STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Starting a damn cut tomorrow, feel fat as **** and apparently in a span of two weeks I've gained 6 lbs... Wtf?! It's not like I even have TIME to eat with this busy gig, working on the telephone line carrying that 75lb 28ft ladder, climbing up those poles blah blah blah, sweating buckets, I don't even eat out there, too damn hot...and by the time I make it back home I'm too exhausted to make anything. Time to cut, would like to get down to 160-165 , beating the end of my previous cut, and expose some more damb muscle.

Wore a wife beater the first time ever yesterday, felt nice in this SoCal heat.

Sorry I've been ghost these last few weeks fellas, but the aforementioned work schedule keeps me away mannn

Catching up though, keep up the good work folks, fighting the good fight!

:lol: man you ain't playing :smh:

IDK what ANYBODY says, cutting>>>>>bulking, by miles and a few kilometers
You're blatantly wrong. Bulking > cutting.
Although I guess it's really contextual. For someone working like you are, it would make sense that you'd enjoy cutting more. Me, I sit at a desk 8 hours a day (with ample mobility breaks), so I can just pound cals.
You're blatantly wrong. Bulking > cutting.
Although I guess it's really contextual. For someone working like you are, it would make sense that you'd enjoy cutting more. Me, I sit at a desk 8 hours a day (with ample mobility breaks), so I can just pound cals.

I dont care what anyone says I doubt I will hate bulking, I dont care about "looking fat" when i know I`m gaining muscle. The only thing I fear about bulking is moobs and love handles geting big, but If youre bulking correctly I doubt that will happen.
i can't understand in what sick and twisted world that eating at a caloric deficit is more enjoyable than eating at a surplus? i'm not talking about body composition/body image, i'm talking about pure eating pleasure. last night i had a huge plate of carnitas, black beans, guac and habanero sauce. inhaled it.
Fall/Winter Bulk is going to be immaculate :pimp:

Thinking about all the possibilities got me like

For being the former fat *** I was, I grew fond of cutting.

Yeah I know the conventional wisdom comparing Bulking to Cutting, but I should've clarified I was saying that in terms of easyness. Granted Im not going to be cutting anywhere NEAR my desperation/poverty macros of 900/1400/day again, but I just seeit that much easier, due to that previously mentioned work schedule :lol:

Illreconsider it, because I'd be a DAMN liar if I said I haven't been enjoying the constant bumps in the weight I'm throwing up...I'm up to 85lb db press, before I couldn't even hold 40s steadily. I'm not going back to that.

...ahh **** it, I said I was going to see this unsuccessful bulk through the end of the year, I'm going to stick to that.

Carry on folks
Of course going to try to get to 3 plate bench 4 plate squat 5 plate deads by the end of winter

Maybe even start some Oly lifting.
that'd be very impressive given your current t size. What are your lifts at now?

Bench 255 chest kinda weak
Squat 315
Dead 405

I think it's possible but I'm thinking if I should modify my routine, currently do PHAT with 2 heavy days and 1 high volume. Any input is appreciated
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What shoes are you guys running in? These damn Air Max 2009s are killing me on the treadmill.
Don't get a "comfy" shoe just because some of your friends say it's the comfiest shoe ever.

You have to check what kind of foot you have. Your arch and how much you pronate.

From there, you narrow down your choices.

Brand wise - I've been an Asics fan for a while. But that's me personally.
What shoes are you guys running in? These damn Air Max 2009s are killing me on the treadmill.
new balance minimus.

Awesome you're quite strong for your size. I thought phat was pretty ineffective for gaining strength. I'd switch to something that's more strength oriented. Look into the Texas Method

Bench 255 chest kinda weak
Squat 315
Dead 405

I think it's possible but I'm thinking if I should modify my routine, currently do PHAT with 2 heavy days and 1 high volume. Any input is appreciated
Anyone here do triathlons or marathons? I need a good training schedule or tips into getting into the sport. I do own a road bike and have done 30 mile rides randomly, but do not follow any type of schedules.

Download the RunKeeper app. It has a detailed laid out plan if you want to run a marathon.
I'm doing a 1/2 marathon in a couple months, but when I get serious and try to do a full, that's gonna b my go to app.
Don't get a "comfy" shoe just because some of your friends say it's the comfiest shoe ever.

You have to check what kind of foot you have. Your arch and how much you pronate.

From there, you narrow down your choices.

Brand wise - I've been an Asics fan for a while. But that's me personally.

Lol I wear these because they are comfy just not for running. They're phenomenal for walking though. I was gonna look into some Asics at one point.
How do you guys breakdown your workouts during the days of the week?


Mon - Chest
Tues - Arms
Wed - Legs

This is a good basic start.
Mon- Chest/Tri's
Tue- Back/Bi's
Thurs- Rest
Fri- Chest/Tri's
Sat- Back/Bi's
Sun- Legs/Shoulders
Can you link me to a good push/pull/legs routine? I did push yesterday but all I had to work off was a blog post on it and wonder if I did too much, not enough, etc. based on what's common. The plan I had been on and off the past few weeks was just O.D. I'm better off doing something more reasonable that I won't quit and start back over and quit again then trying to do Navy Seal 3hr long workouts I only really do and finish like half of the time
IMdoing Ogus' PPL routine, its been working for myself to be honest man. Go to his channel and I believe there's a playlist for his routine
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