STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Have any of yall had any luck with a no carb or sugar diet? What do yall usually eat?

no need for low carb IMO

you need carbs and can easily cut while eating them all you want. ive done it easily twice.

low/no sugar is good, ive basically done it, the sugar i consumed was only natural sugar from fruits, veggies, and what not.

very easy once you get used to it
Did deadlifts today. 9 sets in total.

Tried to do an ab exercise after and threw up in my mouth a decent little bit. My throat and nose were burning :smh:

I took that as a sign to leave :lol:

It was a good workout though
When i deadlift i probably do around 9 sets too...but usually not that many reps. But i will pyramid up with about 6 and then come down with about 3.

135 x 8-10
225 x 6-8
315x 4-6
365x 3-4

Then if im really feeling good i will try 405 x 1

come back down after that pound out some reps until my glutes burn...pause
Brahs Generation Iron drops next week. I took that Friday off because I might go buy the new iPhone I'm probably gonna catch a matinee of it after I get my phone because I doubt my girl wants to see this movie lol. My leg workout later that night is gonna be so emotional, CAN'T WAIT
When i deadlift i probably do around 9 sets too...but usually not that many reps. But i will pyramid up with about 6 and then come down with about 3.

135 x 8-10
225 x 6-8
315x 4-6
365x 3-4

Then if im really feeling good i will try 405 x 1

come back down after that pound out some reps until my glutes burn...pause

Lol I do 255 as a warm up x5 reps
Then I do 295 x5
Then 325 x 5
Then 360x how ever many times I can (did 3 times this past Monday)

I try to add 5-10 lbs every week, those numbers were from my Monday leg day. Only reason I don't do more is because I do Squats before deadlifts and I have like 4 other leg workouts after
In regards to no carb diet, dont do it if your a male. It you want to get fit, continue eating carbs but just stay away from sugary carbs such as processed junk.

Havent posted much in here as I havent lifted a weight since early august smh.
When i deadlift i probably do around 9 sets too...but usually not that many reps. But i will pyramid up with about 6 and then come down with about 3.

135 x 8-10
225 x 6-8
315x 4-6
365x 3-4

Then if im really feeling good i will try 405 x 1

come back down after that pound out some reps until my glutes burn...pause

Damn, that's good. I did:

135 x 7
225 x 6
250 x 5
260 x 5
285 x 3
135 to failure
135 to failure (usually around 16 reps)

Then 2 sets of hex bar
135 to failure
135 to failure

I love deadlifting :lol:

Can't wait to be able to put up bigger weight
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Guys saying you have to have carbs may be misinformed. Keto dieting is pretty safe. Many gains can be had with a little to no carb diet. High protein, high fat, little to no carbs, you'll be lean and muscular. It's just science. Is it necessary?...maybe it safe and effective?..totes mcgoats.
So I'm finally ready to truly get my swoll on. My question is, are supplements(whey, creatine pills, powders etc.) essential when lifting these days? Are there any adverse affects if one is to take a long break from weight training(1+month)? If not, which supplement would be advised?
So I'm finally ready to truly get my swoll on. My question is, are supplements(whey, creatine pills, powders etc.) essential when lifting these days? Are there any adverse affects if one is to take a long break from weight training(1+month)? If not, which supplement would be advised?

from what you're saying, I dont think you are 'truly ready' to get your swoll on.
How long have you been at it for?
from what you're saying, I dont think you are 'truly ready' to get your swoll on.
How long have you been at it for?

Lol. I am. My girl is a personal trainer, she lifts some, but mainly we work dumb bells, and machines.rarely bench. However, my aesthetics arent getting to where I want them to be, and we've been working consistently for a few months. I dont know if its the training we are doing, or if it just takes a really long time to get results. Never really lifted before. And thats why I was inquiring about the supplements. Seems ever dude in there using big jars of something.
Has she developed a program specifically for your body and goals?

Looking into a new gym in the North Jersey/NYC area. Besides taking trial memberships on my own. Any suggestions?
Lol. I am. My girl is a personal trainer, she lifts some, but mainly we work dumb bells, and machines.rarely bench. However, my aesthetics arent getting to where I want them to be, and we've been working consistently for a few months. I dont know if its the training we are doing, or if it just takes a really long time to get results. Never really lifted before. And thats why I was inquiring about the supplements. Seems ever dude in there using big jars of something.
post your routine, or at least a day or two
from what you're saying, I dont think you are 'truly ready' to get your swoll on.
How long have you been at it for?

Lol. I am. My girl is a personal trainer, she lifts some, but mainly we work dumb bells, and machines.rarely bench. However, my aesthetics arent getting to where I want them to be, and we've been working consistently for a few months. I dont know if its the training we are doing, or if it just takes a really long time to get results. Never really lifted before. And thats why I was inquiring about the supplements. Seems ever dude in there using big jars of something.

by truly swoll you mean...?

I don't use anything currently, no protein powder, creatine or any of that other stuff. A fish oil and multi here and there, but not every day. Ive been getting everything I need from food. That way I can monitor pretty much everything that I consume and don't have to worry about the placebo effects but pretty much useless benefit of certain stuff. I haven't stopped gaining and getting better since dropping that stuff.
post your routine, or at least a day or two


Jump Rope
Side Lunges
Push Ups
Ab Tucks


Leg Curls
Calf Raises
Smith Machine Romanian Deadlift
Jump Rope

Seated Row
Lat Pulldown
Tricep Overhead Rope Extensions

Slanted Bench Press
Seated Dumbbell exercises

Her Workout:

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
Jump Rope

Abs on Lat Pull
Tricep Dips
SB Glute Lift
by truly swoll you mean...?

I don't use anything currently, no protein powder, creatine or any of that other stuff. A fish oil and multi here and there, but not every day. Ive been getting everything I need from food. That way I can monitor pretty much everything that I consume and don't have to worry about the placebo effects but pretty much useless benefit of certain stuff. I haven't stopped gaining and getting better since dropping that stuff.

Swoll as in more defined chest, ab's and arms. My arms are naturally big, but not very cut. 6'5 215ish

Jump Rope
Side Lunges
Push Ups
Ab Tucks


Leg Curls
Calf Raises
Smith Machine Romanian Deadlift
Jump Rope

Seated Row
Lat Pulldown
Tricep Overhead Rope Extensions

Slanted Bench Press
Seated Dumbbell exercises

Her Workout:

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
Jump Rope

Abs on Lat Pull
Tricep Dips
SB Glute Lift
no wonder you're not making any progress, you're hitting each muscle group like once
no wonder you're not making any progress, you're hitting each muscle group like once

Yeah we work out twice a week, leg days/upper body days. Leg days are easy money, its the upperbody days that are lacking. We mainly do deadlift, flys, and dumbbell exercises for upperbody. Any suggestions on replacement exercises? Shes trains guys my size quite a bit, but usually, they are dudes who need to lose a little.. not anyone trying to gain in size.. so she may just not know what to do workout-wise.

Jump Rope
Side Lunges
Push Ups
Ab Tucks


Leg Curls
Calf Raises
Smith Machine Romanian Deadlift
Deadlift (Any variation: Romanian, SLDL, etc)
Jump Rope

Seated Row (Row Machine?)
Lat Pulldown
Pull Ups
Tricep Overhead Rope Extensions

Slanted Bench Press
Seated Dumbbell exercises

Her Workout:

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
Jump Rope

Abs on Lat Pull
Tricep Dips
SB Glute Lift

I can add stuff, but your workout blows, sorry, back to the drawing board. No offense.

Leg days are easy money

:lol:, we can see why.

Try Push, Pull, Legs aka PPL, it's beginner friendly IMO.

Monday Push
Tuesday Pull
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Off or Active Rest Day
Friday Push
Saturday Pull
Sunday Legs

Lift... Drop... Repeat...
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