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What's a good supp to take to aid digestion? I eat a lot, but I feel like a have waaay too many bowel movements in comparison (4-5x/day).
If anyone has a rest/cardio only day in their routine, how much differently (if at all) do you eat as opposed to your scheduled lift days?
Whats the deal with the Cellucor protein? It seems like a couple weeks ago everyone in here loved it, and now it i'm seeing poor reviews. 
Long time lurker in this thread. Been going through some injuries, but finally healthy and ready to hit it hard. Did a little research, but figured I'd get some NT advice b/c who knows if what I've been reading is legit....

Im about 6 ft. and weigh 182. Decent shape. I want to lose 8-10 lbs of fat (have some slight love handles and can't really see the abs), I want my goal weight to be about 180-185 just without the fat. Should I do a cut first then a bulk and then a slight cut? OR should I bulk first then cut? ....I'm leaning toward the cut first b/c if I bulk first I will have a lot of weight to lose after and I'm a little worried that I may not be able to lose it (fear of being fat!).

Also during a cut/bulk should my swing in calories be 500 from my normal daily intake?

If anyone has a rest/cardio only day in their routine, how much differently (if at all) do you eat as opposed to your scheduled lift days?

i eat my maintenance amount of calories. keep ur protein intake the same as a training day and reduce the amount of carbs ingested that day.

Seems to be a fatigue issue. I usually get home, eat a meal, digest and then lift. Haven't been feeling it lately, almost like I sort of regressed. Would deloading help this issue? I feel like my bench press, squats should be increasing but I haven't been able to bump up the weight.

Been reading your posts and i was the same way before i started eating more. it's weird, but you gotta trust peeps when they say you gotta eat big to get results. in my case, during my "bulk", i ate about 30% more than my resting metabolic rate; I'm 5'6" 155 lbs, my resting caloric rate is ~1800 and I currently eat about ~2300 cals with 50% carbs, 35% protein, 15% fat. been working pretty well so far.
i eat my maintenance amount of calories. keep ur protein intake the same as a training day and reduce the amount of carbs ingested that day.
Been reading your posts and i was the same way before i started eating more. it's weird, but you gotta trust peeps when they say you gotta eat big to get results. in my case, during my "bulk", i ate about 30% more than my resting metabolic rate; I'm 5'6" 155 lbs, my resting caloric rate is ~1800 and I currently eat about ~2300 cals with 50% carbs, 35% protein, 15% fat. been working pretty well so far.

Similar stats here man but with 10.18% BF as of a month ago. Eating at 1641 cals at maintenance with a 40P/35F/25C split and I don't adjust for losing weight I just eat at BMR and burn the excess off with exercise. On rest days ill eat at maintenance or below and try to not go HAM on the cho. Kinda started but looking to really kick it in gear and meet daily macros come next week. Ate 2 drumstick ice cream cones yesterday, feels bad man, but made up for it today with a little more cardio and little to no CHO.
Similar stats here man but with 10.18% BF as of a month ago. Eating at 1641 cals at maintenance with a 40P/35F/25C split and I don't adjust for losing weight I just eat at BMR and burn the excess off with exercise. On rest days ill eat at maintenance or below and try to not go HAM on the cho. Kinda started but looking to really kick it in gear and meet daily macros come next week. Ate 2 drumstick ice cream cones yesterday, feels bad man, but made up for it today with a little more cardio and little to no CHO.

You cant eat bad and just work out more and expect it to even out i hate when people say that, but hey do you.
Whats the deal with the Cellucor protein? It seems like a couple weeks ago everyone in here loved it, and now it i'm seeing poor reviews. 

i only like 2 proteins, pro nom and syntha 6.

everything else i get sick of after a few shakes,

syntha 6 has amazing flavor that i cant get sick of especially the peanut butter chocolate :wow:

pro nom vanilla mixed with milk tastes exactly like soft serve ice cream from mcdnalds/burger king. so sweet and delicious. i destroyed the tub i had 2 months ago and i dont even go through tubs that fast at all.
You cant eat bad and just work out more and expect it to even out i hate when people say that, but hey do you.

But what if iifym? Naw I know what your saying but then again I'm cutting and cals out>cals in, besides better then doing nothing right?

Should have had self control but I have a crazy sweet tooth and am a natural fatty, lets get it back on track fam.
I just discovered this thread.... anyway I'm 5'6" and 185 -- I met my fiance 4 years ago at 155... I'm getting married in november of this year and I want to get rid of some weight (a lot of weight).... It's so hard for me to get back into the gym and get into eating habits. 4 years of dinner and wine and not partying and just coming home to lay in bed will get to you.... 
Had a sweet tooth so I whipped this up. Looks like mud but taste like chocolate peanut butter pudding.

1 cup of plain Greek yogurt
2 tsp PB2
1 tsp dark cocoa powder
2 packs of stevia
Sup Brahs..

It all started back in January on the night before my birthday..

I am part of the IHOP customer club. Every year a week before my birthday they email me a coupon for a free breakfast. The day I got the email, I was dreaming about dem pancakes... bacon... eggs. I was looking forward to this free breakfast all week. Birthday fell on a Saturday. It was my day off. I had nothing planned. All the stars aligned.

The night before my b-day I tried to go to sleep early anticipating the breakfast. But for some reason, I could not sleep. I started to feel guilty about getting so excited about that free meal. I was disgusted with myself for looking forward to it so much, like that stack of pancakes was some fine chick I was about to smash. It was at that point that I decided I was going to wake up at 6am and go jogging before we went to IHOP to help ease the guilt. I figured I would do a mile.

Next morning I woke up, put on my shoes and headed out. I never ran much more than a mile before I was out of gas. But that morning when I got to the mile point I just kept going. I made it two miles and then walked back (4 miles round trip). I got home, showered and went and ate my free breakfast.

Since that day, I started to run 2 - 3 times a week and lifting every other day. I had no idea what I was doing at first but after watching enough YouTube vids and reading boards (this thread included) you learn little by little. I also locked down the diet. Fast food only once in a while as a cheat. No more junk food in general, except on rare occasions. By April I ran my first 5k. By July I stopped losing because some changes threw off my routine but I have maintained.

I dropped 35lbs-40lbs total in about 6 months. Not sure how many lbs of muscle I gained or even how to measure that. Stopped snoring. Clothes fit better. Got A LOT stronger. Just feel healthier overall.

And here are the pics because this is NT.

Before :smh: Use to wear a lot of black because I THOUGHT it wouldn't make me look as big :smh:


Before and after. After pic taken last Saturday.


Eat your spinach, Brahs..
good job man. you got way bigger since the older days of NT - weren't you skinny back then? or skinny fat? i still kick myself for not buying the outlet amsterdam am1s from you.
Had a sweet tooth so I whipped this up. Looks like mud but taste like chocolate peanut butter pudding.

1 cup of plain Greek yogurt
2 tsp PB2
1 tsp dark cocoa powder
2 packs of stevia

:smokin I make something like this every night before bed. I add some nuts to it.
PB2 ftw.
good job man. you got way bigger since the older days of NT - weren't you skinny back then? or skinny fat? i still kick myself for not buying the outlet amsterdam am1s from you.

I was on the skinny side back in the day but after I finished school and got a desk job I blew up. Eating out for lunch practically every day. Club/bar every Friday and Saturday. Beers and liquor and then hitting the food spots afterwards at 3am. Lived like that for about 5 years.
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i eat my maintenance amount of calories. keep ur protein intake the same as a training day and reduce the amount of carbs ingested that day.
Been reading your posts and i was the same way before i started eating more. it's weird, but you gotta trust peeps when they say you gotta eat big to get results. in my case, during my "bulk", i ate about 30% more than my resting metabolic rate; I'm 5'6" 155 lbs, my resting caloric rate is ~1800 and I currently eat about ~2300 cals with 50% carbs, 35% protein, 15% fat. been working pretty well so far.

When you get a chance could you post a sample diet, just so I can get an idea of your meals and the frequency with which you eat?

What's a good supp to take to aid digestion? I eat a lot, but I feel like a have waaay too many bowel movements in comparison (4-5x/day).
Good stuff Ghenges. I still remember that peanut butter protein shake you posted YEARS back. Post that Reciepe again lol.

just a lil update from me. I hit my target goal weight but was not visually seeing the gains I want now. Went from 270 to 190. 3 months ago I did checked my BMI and it was at 18%, checked yesterday and it's at 15%. I know its not as low as some cats here but BMI is my new goal. Trying to get them gainz lol.

I'm thinking of consulting with someone to get the perfect diet, supps, and routines for my new goals. Who would be best to consult with that? Dietician or a trainer?
But what if iifym? Naw I know what your saying but then again I'm cutting and cals out>cals in, besides better then doing nothing right?

Should have had self control but I have a crazy sweet tooth and am a natural fatty, lets get it back on track fam.
No such thing bruh...not trying to jump on you or anything, but we, meaning the majority or overweight people, are that way because of what we eat and activity level.  Genetics do play a role to some degree, but don't kid yourself or use that as an excuse.

As to the "sweet tooth"'s all mind over matter.  Everyone at some point or another loved or loves sweets, but you have to decide within yourself what's more important.  It truely is a lifestyle change as well as a change in thought process.  I am by no means a pro or perfect, but I have gotten to the point that I decided that I don't put the work in at the gym just to waste it and not improve myself.  We all have our weaknesses, but are you going to endulge and allow your weakness to hinder you or are you going to make good choices, limit your endulgence and move closer to your full potential?
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