STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Yea they stopped people from lisiting them on ebay and amazon.

you think they will let you sell illegal items online? lol
i know someone who sold 3 tubs for $100 each. can get lucky if people hit the BIN real quick.

and on that note, i just got a call from ebay and mine were taken down. what was that? about 30 mins? :smh:
don't want to chance relisting it and having my account banned.

gonna try craigslist.

funny cause ebay is filled with designer steroids and prohormones.
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I'm confused... when you work in a particular muscular group, you only work on one machine the whole time??

If I'm doing shoulders, I'll do the machines that deal with shoulders.... LA fitness has about two or three machines for each group.

This is crazy?
While machines can play a role in a proper training routine, I think the consensus among posters in this thread and the fitness community in general is that barbell lifts should be the centerpiece of your routine assuming you have rationale, constructive goals like gaining strength or building muscle. Pretty sure that's been made abundantly clear in this thread. The majority of machines in the gym are more or less worthless. Furthermore, the idea of timing how long you spend on a machine rather than counting reps seems pretty ridiculous to me. For beginners like yourself, it's generally easiest to just get started on one of the solid cookie cutter barbell routines like Starting Strength. Sure it can be fun to be creative and make your own routine, but that generally results in ridiculous ideas, program hopping, and a general lack of progress.

Is it true that one you reach a certain body % while you're bulking, you're more likely to put on fat than muscle? Reason I'm asking is because I have been trying to bulk up since this past January and my body fat is getting pretty high. I'd guess somewhere between 18-20%. I'm not sure if I should start cutting at the end of the month or stick it out until the end of the year. It sucks starting out skinny fat.

Not exactly sure I understand what you're posting but it sounds like broscience. How many calories over maintenance are you eating? Are you actually lifting or just dreamer bulking?

for any of you that want to make some cash: if you have access to craze preworkout, it's been pulled from most GNCs and other larger supplement shops. tubs are going on ebay from $80-$150. i have a few left that i'll be putting online but if your local supp shop has some or maybe even a local GNC that hasn't pulled it, go stock up. just be aware that there is probably an illegal amphetamine analog in it and that's why it's yanked off the shelves. happy hunting.

and something that was posted in regards to bio grow by a smart person:
"This product will only be of benefit to infants
I think this thread should be called "body building" as opposed to staying in shape. Honestly. My goals are different from you guys, and while I see your point I'm not in this for "gainz" or aesthetics as I've said numerous times. I'm content with my body. The ONLY area I'm looking to change or improve is my core, which.... still is a 8/10. I've been in shape my whole life, so I'm just maintaining. Some chicks like the muscular body building look, and I respect that, that's just not what I'm looking to achieve.

My bad though,I shouldn've specified. I post things out of curiosity when it may come off like I'm looking for specific advice. I simply shared what I did because others were as well.

I just had my doctor's appointment a few days ago and she said that I'm almost perfect. I think I'll stick to what I'm doing. And while I may not fit your definition of "progress", it's all progress to me and I'm in no rush or on a time table to get to a certain
Point. I can see the definition happening, and so can others. I'm good. I'm not trying to get stronger, not "bulking" or "cutting"....

I'm sure I said all that for nothing :lol: but just trying to provide context.
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Originally Posted by GatorBeltsNPattieMelts  

I think this thread should be called "body building" as opposed to staying in shape. Honestly. My goals are different from you guys, and while I see your point I'm not in this for "gainz" or aesthetics as I've said numerous times. I'm content with my body. The ONLY area I'm looking to change or improve is my core, which.... still is a 8/10. I've been in shape my whole life, so I'm just maintaining. Some chicks like the muscular body building look, and I respect that, that's just not what I'm looking to achieve.

My bad though,I shouldn've specified. I post things out of curiosity when it may come off like I'm looking for specific advice. I simply shared what I did because others were as well.

I just had my doctor's appointment a few days ago and she said that I'm almost perfect. I think I'll stick to what I'm doing. And while I may not fit your definition of "progress", it's all progress to me and I'm in no rush or on a time table to get to a certain
Point. I can see the definition happening, and so can others. I'm good. I'm not trying to get stronger, not "bulking" or "cutting"....

I'm sure I said all that for nothing
but just trying to provide context.

Everyone has different opinions.

You have crossfitters that hate bodybuilders

Bodybuilders that hate crossfitters

Olympic lifters that hate bodybuilders

So on and so on.

I don't think "bulking" or "cutting" should automatically thrown into a bodybuilding category.

Many professional athletes take the approach of putting on muscle (bulking) and getting in shape for the season (cutting).

It's all up to the believer.

If you get your @SS up and do something, then I applaud you.

Wether your fat or jacked, putting forth the effort is the hardest thing.

This thread delivers in every aspect.

Keep it moving, and achieve whatever it is that you are looking for.

Stay big bros...

Or circuit shape..

All good in my book.
heck no.

meth ANALOG :lol:
K, Jesse Pinkman...

I think this thread should be called "body building" as opposed to staying in shape. Honestly. My goals are different from you guys, and while I see your point I'm not in this for "gainz" or aesthetics as I've said numerous times. I'm content with my body. The ONLY area I'm looking to change or improve is my core, which.... still is a 8/10. I've been in shape my whole life, so I'm just maintaining. Some chicks like the muscular body building look, and I respect that, that's just not what I'm looking to achieve.

My bad though,I shouldn've specified. I post things out of curiosity when it may come off like I'm looking for specific advice. I simply shared what I did because others were as well.

I just had my doctor's appointment a few days ago and she said that I'm almost perfect. I think I'll stick to what I'm doing. And while I may not fit your definition of "progress", it's all progress to me and I'm in no rush or on a time table to get to a certain
Point. I can see the definition happening, and so can others. I'm good. I'm not trying to get stronger, not "bulking" or "cutting"....

I'm sure I said all that for nothing :lol: but just trying to provide context.

Have you read the thread though? Sure, some people lift for bodybuilding purposes and there is discussion of relevant events in the sport; however, there are plenty of discussions on other aspects of fitness.
Just a reminder: lifting weights properly doesn't mean that you, especially as a female, will become overly muscular.
Even if your sole goal is to get slightly more "core" definition, running some goofy circuit of shoulder machines in your local globo-gym is still a waste of time. Then again, going to the gym without constructive goals is also pretty much a waste of time. If you're solely concerned with not getting fat and losing a little bit of weight, perhaps you should make a little effort with your diet and skip the gym entirely.
i know someone who sold 3 tubs for $100 each. can get lucky if people hit the BIN real quick.

and on that note, i just got a call from ebay and mine were taken down. what was that? about 30 mins?

don't want to chance relisting it and having my account banned.

gonna try craigslist.

funny cause ebay is filled with designer steroids and prohormones.
Luckily, I contacted the highest bidder on 3 of my listings 
 275 for 3 of them shipped.. Not bad 
Bwood knows.

My logic as well. Everyone has different goals but as long as your productive, getting up and moving, and staying healthy I won't knock your hustle. Everyone starts somewhere and has a goal and as long as your working towards it, let what others say go one ear and out the other. P90X, insanity, crossfit, cross country, I don't care, just work towards your goal and don't mind the haters.

Plus it doesn't hurt that Bwood likes flyknits, frees, trainers, and introduced us to the train insaiyan shirt.
Just got back to front squatting after skipping it for while, so my quads are already feeling it but it was a good workout.
Damn.... How is that slick?

Like the female version of ol' Lucky.... Taking every criticism or critique as a direct shot.

Don't compare anyone to me There is only One God.

True, my bad. The female version of Lucky is a bit redundant, huh?

Oh, and just a side note. Totally agree with the notion that its about effort, but bulking/cutting is and always will be a bodybuilding niche.
unless  your a newbie.
Unless your on gear. Every time someone bulks naturally they're going to gain some sort of fat, the amount of fat is determined by how much you go over you caloric intake.
Nah. Just stop. From my own experience when i was skinny 135 @ age 15... i put on muscle on my chest, arms and traps. No bulk. Ate the same way i was eating before i was lifting. Never over a caloric surplus when i was 15. C'mon. This from my experience and plenty of other lifters on my football team. 
I think this thread should be called "body building" as opposed to staying in shape. Honestly. My goals are different from you guys, and while I see your point I'm not in this for "gainz" or aesthetics as I've said numerous times. I'm content with my body. The ONLY area I'm looking to change or improve is my core, which.... still is a 8/10. I've been in shape my whole life, so I'm just maintaining. Some chicks like the muscular body building look, and I respect that, that's just not what I'm looking to achieve.

My bad though,I shouldn've specified. I post things out of curiosity when it may come off like I'm looking for specific advice. I simply shared what I did because others were as well.

I just had my doctor's appointment a few days ago and she said that I'm almost perfect. I think I'll stick to what I'm doing. And while I may not fit your definition of "progress", it's all progress to me and I'm in no rush or on a time table to get to a certain
Point. I can see the definition happening, and so can others. I'm good. I'm not trying to get stronger, not "bulking" or "cutting"....

I'm sure I said all that for nothing
but just trying to provide context.
All talk still no imgs...
Dont Do iT!!!! NOOOOOOOO
thanks for reminding me, ill have to remember for this weekend when i go to the store.
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Raymond isnt Natty though right?

Sometimes i be thinking CJ isnt 100% natty too.

Once CJ cuts i'll judge it.. but now it isnt fair for me to compare them. 
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