No humble brag...
I'm strongly considering just wearing long sleeve tees and hoodies to the gym now. Lately I've been making a mental note of how many times I get interrupted in there by folks asking questions or wanting to talk and chop it up. Yesterday it was 6 people, the day before it was 5. And it's always the same questions..'how long did it take you to get that big (which I don't even consider myself big) or, how do you stay lean (they hate to hear how strict I am) or what kind of protein powder is the best and works the fastest (confusion sets in when I tell them I don't use powders anymore and that protein isn't a quick type of thing) , they ask about creatine and diet plans and exercises and if I want to partner up lol and then there's those other guys that just want to talk..about sports, women, the economy o_0 (because I'm a finance/econ guy)....Like come on guys, I'm busy! I always appreciate the compliments, cats telling me I'm their motivation or inspiration, that's great, I'm glad to be a good rolemodel, but catch me before I start, or afterwards, the constant breaking of my rhythm is annoying. I guess it's my own fault for wearing tanks and cut off tees, but I like to see the muscles moving as I'm working them, makes me go harder. I'm just a nice guy, people want to talk, I let them. Maybe I'm just so desperate for friendship that I subconsciously want them to bother me? lmao nah. *FYI this is only in reference to the males, I have no prob when females approach me and do these exact same actions lol.*
#FitnessProblems lol /end rant
on a side note new shorty is a yoga/pilates instructor...lil downward dog action is in the near future..