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I've been upping my running over the last month.

I've noticed around the 35 min mark I start to get this sharp pain on the right side of my back under my shoulder blade.

Something wrong? Is my body just not used to it yet?

I refuse to go to webMD, ***** gonna make me think I'm terminal :lol:
How's your posture when running?
I'm not knocking cross fit but I hear nothing but people clowning it. I've never been to a crossfit gym but there was one dude at my old gym who use to do crossfit stuff and he was skinny fat lol. You guys remember when bodybuilding competitions use to come on ESPN? My how times have changed

Don't base a mans athletic ability/strength/technique solely of aesthetics, that's the thing with Crossfit, all sorts of different body types, real good looking aesthetic people trailing behind someone who's not very the end of the day, the reason why Oly lifters can lift such volumes and do things like a full squat power clean is not as much based off their strength and muscle as it about movement/speed.

Call Crossfit a fad and it may very well be, but people that are consistent with it and serious about it, will eventually be more fit than someone who follows the same lifting routine for months on in at a gym.
Not sure?

I'm almost 6'3 and I tend to run straight up? I don't slouch and swing my arms in a "normal" fashion?

I also wear lunar glides 2s :nerd:
That's cool, man. Running upright is right. Sometimes folks run with bad postures, ie hunched back or arms on the sides of the treadmill to support them so they can jack up the speed.

Do you stretch before hand? I always take 3 mins or so to thoroughly stretch before I run.
People have been Crossfitting for since 2002, just started blowing up around 2010. Some NHL guys maybe, NFL guys yes, MLB guys a few, NBA guys :smile:lol). Froning will crush them though, dudes a beast.

Can't wait until it's no longer a "fad", since I don't think CF is going anywhere.
People clown you all the time, means nothing. It's breaking away from the norm and you know how that goes. Personally, lost interest in bodybuilding, got mundane and to be honest it just got boring.
It's a different environment, complete 180, from regular gyms. What I like about it? Very business like, everyone is there to get **** done which completely eliminates all the pet peeves EVERYONE has about big gyms (i.e. people on cell phones hogging the bench, curling on the squat racks, etc). Crank out a WOD in 30-45 minutes, sweat buckets, no towels necessary :lol: No hanging out, no chit chat.

Plus, you know how they say the best ways to stay in shape or push through plateaus is to have a workout partner. Your class becomes your partner. People push each other, in a good way. So folks accustomed to big gyms where people put their headphones on, may not be accustomed to this environment.
Most WOD's are total body workouts. Builds endurance, burns fat, etc. Been working out a long time, went off the rails the past couple of years, but must say my endurance is at HS levels right now. Cranked out a leg workout at LA Fitness the other day, one that would normally have me sore the next day, and didn't even phase me. Minor soreness, yes, but soreness where it makes you hate life, nope.

WOD's make you use your legs 4-5 days a week.

It's booming, so it's getting the fad label, a lot of actual athletes are flocking to it though so it's here to stay. CF isn't for everyone, just like body building isn't for everyone.

Still have a regular gym membership, but pet peeves list getting a bit longer. No bumper plates and lack of space to do Olympic lifts... FTL (Oh, but they have Smith machines :lol:).

Wish I could give you all my reps, funny thing is not one person that has actually tried Crossfit can come in here and clown it, NOT ONE...there is nothing to you said, is a full body work out each day, each day you do stretches to increase your ROM to improve your lifts, each day you sweat more, each day you drop to the floor in exhaustion after a WOD that is probably only 10 minutes.... **** is awesome.
Havent posted in here in a min

Right now sitting at 246lbs. No.supps no nada. Havent trained in months but finally made my the gym today. Though ive been this heavy before, my body has finally adjusted to the weight, so my cruise weight is around 240lbs with a lil body fat. Still vascular, veins poppin put of quads yada yada.

I thought about upping to 260lbs, but remembering what I went through body to.get accustomed to 240's I dont know.

Thinking of PTing as a side hussle because of the new fda ruling. Close.PT my.gym.already raked in 400k so.far this year alone (ive seen his bank account) and is waiting for me to.get certified. Plus us two.being the most inshape dudes at the gym, people always want us to train them.
Time to.make moves.
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Did chest this morning.  Probably one of the best chest workouts I've ever had.

Thinking about going to 5 day on, 2 days off split.  Does anybody have any experience with this?
Did chest this morning.  Probably one of the best chest workouts I've ever had.

Thinking about going to 5 day on, 2 days off split.  Does anybody have any experience with this?

I've been doing it last 2 weeks, been hungry as hell thats once thing I will say lol
Thanks, I might try stretching before hand.

I usually walk for 3-5 minutes before I start the full out jog. Guess that isn't enough.
Definitely try stretching. Not just like legs but your upper body too. Try lifting your arms straight up and locking your hands and pull down to the left and then right. You may feel your back and rib cage area being really pulled. Stretching is an important part that sometimes gets overlooked.

Crossfit is the real deal. It's nonstop intensity. I wouldn't be surprised if most of these meatheads at the gym don't last 5 mins in a crossfit course.
thats whats up

i wonder how some world class football/basketball/futbol/tennis/rugby/etc athletes would fair

i saw a video of knowshon moreno doing cf and it looks like he could take fronigs title if he wanted to

Here's the video of him. Check out Matt Chan's ridiculous mustache too haha.
There is no way he would get anywhere close to Froning and i would be surprised if he would even get through regionals. Would be interesting if he tried though

Some of the guys at my box today did the half marathon row from the games. 21097 meters! Best time was 1 hour 19mins which is pretty crazy. Safe to say i didn't do it..
Crossfit is the real deal. It's nonstop intensity. I wouldn't be surprised if most of these meatheads at the gym don't last 5 mins in a crossfit course.

They wont, :lol:

Body building is structured to isolate and go from there. One day Chest, One day Back, One Day Shoulders, One Day Legs. Lift first, cardio session after or vice versa.

Crossfit puts all that in a blender, so yeah, body builders will crumble. They don't have the stamina. They can get up to speed quickly with an open mind.

My gym/box gets a lot of former football players that chuckle when we do "Fran" (youtube it) with 95lbs. Then they try to do it, :lol:
thats whats up

i wonder how some world class football/basketball/futbol/tennis/rugby/etc athletes would fair

i saw a video of knowshon moreno doing cf and it looks like he could take fronigs title if he wanted to
Doubt it..

Crossfit isn't  bad, just not for everyone. Its functional movements for folks like Military, Police, firefighters, Sports to use to benefit them when they're out doing what they do. In the military its sort of hard to just bodybuild (unless your on a super profile or reserve/guard) because every 6-12 months your taking a PT Test and your score is based on a timed 1.5 mile run so alot of folks picked up cross fit to incorporate lifting and running instead of killing their run times when they test. 
Wish I could give you all my reps, funny thing is not one person that has actually tried Crossfit can come in here and clown it, NOT ONE...there is nothing to you said, is a full body work out each day, each day you do stretches to increase your ROM to improve your lifts, each day you sweat more, each day you drop to the floor in exhaustion after a WOD that is probably only 10 minutes.... **** is awesome.

QFT. There is nothing like it. Yes, there are going to be people doing it as a 'fad' but you can say that about anything.

I think many people would be surprised at how many pro athletes actually do CrossFit style workouts as part of their routine.
Wish I could give you all my reps, funny thing is not one person that has actually tried Crossfit can come in here and clown it, NOT ONE...there is nothing to you said, is a full body work out each day, each day you do stretches to increase your ROM to improve your lifts, each day you sweat more, each day you drop to the floor in exhaustion after a WOD that is probably only 10 minutes.... **** is awesome.
Crossfit or Crossfit type workouts are being incorporated by pro teams. For those that like to lift heavy, Crossfit Football has some solid workouts that you can try to crank out at a commercial gym. It's usually what I crank out when I can't go to my box. Watch out for dumbasses not paying attention :smh:.
thats whats up

i wonder how some world class football/basketball/futbol/tennis/rugby/etc athletes would fair

i saw a video of knowshon moreno doing cf and it looks like he could take fronigs title if he wanted to

I Wonder that too, how other athletes would do, like lbj, jj watt, dwight howard, adrian peterson, and other freak athletes... but I dont think knowshon moreno would even make it to the crossfit games let alone beat rich froning. If you win "fittest man on earth" 3 straight years, then you must be really good at what you do
Guy I know has competed in the last 3 or 4 cf games, he's an ex baseball player and was always pretty built but says his body just responds really well to cf but it's not for everyone (like many workout programs). Anyways, I'll ask him if there's any rumors about juicing at the games, interested to see what he says.
Idk if she's lazy, her body is on point

I can confirm. I am stalker

I don't even know who the F that timbo dude is :lol: (or you really for that matter) but he was coming hard for no reason. He mad. Why? Dunno.

And about my trainer recommending, eh, I trust her. She's got one helluva personality and body to boot. Any other time I've asked her for advice she came through. I'll see how the restore works, if it doesn't work out then I won't re-up. Thanks for the comments about fish oils.

Luck, I don't drink anything during my workouts other than water. My workouts aren't like you guys per se, definitely not as long. I do "classes" so they last about 45 minutes. Boxing/cardio on saturday for an hour; then I do the insanity ab workout on monday and the core workout on wednesday. I'll probably go back to picking up a bootcamp class on thursday too.
....and why so many people in here knocking herbalife? I mean, I really only know of two people that mess with it... but all in all whatever it takes for people to change their lives and focus on eating healthier and getting in shape, what difference does it make? The two people that I know of have definitely taken a turn around in their bodies and what they put into them.

No, I don't sell herbalife nor do I want to. It's just something I've noticed in this thread....
Timbo knocked on you cause you basically said the weather in your state was the reason why you couldnt do any type of exercise outside, which is an excuse and a poor one at that.

Herbalife is a gimmick and pyramid scheme just like selling those expensive *** knives door to door. I went through the whole interview process and sat in on a web meeting and it was total ********.

Damn all the crossfit hippies coming out 
 Id be willing to be a lot of those people on tv didnt get their physiques off crossfit style training alone....and your average crossfit dude doesn't look half as good as Rich.
"Hippies" :lol:

Just like your average bodybuilder doesn't look anything close to Jay Cutler or Ronnie Coleman.

I'm cool with people that don't like CF, have fun with your boring workout plans while you rock your Beats (*insert DJ style headphones), don't hurt yourself squatting on the Smith machine. :lol:
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