what irks me. There are some random places that say they have crossfit that all they want to do is get people in the door. There's a rockclimbing place i drove by the other day that says they have crossfit classes. I just shook my head when i saw that.

Before i started, i bought like 5 groupons to different boxes. Then just ended up picking the one i felt would be the safest and best based on the trainers and their knowledge. 

This.. that is how I picked my box.. owner and head trainer ranked 13th in south east region
Rich Froning is the fittest man on earth for the 3rd straight time!!
thats whats up

i wonder how some world class football/basketball/futbol/tennis/rugby/etc athletes would fair

i saw a video of knowshon moreno doing cf and it looks like he could take fronigs title if he wanted to
There was absolutely nothing on TV last night, so I stumbled across the cross-fit games on ESPN. I caught the last 20 minutes or so. I think this **** is a fad and there will be another "hot" fitness trend in a couple of years, but I was blown away w/ the athleticism of Rich Froning. He's an absolute beast. It would never happen, but I would love to see guys in their off-seasons (NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB) compete against dudes like Froning in some sort of fitness competition.

People have been Crossfitting for since 2002, just started blowing up around 2010. Some NHL guys maybe, NFL guys yes, MLB guys a few, NBA guys :smile:lol). Froning will crush them though, dudes a beast.

Can't wait until it's no longer a "fad", since I don't think CF is going anywhere.

I'm not knocking cross fit but I hear nothing but people clowning it. I've never been to a crossfit gym but there was one dude at my old gym who use to do crossfit stuff and he was skinny fat lol. You guys remember when bodybuilding competitions use to come on ESPN? My how times have changed

People clown you all the time, means nothing. It's breaking away from the norm and you know how that goes. Personally, lost interest in bodybuilding, got mundane and to be honest it just got boring.

Seems like a cult to me :lol:

It's a different environment, complete 180, from regular gyms. What I like about it? Very business like, everyone is there to get **** done which completely eliminates all the pet peeves EVERYONE has about big gyms (i.e. people on cell phones hogging the bench, curling on the squat racks, etc). Crank out a WOD in 30-45 minutes, sweat buckets, no towels necessary :lol: No hanging out, no chit chat.

Plus, you know how they say the best ways to stay in shape or push through plateaus is to have a workout partner. Your class becomes your partner. People push each other, in a good way. So folks accustomed to big gyms where people put their headphones on, may not be accustomed to this environment.

Some of the cross fitters I've seen have some of the best all around bodies, so I wonder also do they test for gear?

Most WOD's are total body workouts. Builds endurance, burns fat, etc. Been working out a long time, went off the rails the past couple of years, but must say my endurance is at HS levels right now. Cranked out a leg workout at LA Fitness the other day, one that would normally have me sore the next day, and didn't even phase me. Minor soreness, yes, but soreness where it makes you hate life, nope.

WOD's make you use your legs 4-5 days a week.

It's booming, so it's getting the fad label, a lot of actual athletes are flocking to it though so it's here to stay. CF isn't for everyone, just like body building isn't for everyone.

Still have a regular gym membership, but pet peeves list getting a bit longer. No bumper plates and lack of space to do Olympic lifts... FTL (Oh, but they have Smith machines :lol:).
For those who did IF, how long for y'all do it for? Been on it since Feb and I'm thinking an going off it for a while...I miss breakfast haha
For those who did IF, how long for y'all do it for? Been on it since Feb and I'm thinking an going off it for a while...I miss breakfast haha

I`m still on it, but every so often, If I`m just REALLY hungry I`ll widen my window, I will say I dont do it on weekends.
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