STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

My fall cut begins on Monday so I will be a glutton this weekend and consume pizza and copious amounts of beer in honor of it being the opening weekend of the NFL! Still gonna workout in the AM but I'll be eating like a fatso after that.
Nothing like a squat night to start off the weekend, did 10x3 then some 12in paused boxed to really work on exploding from the bottom.

Deadlifting tomorrow to work on form.

^Impressive. Some strong NTers we have in here.

I've noticed I need to work on keeping my wrist straight and in line with my forearm when performing various movements. I have this habit of bending my hand backwards, especially benching. Then I bend it forward when doing pull movements such as curls and BB rows. Makes me feel like I'm cheating.
^Impressive. Some strong NTers we have in here.

I've noticed I need to work on keeping my wrist straight and in line with my forearm when performing various movements. I have this habit of bending my hand backwards, especially benching. Then I bend it forward when doing pull movements such as curls and BB rows. Makes me feel like I'm cheating.

You can buy some wrist straps. That was my problem before and it was fixed by the straps
So this is what cross fit is all about? :lol: :lol: :x

You posted a "fail compilation" though, by a dude who is largely biased and an ignoramus (sounds like Durienne anyways). You can do the same for any type of workout technique, and most of them are common lifts anyways so it's not like that's exclusive to crossfit. People in the regular gyms doing the exact same thing.
You posted a "fail compilation" though, by a dude who is largely biased and an ignoramus (sounds like Durienne anyways). You can do the same for any type of workout technique, and most of them are common lifts anyways so it's not like that's exclusive to crossfit. People in the regular gyms doing the exact same thing.
Show us big shirley

I lurk here and there but wanted to comment on the discussion about progression in weight. Once you get over your lifting your body weight, it gets harder and harder to add more weight.

My bodyweight has been between 160-170lbs for the past couple of years and when I started deadlifting like 3 years ago, it was easy for me to go from lifting 135 to 225. However, once I reached 300 lbs, I've pretty much been at a standstill. I've been stuck on 1-2 reps at 300lbs for like 2 years.
Nothing like a squat night to start off the weekend, did 10x3 then some 12in paused boxed to really work on exploding from the bottom.

Deadlifting tomorrow to work on form.


do some deadlits on a german volume regiment :smokin:smokin

feels good man, feels good.
That **** sounds intense as hell 

Im still working out some kinks in my form on deadlift, but I will try it for squats soon.
I Just looked up GVT and wow, lol most people saying they just got a crazy pump from it but their lifts decreased when they went back to a normal strength program
^ helped me over come my plateau - i was stuck at 525lb .

i only did GVT for about 2-3 weeks.

after that i went back to my strength program i was on.

its a great wrench to throw into the mix.

i ended up hitting 575 about 2 months later.

10x10 @ 315lbs.

come around set 6-7 i was struggling.
did 10x10 on squats today....damn it kicked my ***
i was going *** to grass with a slight pause at the bottom
felt damned good :smokin
so i decided to purchase a groupon deal for some boxing classes at the gym next to my house. see how it is, havent really worked out in a minutem hopefully, my cardio and conditioning improves over the next few months

anyone have experiences with this type of exercise?
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Anyone here do triathlons or marathons? I need a good training schedule or tips into getting into the sport. I do own a road bike and have done 30 mile rides randomly, but do not follow any type of schedules.
Starting a damn cut tomorrow, feel fat as **** and apparently in a span of two weeks I've gained 6 lbs... Wtf?! It's not like I even have TIME to eat with this busy gig, working on the telephone line carrying that 75lb 28ft ladder, climbing up those poles blah blah blah, sweating buckets, I don't even eat out there, too damn hot...and by the time I make it back home I'm too exhausted to make anything. Time to cut, would like to get down to 160-165 , beating the end of my previous cut, and expose some more damb muscle.

Wore a wife beater the first time ever yesterday, felt nice in this SoCal heat.

Sorry I've been ghost these last few weeks fellas, but the aforementioned work schedule keeps me away mannn

Catching up though, keep up the good work folks, fighting the good fight!
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