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Yeah I assumed too, but then someone mentioned how most soccer players and swimmers don't have a lot of muscles/defintion because they do so much cardio
So if you're trying to drop weight do you just do cardio until you reach your goal then lift? or cardio and weights? do they cancel out each other like the cardio will burn whatever muscles you gain? serious question
I'd focus more on cardio and the most important You can do a hardcore workout for an hour and burn off 1k cals, and have a double cheeseburger and fries which just killed that workout and then some. I'd also lift weight to retain or minimize the muscles you'll be losing.

I see a lot of folks say stuff like "I don't want to lift weight because I don't want to be buff". You don't get buff by accident. Lifting weight routinely won't make you look like the Rock.

The mistake I made was not lifting weight until I joined a gym. I was just doing Muay Thai at the time and just running. I did the push ups as part of my routines, but that was about it. If I could redo it, I would incorporate weight lifting from the start. Mind you, I never wanted to become cut up. I just want to have a lean built, like Beckham.

I haven't posted pictures since when the first thread got started, but why not. I was always a bigger dude in HS and college, around 180 lbs at 5'9''. When I was 22 years old or so, I ballooned up to 220 can see the pictures here:

I did Muay Thai and through trial and error at first, retune my diet. This was before the thread was made on NT so I used myself as the experiment. Within a year, I got down to 165 or so.

I eventually got down to like 145 lbs, but that was too small for my taste. This was back around 2009. I then gained some lbs, and this is me right now at 160 lbs.

Keep in mind that you didn't get big in one day, and you won't get fit in one day. I see it as a life challenge to stay fit. Try keeping track of your progress to keep the motivation going, ie how fast you can run a mile in or how many pushups you can do without stopping. Most importantly, cut out the crappy foods and drinks and limit them to a couple of times per week as 'cheat meals'.

Good luck :smile:
Nothing like the monthy crossfit war in here to get the jimmies rustled lol

For those of you wondering how elite professional athletes would do against the crossfit champ, they would get crushed. Froning trains for the crossfit games, athlete X does not.
^ good **** breh :pimp:

why would you want to go back and lift from the beginning? I mean you look pretty good, do you want to have more muscle definition or something? Or do you think you could've reached your goal faster had you weight lifted from jump ?
^ good **** breh :pimp:

why would you want to go back and lift from the beginning? I mean you look pretty good, do you want to have more muscle definition or something? Or do you think you could've reached your goal faster had you weight lifted from jump ?
Thanks, ma'am.

Muscle is hard to gain. That's why I would've lifted from the beginning so I don't lose the muscles I had. When I got down, I was pretty skinny with spaghetti arms and all. Most of the weight lost happened during the winter when I bummed around in jeans and hoodies. Mann Rocky IV soundtrack was motivating me to run in the cold :lol: I also buzzed my hair at the time so when dudes saw me for the first time they thought I was ill because I was so skinny :lol:
I wouldn't mind having more ripples in the arms though but overall I like my size as is.

Coming back into this thread kinda relit the fire to push myself again :pimp:
Thanks, ma'am.

Muscle is hard to gain. That's why I would've lifted from the beginning so I don't lose the muscles I had. When I got down, I was pretty skinny with spaghetti arms and all. Most of the weight lost happened during the winter when I bummed around in jeans and hoodies. Mann Rocky IV soundtrack was motivating me to run in the cold :lol: I also buzzed my hair at the time so when dudes saw me for the first time they thought I was ill because I was so skinny :lol:
I wouldn't mind having more ripples in the arms though but overall I like my size as is.

Coming back into this thread kinda relit the fire to push myself again :pimp:

ok, I feel you. My BF is on the path to lose weight (he looks about how you did when you first started) he's always done cardio and lifted. I can def notice some gains, but his love handles on the sides are still persistent. But that's like the last part to go right? I'm so proud of him :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: Next summer we stuntin' on everybody :lol:

Made alot of progress strength-wise in the last month. I don't look much different though. Looking forward to a bulk in the Fall. Currently I'm 5 ft 8, 195 lbs
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I'm in a mens soccer league and we play our games at night during the summer. Its damn near 105°F some days out here in Arizona :x
Interesting NPR article on another form of Intermittent Fasting

From personal experience I dont see how 2 full days would be easier than transitioning to a daily 16/8 or 18/6 window, but to each their own

Results are :pimp: either way
Yeah I assumed too, but then someone mentioned how most soccer players and swimmers don't have a lot of muscles/defintion because they do so much cardio

Big bulky muscles are counterproductive in those respective sports

I don't think its fair to say they don't have a lot of muscle. They definitley have a lot of definition since they are all super lean...but the muscles is all legs and core. Its just not the chest and arms you see on other athletes.

I think crossfit looks like a lot of fun and i like the competitive aspect of it....but its soooo expensive. And my schedule is erratic so it would be hard for me to make classes at designated times but i would love to try it out.

Nani has always had an insane physique
So if you're trying to drop weight do you just do cardio until you reach your goal then lift? or cardio and weights? do they cancel out each other like the cardio will burn whatever muscles you gain? serious question
You dont even need cardio or weights to lose weight honestly, its all calories in vs calories out.

Now if you want to be skinny fat then go ahead and just do cardio but if you want some kind of muscle tone to you then lift as you lose weight.

Cardio will not burn off any muscle, unless you run a crazy amount everyday.

Since your just starting out you get to enjoy the noob gainz, cherish them because after a year or so they get less and less.
In addition to noob gains realize that while you may not gain significant amounts of muscle while cutting you can make significant strength gains while in a caloric deficit if you program properly (I.e. keep the reps lower and don't waste a bunch of time/energy on high rep hypertrophy sets). Even if you don't care about strength at all as an end goal, the ability to lift heavier weights will help later on when you bulk
thats whats up

i wonder how some world class football/basketball/futbol/tennis/rugby/etc athletes would fair

i saw a video of knowshon moreno doing cf and it looks like he could take fronigs title if he wanted to

Here's the video of him. Check out Matt Chan's ridiculous mustache too haha.
There is no way he would get anywhere close to Froning and i would be surprised if he would even get through regionals. Would be interesting if he tried though

Some of the guys at my box today did the half marathon row from the games. 21097 meters! Best time was 1 hour 19mins which is pretty crazy. Safe to say i didn't do it..
I'm pretty sure he could take the title, he wouldn't need as much training time, but two months of srs training and rest, I think he could take it

Not tryin to rustle jimmies tho, I see you cfers are very protective of your club and it would be a shame if a pro athlete came in and snatched the title with significantly less experience
Nothing like the monthy crossfit war in here to get the jimmies rustled lol

For those of you wondering how elite professional athletes would do against the crossfit champ, they would get crushed. Froning trains for the crossfit games, athlete X does not.

I dunno, man. For as good as Froning is, I would love to see him go up against some of the workout warriors from various pro sports. Everything but the handstand walk. :lol:
I dunno, man. For as good as Froning is, I would love to see him go up against some of the workout warriors from various pro sports. Everything but the handstand walk. :lol:

I mean dude would probably look terrible at the NFL combine so him being good at CF doesn't make him a better athlete than Andrian Peterson. These dudes are good at what they do but there is no true and fair way to say who is a better athlete across the board. Why would a bodybuilder need to be good at doing Crossfit stuff when it serves them no purpose?
Im within walking distance to a crossfit place in my city. Maybe I should look into for the fall. Bodybuilding is blah these days to me. cross fit ppl have this elitist attitude that annoys me an a lot of fellow gym dudes like myself though.
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I will first say I don't believe in Crossfit, but I won't knock it.  I am a bodybuilder and that is my focus, from now until I decide to change it.  However his form on those box squats had me very nervous for him, I believe about the 2:50 mark. I am however happy he is having success and hope it translates on the field.  The woman walking around in the video however is very... Eye catching.

Just curious what a Jerry Rice or a TO would do with crossfit, probably destroy it.  Physically they were quite gifted and took working out very serious.
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That is some impressive weight loss, love the pizza over your face.  LMAO.  How old are you or about?


Heads up for the broke Brahs has the 4.4 lb phase 8 on BOGO and you can stack it with the 10% off coupon so that's 9lbs for 45 bucks. I'd cop but I still have some tubs under my bed
I will first say I don't believe in Crossfit, but I won't knock it.  I am a bodybuilder and that is my focus, from now until I decide to change it.  However his form on those box squats had me very nervous for him, I believe about the 2:50 mark. I am however happy he is having success and hope it translates on the field.  The woman walking around in the video however is very... Eye catching.

Believe in it? O god makes me think of the place near me. They call it Crossfit Religion. Maybe I'll stay away.
I would encourage people to try it at least once. Many crossfit places offer a free first session. It's hard to judge it by one session though. There are plenty of groupon deals for crossfit in my area, and i am sure it goes the same for other areas too. 
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