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I would jump in on this cross fit convo but I'm still trippin on dude saying his friend already made 400k from training so far this year alone lol

Just like your average bodybuilder doesn't look anything close to Jay Cutler or Ronnie Coleman.

I'm cool with people that don't like CF, have fun with your boring workout plans while you rock your Beats (*insert DJ style headphones), don't hurt yourself squatting on the Smith machine.

Do a pullup for me without humping the air to get you chin above the bar... 

Smith machine??? I probably bench what you squat playboiiiiiii
You could say the same about the dumbass crossfit workouts that have no rhyme or reason and probably have ruptured more Achilles tendons than all sports combined since it's creation.

High rep Olympic lifts, "kipping" pull ups and handstands, And even higher rep box jumping is soooooooo awesome and exciting. Not to mention the greatness that is paleo. :lol:

Speaking for myself, CF isn't my cup of tea, admittedly never tried it, but I don't knock it at all. Folks who otherwise would never work out have found their addiction within CrossFit, and for that it's awesome. . . Yeah it's the new hype, but I don't think i'm in the position to talk **** about it considering how short i've been on this fit kick
Don't really care honestly. I dabble between both worlds. Just think the name calling is funny as hell. Almost insecure.

If you benched 405, then that's pretty impressive. Not all pull-ups are "kipping" pull-ups. That's just ignorance rearing its ugly head. Strict pull-ups are also a part of WOD'S and ill be happy to do some with you.

Paleo is often linked to crossfit but its been around longer than that, it's a popular eating plan, just like any other.
Don't really care honestly. I dabble between both worlds. Just think the name calling is funny as hell. Almost insecure.

If you benched 405, then that's pretty impressive. Not all pull-ups are "kipping" pull-ups. That's just ignorance rearing its ugly head. Strict pull-ups are also a part of WOD'S and ill be happy to do some with you.

Paleo is often linked to crossfit but its been around longer than that, it's a popular eating plan, just like any other.
Yeah bro keep doing your thing, ill pray for your rotator cuffs.

You should go start a crossfit thread then all you boys can talk all day about your WOD's and all that jam.
Maybe someone can answer this for me. Why are Crossfit gyms so expensive. It is supposed to be more basic, but yet they want $110 for 2 workouts per week. Price alone is deterring me from even giving it a try.
Yeah bro keep doing your thing, ill pray for your rotator cuffs.

You should go start a crossfit thread then all you boys can talk all day about your WOD's and all that jam.

Why are your jimmies rustled though. :lol:. This is a fitness thread not a bodybuilding thread. Can easily tell you the same thing. :lol:

Rotator cuffs are ok. Thanks for the prayers :smile:

Think of of the cost as a dummy deterrent. I don't go to an expensive box and my boy runs it so I workout #fofree. Might get certified in the next year.
I don't even know who the F that timbo dude is :lol: (or you really for that matter) but he was coming hard for no reason. He mad. Why? Dunno.

And about my trainer recommending, eh, I trust her. She's got one helluva personality and body to boot. Any other time I've asked her for advice she came through. I'll see how the restore works, if it doesn't work out then I won't re-up. Thanks for the comments about fish oils.

Luck, I don't drink anything during my workouts other than water. My workouts aren't like you guys per se, definitely not as long. I do "classes" so they last about 45 minutes. Boxing/cardio on saturday for an hour; then I do the insanity ab workout on monday and the core workout on wednesday. I'll probably go back to picking up a bootcamp class on thursday too.

Timbo knocked on you cause you basically said the weather in your state was the reason why you couldnt do any type of exercise outside, which is an excuse and a poor one at that.

Herbalife is a gimmick and pyramid scheme just like selling those expensive *** knives door to door. I went through the whole interview process and sat in on a web meeting and it was total ********.

Damn all the crossfit hippies coming out :lol:  Id be willing to be a lot of those people on tv didnt get their physiques off crossfit style training alone....and your average crossfit dude doesn't look half as good as Rich.

Couldn't say it better myself. Don't come to a fitness thread and post a bunch of excuses and bro-science and then expect that people won't call you out for it. No one's mad, but when people post stupid **** in this thread, they deserved to be called out for it. If that's not something you can handle, don't post here. If you can handle it, by all means, keep posting. Just recognize that people aren't gonna baby you when you make corny excuses.

You could say the same about the dumbass crossfit workouts that have no rhyme or reason and probably have ruptured more Achilles tendons than all sports combined since it's creation.

High rep Olympic lifts, "kipping" pull ups and handstands, And even higher rep box jumping is soooooooo awesome and exciting. Not to mention the greatness that is paleo. :lol:

Ya the high rep for time stuff inevitably deteriorates in terms of form for the average trainee. Sure there are some highly qualified individuals involved in Crossfit as trainers/gym owners (case in point Kelly Starrett of Mobility WOD and SF Crossfit). That said, there are probably an equal amount of unqualified people out there trying to take advantage of the hype to make money off of it. If you get a good trainer and a box with good programming, I'm all for it if it fits your fitness goals. But I think there's a significant risk if you get involved in it without proper guidance or with an organization that doesn't know what it's doing. I don't do Crossfit myself because it doesn't fit my fitness goals and isn't particularly affordable. I do do metabolic conditioning workouts on my own because they certainly can be very beneficial
Maybe someone can answer this for me. Why are Crossfit gyms so expensive. It is supposed to be more basic, but yet they want $110 for 2 workouts per week. Price alone is deterring me from even giving it a try.

They are more basic in some ways, but the equipment isn't cheap. See Plus they are paying coaches. Normal gym probably have a employee to customer ratio of like 1:50 whereas Xfit boxes are probably like 1:20. I Think Xfit gyms also expect members to actually show up. Most commercial gyms can keep their prices down because the majority of members only actually use their gym sparingly.
Why are your jimmies rustled though.
. This is a fitness thread not a bodybuilding thread. Can easily tell you the same thing.

Rotator cuffs are ok. Thanks for the prayers

Think of of the cost as a dummy deterrent. I don't go to an expensive box and my boy runs it so I workout #fofree. Might get certified in the next year.
I'm not mad bro, me and you are actually more a like, you don't like the stereotypes of crossfitters and I don't like the stereotypes of bodybuilders. I actually don't even do the bodybuilding style training anymore, I do more of the powerlifting style. But I would make fun of any dude wearing some beats to the gym, that **** is wack as ****.
did 315 on Deadlift 5 times tonight, I think I can throw another 20 lbs on and do at least 3 reps. If I ever bulk I think my lifts will go through the roof.
.... question... those of you talking ****... do you guys LIVE IN TEXAS? It's hot! :lol: :lol: Most people who do workout do stuff inside the gym, in the air conditioning. Local adult leagues usually pick up around the fall etc. Kids sports games tend to be later at night... like... I wasn't just talking outta my ***, breh.

My thing is, you don't know me... I just got back from Japan where I was biking and walking on avg. about 8 miles a day, up and downhill, didn't matter. You right tho, I'm lazy, inactive, and don't get all the benefits one is supposed to get from life. I'm just full of excuses! Dude asked a question and I answered it , honestly. And ****, even if I did need the motivation to do more outdoors stuff, I thought this thread was about being helpful and supportive, using encouraging words and all that :smh:
It's still crazy how this Glassman guy essentially patented crosstraining.

You have a specific set of events/lifts you train. That's all. It just so happens to incorporate stuff from different disciplines like Olympic lifting and plyometrics, body weight movements etc.

It's not any more effective at getting "fit" than anything else. It's only more exciting because you deem it so.

Of course there are coaches who have got involved with crossfit from other disciplines like powerlifting and olympic lifting that are legit and give helpful programming to go with the few good ones out there like the aforementioned Kelly Starrett. Thankfully they are a saving grace with all the other ridiculousness out there.

Rhabdo. :x
Couldn't say it better myself. Don't come to a fitness thread and post a bunch of excuses and bro-science and then expect that people won't call you out for it. No one's mad, but when people post stupid **** in this thread, they deserved to be called out for it. If that's not something you can handle, don't post here. If you can handle it, by all means, keep posting. Just recognize that people aren't gonna baby you when you make corny excuses.

what is bro-science again? Seriously, I've never heard of that....

and a bunch of excuses? Dawg, you made it seem like it was a paragraph... I just said the weather (for me) wasn't conducive to outdoor activities. I believe in my post right under it or above it or something I listed the things I do. Chill. Please.
.... question... those of you talking ****... do you guys LIVE IN TEXAS? It's hot!
Most people who do workout do stuff inside the gym, in the air conditioning. Local adult leagues usually pick up around the fall etc. Kids sports games tend to be later at night... like... I wasn't just talking outta my ***, breh.

My thing is, you don't know me... I just got back from Japan where I was biking and walking on avg. about 8 miles a day, up and downhill, didn't matter. You right tho, I'm lazy, inactive, and don't get all the benefits one is supposed to get from life. I'm just full of excuses! Dude asked a question and I answered it , honestly. And ****, even if I did need the motivation to do more outdoors stuff, I thought this thread was about being helpful and supportive, using encouraging words and all that
I'm sorry you feel this way, I should have shown more sympathy since Im talking to a woman, I was just trying to help clarify what he meant and how it came off as an excuse. 

Im sure Texas is more than hot but people have ran marathons in the desert before, so if you get up early enough Im sure you could get a run or some exercise in.
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.... question... those of you talking ****... do you guys LIVE IN TEXAS? It's hot! :lol: :lol: Most people who do workout do stuff inside the gym, in the air conditioning. Local adult leagues usually pick up around the fall etc. Kids sports games tend to be later at night... like... I wasn't just talking outta my ***, breh.

My thing is, you don't know me... I just got back from Japan where I was biking and walking on avg. about 8 miles a day, up and downhill, didn't matter. You right tho, I'm lazy, inactive, and don't get all the benefits one is supposed to get from life. I'm just full of excuses! Dude asked a question and I answered it , honestly. And ****, even if I did need the motivation to do more outdoors stuff, I thought this thread was about being helpful and supportive, using encouraging words and all that :smh:

lol you cant take what dudes in here to heart, dudes try to come at other peoples throats in here and call it "motivation". As long as you are making gainz in real life everything that goes on in this thread is irrelevant.
No problems with crossfit here just as long as the coaches are good and they know when to correct form that's gonna hurt you. Only thing that keeps me away is the price for it and the fact that its at a certain time and place.

But overall I can't knock any program (insanity, p90x, etc) that gets anyone off their butts and motivated to better themselves. The only certain things I got problems with is nutritional BS (herbal life etc.).

Question: I want to take my cutting to the next level and I understand carb cycling+IF+caloric deficit but what would y'all recommend for a lifting program?
I'm not mad bro, me and you are actually more a like, you don't like the stereotypes of crossfitters and I don't like the stereotypes of bodybuilders. I actually don't even do the bodybuilding style training anymore, I do more of the powerlifting style. But I would make fun of any dude wearing some beats to the gym, that **** is wack as ****.

Then we're good bro, end of the day we are all trying to get fit and reach our goals. Path may be a little different.
what is bro-science again? Seriously, I've never heard of that....

and a bunch of excuses? Dawg, you made it seem like it was a paragraph... I just said the weather (for me) wasn't conducive to outdoor activities. I believe in my post right under it or above it or something I listed the things I do. Chill. Please.
.... question... those of you talking ****... do you guys LIVE IN TEXAS? It's hot! :lol: :lol: Most people who do workout do stuff inside the gym, in the air conditioning. Local adult leagues usually pick up around the fall etc. Kids sports games tend to be later at night... like... I wasn't just talking outta my ***, breh.

My thing is, you don't know me... I just got back from Japan where I was biking and walking on avg. about 8 miles a day, up and downhill, didn't matter. You right tho, I'm lazy, inactive, and don't get all the benefits one is supposed to get from life. I'm just full of excuses! Dude asked a question and I answered it , honestly. And ****, even if I did need the motivation to do more outdoors stuff, I thought this thread was about being helpful and supportive, using encouraging words and all that :smh:

You mentioned the fact that it's too hot during a certain period but too cold during another period of the year. In addition you mentioned that you didn't want to join kickball leagues because they were either too far away and you didn't want to get home late or they were expensive. That's all in one post. To me, it seems like you're making a bunch of excuses. True I don't know you nor do am I particularly interested in getting to know you; you don't seem particularly pleasant, but you are posting in a thread that I frequently contribute to, so I think me responding to your post is warranted. Judging by the way you're responding, I'd venture a guess that you do in fact recognize that you're making excuses. You just aren't particularly comfortable with someone you don't know calling you out for them. I hope that my post helps you in the long run realize that complaining about the weather could potentially be holding you back from achieving your fitness goals.

I understand that individuals like myself are considerably more committed to fitness and considerably more knowledgeable than some of the newer posters and thus our posts can come across as harsh or cocky, so perhaps I should apologize for that. Still, the majority of people in this thread are actually contributing good content and can handle a little good-natured but harsh motivation. In general, sensitivity and fitness don't mix particularly well.

Oh and bro-science is an umbrella term used to describe fitness-related statements not grounded in science. Basically, something your bro told you at the gym. Based on my cursory review, I'd say the marketing behind Herbalife products is pure bro-science.

That said, I do want to commend you for posting in this thread in the first place. It demonstrates an interest in fitness, which, unfortunately, the majority of Americans don't share, despite Michelle Obama's feeble efforts.
You mentioned the fact that it's too hot during a certain period but too cold during another period of the year. In addition you mentioned that you didn't want to join kickball leagues because they were either too far away and you didn't want to get home late or they were expensive. That's all in one post. To me, it seems like you're making a bunch of excuses. True I don't know you nor do am I particularly interested in getting to know you; you don't seem particularly pleasant, but you are posting in a thread that I frequently contribute to, so I think me responding to your post is warranted. Judging by the way you're responding, I'd venture a guess that you do in fact recognize that you're making excuses. You just aren't particularly comfortable with someone you don't know calling you out for them. I hope that my post helps you in the long run realize that complaining about the weather could potentially be holding you back from achieving your fitness goals.

I understand that individuals like myself are considerably more committed to fitness and considerably more knowledgeable than some of the newer posters and thus our posts can come across as harsh or cocky, so perhaps I should apologize for that. Still, the majority of people in this thread are actually contributing good content and can handle a little good-natured but harsh motivation. In general, sensitivity and fitness don't mix particularly well.

Oh and bro-science is an umbrella term used to describe fitness-related statements not grounded in science. Basically, something your bro told you at the gym. Based on my cursory review, I'd say the marketing behind Herbalife products is pure bro-science.

That said, I do want to commend you for posting in this thread in the first place. It demonstrates an interest in fitness, which, unfortunately, the majority of Americans don't share, despite Michelle Obama's feeble efforts.

:lol: it's quite a few people on here don't think I'm nice. I'm like Luck tho, been on this ***** a cool lil' min, ain't trippin' off that. In all your ranting and banter, you failed to realize the initial question.. which was what are we doing IN ADDITION TO our workouts. That means that we are already working out, and what outdoor activities do we for fun etc. So you see, I exercise.... it's just INdoors. As much as you? No, but I exercise. I exercise more than my friends I know who ARE in sports leagues, and truth be told I'm in better shape than most of them (save for like three dudes , I'm in better shape then all the girls though) So you see, what I eat x my exercise routine is what I do to achieve "my fitness goals." Just because I'm not biking and running around in 90+ degree heat doesn't mean I'm sitting on my ***.

and please don't get it twisted like I'm some outta shape chick in the gym on the treadmill tweeting and posting #gymflow pics on IG. I been about this active lifestyle, cuz it's a LIFESTYLE. I been about this active life since I was little playing tennis and basketball. So spare me the "demonstrates an interest in fitness" :lol: :lol: Stop it ocky.

No longer going to derail this thread though. If you respond, cool. I won't outta respect for everybody else.
So if you're trying to drop weight do you just do cardio until you reach your goal then lift? or cardio and weights? do they cancel out each other like the cardio will burn whatever muscles you gain? serious question
So if you're trying to drop weight do you just do cardio until you reach your goal then lift? or cardio and weights? do they cancel out each other like the cardio will burn whatever muscles you gain? serious question

I have a general idea but I'm curious as well.
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