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When you get a chance could you post a sample diet, just so I can get an idea of your meals and the frequency with which you eat?

here's a sample day for me with about 200 cals to spare. i leave the 200 cals to the marinades that i use for my chicken/fish. (Soyaki by Trader Joe's is my fav)

note: i'm 5'6" and 155lbs with about 9% BF. 8 months ago, i was 140lbs at 13% BF.

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Genetics/metabolism play a HUGE role in the shapes of our bodies. Saying "some degree" really minimizes the effect those things have.

*Ghengis - AWESOME job, bro. Keep it up!
Genetics/metabolism play a HUGE role in the shapes of our bodies. Saying "some degree" really minimizes the effect those things have.
Not at all to minimize genetics and metabolism, but the science and processes by which the body operates is the same.  If you want to speed your metabolism, increse the amount of lean muscle in your body.  Unfortunatly some have to work harder at it due to genetics, but ultimately it boils down to cmmitment and effort.
When you get a chance could you post a sample diet, just so I can get an idea of your meals and the frequency with which you eat?

here's a sample day for me with about 200 cals to spare. i leave the 200 cals to the marinades that i use for my chicken/fish. (Soyaki by Trader Joe's is my fav)

note: i'm 5'6" and 155lbs with about 9% BF. 8 months ago, i was 140lbs at 13% BF.


Damn that's a breakfast. I couldn't eat that much.
How much liquid do you guys mix with your Whey powder? I've been doing 2 cups of milk and it seems to work for me, but the label suggested something like 8 oz for 1 scoop. Just interested on what the consensus is on here. 
No such thing bruh...not trying to jump on you or anything, but we, meaning the majority or overweight people, are that way because of what we eat and activity level.  Genetics do play a role to some degree, but don't kid yourself or use that as an excuse.

As to the "sweet tooth"'s all mind over matter.  Everyone at some point or another loved or loves sweets, but you have to decide within yourself what's more important.  It truely is a lifestyle change as well as a change in thought process.  I am by no means a pro or perfect, but I have gotten to the point that I decided that I don't put the work in at the gym just to waste it and not improve myself.  We all have our weaknesses, but are you going to endulge and allow your weakness to hinder you or are you going to make good choices, limit your endulgence and move closer to your full potential?

Awwww damn.

You right.
any suggestions on how to prepare the all white ground turkey patties and make them taste good? made a burger with provolone, avocado and tomato last night but it was still kinda blah - cooked the patty on the foreman grill. has anyone made this type of burger with some turkey bacon perhaps? one thing is that i kinda burned out from ground turkey in general from when i was in a long term rehab years and years ago so that doesn't help. the macros on those patties are great though and i want to eat more of them.
When I come back home on Saturday, I'm eating extremely clean. Vegas during the weekend and LA during the week has been kicking my a**. Not gonna turn down drinking, kbbq, all you can eat sushi, chil-fil-a. As long as I'm here, I might as well go all out.
yep crazy

i saw that one

dude really is like Arnold lol

anybody in here currently 8% or lower bodyfat?
need to start posting more in here but im sitting at 7% just went to the Dr not too long ago. Currently 5'10 and weight 175. Trying to get back to 185 as I lost alot of weight because I was not lifting for a while. Currently working on more core and legs to get them bigger, but its a work in progress. I wish I could do leg day twice a week like some of you but it takes way too much out me but I do alot of super sets

Side note anyone in here from SoCal who may work out at the UFC gym?
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any suggestions on how to prepare the all white ground turkey patties and make them taste good? made a burger with provolone, avocado and tomato last night but it was still kinda blah - cooked the patty on the foreman grill. has anyone made this type of burger with some turkey bacon perhaps? one thing is that i kinda burned out from ground turkey in general from when i was in a long term rehab years and years ago so that doesn't help. the macros on those patties are great though and i want to eat more of them.

When I cook turkey burgers I add one egg, sauted spinach and just a a serving of olive oil. Taste great and never come out dry
When I cook turkey burgers I add one egg, sauted spinach and just a a serving of olive oil. Taste great and never come out dry

ohhh awesome idea on the egg! gonna try this out with ground turkey but for now i have the pre-made raw patties from the market. maybe i can thaw em out and mix the egg, oil and spinach in there.
any suggestions on how to prepare the all white ground turkey patties and make them taste good? made a burger with provolone, avocado and tomato last night but it was still kinda blah - cooked the patty on the foreman grill. has anyone made this type of burger with some turkey bacon perhaps? one thing is that i kinda burned out from ground turkey in general from when i was in a long term rehab years and years ago so that doesn't help. the macros on those patties are great though and i want to eat more of them.

i love Hawaiian food, so I frequently prepare turkey Loco Mocos. I make a medium rare turkey burger patty (salt & pepper), top it with a whole egg (sunny side up) and [green] scallions, on a bed of brown rice. Then, instead of gravy, i pour a couple tablespoons of Campbell's 90% fat free cream of mushroom on top of it all. After that, i splash a load of tabasco and have a feast. I like eating that meal with extra rice on leg days.
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Have any of yall had any luck with a no carb or sugar diet? What do yall usually eat?
I see no point in any of these crazy diets where you totally eliminate something from your diet that you actually need like carbs. Unless your getting ready for a show cutting them out completely is pointless.

Im trying to lift some heavy *** weight and get big as ****. No ***** fad diet or anything crazy like that is going to help me. 

Get on the train with me boys we going to the top

any suggestions on how to prepare the all white ground turkey patties and make them taste good? made a burger with provolone, avocado and tomato last night but it was still kinda blah - cooked the patty on the foreman grill. has anyone made this type of burger with some turkey bacon perhaps? one thing is that i kinda burned out from ground turkey in general from when i was in a long term rehab years and years ago so that doesn't help. the macros on those patties are great though and i want to eat more of them.
Add some oatmeal, about 3 table spoons, per pound of gound turkey, 1 egg, and some worcestershire sauce. Also, use old bay to season it, it'll give it some flavor and if you dont want salt, use liquid amino and some ms. dash. 

The oatmeal and egg binds the meat together, the worcestershire sauce gives it a jucier flavor and enhances the little flavor that the gound turkey has. if you want a good sauce to top the burger, use some greek yogurt mixed with horseradish (equal parts). 
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Have any of yall had any luck with a no carb or sugar diet? What do yall usually eat?

I felt weak on low carbs, I was dying in the gym, and my alcohol tolerance dropped to a 5th grader's level. I wouldn't recommend it. It all boils down to calories in vs calories out and you cut a lot of calories when you cut carbs.
it's unhealthy fat people food. hamburger patties on rice with gravy all over and a over easy egg on top with some mac salad on the side.
Been doing a gym world tour lately. Ive been doing a ton of traveling and vacationing lately, and typically where I stay has only a basic fitness center so I've been getting day passes to the gyms in town. Been to some pretty dope places. Went to power fitness in orlando today. Was dope. A pretty gritty and rugged spot. No air conditioning, dim lighting, just iron, sweat, and hot hop music. I mean the db's were all mismatched and out of place, but there were a lot of them going up to 130lb. Quite a few machines too. A lot of pros have passed through there too and they all signed this one piece of equipment, pretty dope. Funny thing...I was approached there by a few people too ahaha. No matter where I go haha. It was cool though. Going to another new one tomorrow that I heard was dope. Looking forward to it. You guys should def look into trying new gyms whenever you can. You can find free passes on the net and a lot of spots have cheap day passes too. New spots can be invigorating.
How much liquid do you guys mix with your Whey powder? I've been doing 2 cups of milk and it seems to work for me, but the label suggested something like 8 oz for 1 scoop. Just interested on what the consensus is on here. 

mix as much as you want? how many oz in a cup? :lol:

i usually do more than :nerd:z per scoop.
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