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I'm jealous of a lot of the dudes in here. Not seeing the gains/progress I feel I should be with the improvements to my lifestyle. Compound movements feel like they're at a deadlock and weight remains the same :smh:
I'm jealous of a lot of the dudes in here. Not seeing the gains/progress I feel I should be with the improvements to my lifestyle. Compound movements feel like they're at a deadlock and weight remains the same :smh:

first of all, don't compare your actual progress to what others are posting online.
as far as stalled progress, when is the last time you did a deload? have you worked on exercises specific to improving your strength on those compound lifts? are you eating at a caloric deficit? these are all important things to consider. don't get discouraged man. maybe you can be more specific as to where you think your progress is stalling and maybe some of the experts in here can give you some pointers. good luck man.
How many sets you guys normally hit when doing back? I feel like I do way too many sets for my back, 20 +, before it is exhausted. I'm limited in the respect that I tailor my routine around my lower back injury (surgery on l5-s1) so I can't do heavy rows, heavy deads, t bar, etc and be done in 12 or so sets. Advice, recommendations?
first of all, don't compare your actual progress to what others are posting online.
as far as stalled progress, when is the last time you did a deload? have you worked on exercises specific to improving your strength on those compound lifts? are you eating at a caloric deficit? these are all important things to consider. don't get discouraged man. maybe you can be more specific as to where you think your progress is stalling and maybe some of the experts in here can give you some pointers. good luck man.

Seems to be a fatigue issue. I usually get home, eat a meal, digest and then lift. Haven't been feeling it lately, almost like I sort of regressed. Would deloading help this issue? I feel like my bench press, squats should be increasing but I haven't been able to bump up the weight.
How long do you intake the meal before workout. Also what kind of meal?

I usually eat an Hour before my WOD and try to have more carbs to fuel da workout.

Banana 20min before is cool too
How long do you intake the meal before workout. Also what kind of meal?

I usually eat an Hour before my WOD and try to have more carbs to fuel da workout.

Banana 20min before is cool too

Pretty much same as u.

I try not to go longer than an hour.

But sometimes I have to.
Seems to be a fatigue issue. I usually get home, eat a meal, digest and then lift. Haven't been feeling it lately, almost like I sort of regressed. Would deloading help this issue? I feel like my bench press, squats should be increasing but I haven't been able to bump up the weight.

ahhhh almost sounds like a mental block but a deload can help with the constant heavy taxing of your cns. i go through periods where i'm less motivated and have even had those days in the gym where the weights feel extra heavy and i'd rather go home and eat a cheeseburger - just gotta tough those times out. another thing to consider is the possibility of taking some coffee/caffeine preworkout or some preworkout product with stims and other ergogens. also, what are you eating before you workout and how long does it "digest"?
ahhhh almost sounds like a mental block but a deload can help with the constant heavy taxing of your cns. i go through periods where i'm less motivated and have even had those days in the gym where the weights feel extra heavy and i'd rather go home and eat a cheeseburger - just gotta tough those times out. another thing to consider is the possibility of taking some coffee/caffeine preworkout or some preworkout product with stims and other ergogens. also, what are you eating before you workout and how long does it "digest"?

Thanks for the advice. I've actually considered pre-workouts but I don't want to get the jitters (anxiety).

As far as meals b4 working out, usually an egg-white omelette with cottage cheese or something along those lines and then let it sit for about 45 before working out.
Thanks for the advice. I've actually considered pre-workouts but I don't want to get the jitters (anxiety).

As far as meals b4 working out, usually an egg-white omelette with cottage cheese or something along those lines and then let it sit for about 45 before working out.

Prolly need to throw sum carbs in that meal for energy.
You guys eat less calories on rest days, particularly anyone who trends towards being an endomorph? I was thinking about making rest day also cheat day, but knowing my body that would be a disaster. I don't think I can afford either really. I'll at least get 20 minutes of something in tomorrow to break a sweat instead of just fully resting and not doing ****
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Increase of 20# on my 3 rep max backsquat yesterday from 3 weeks ago. Was pretty juiced yesterday about it.
You guys go heavy on rack pulls? I'm gonna do some today. Right now I could prob DL 225 1-3 times
I'm jealous of a lot of the dudes in here. Not seeing the gains/progress I feel I should be with the improvements to my lifestyle. Compound movements feel like they're at a deadlock and weight remains the same :smh:

Face it my G, you're 30, gotta work a lil harder. Welcome to the club.
Judging by your posts, you don't seem to be eating enough fam. Eat more. Protein, potatoes, good fats, drink milk mixed with dark cocoa powder, etc. Feed your body. Get your cals at a surplus. You can only build so much without fuel.
I'm jealous of a lot of the dudes in here. Not seeing the gains/progress I feel I should be with the improvements to my lifestyle. Compound movements feel like they're at a deadlock and weight remains the same :smh:
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