STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Today's the first time I'll be there for Friday night, but during the weekdays... Dont even bother coming till 7 unless you wanna wait.
Damn its like that? Whats the guest fee?

Yeah. It's bad. So, I wouldn't bother unless you don't mind waiting 20-30 mins for a bench. All of em would be taken with 2-3 people working on em.

As for the guest fee, I honestly don't know. I'll ask when I go tonight.
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Out of curiosity, what role does exercise play in drug and alcohol rehab programs? I'd imagine prescribing exercise (probably cardio moreso than lifting) could do a lot in terms of combatting addiction

most residential programs have some type of minimal physical activity to start the day. we do very light calisthenics at 0645. and most have some type of exercise room. we have a "gym" that is made up of stuff donated over the years but our fixed dumbells go from 25 to 120. we have a squat rack, flat bench, incline bench, lat pull down machine, a station with various push pull mechanisms that i never use and a bunch of misc other stuff. to have long-term success in recovery from addiction, issues with the mind, body, and spirit have to be addressed. most all can benefit from developing some type of exercise regimen but it's not mandatory. improving the quality of life definitely combats relapse potential though and i encourage many of the clients with severe depression to hit the weights or start jogging/walking/biking - not only to get the neurotransmitters flowing but also to be more constructive with their time. the biggest thing we have to watch for in my program is that the clients don't develop an unhealthy obsession/addiction to weightlifting. i'm a poor judge of that though.
any of my powerlifters here do heavy barbell hyperextensions? pete rubish suggested these to assist with deadlift lock out. says its helped him a lot. going to try these out sometime this week.
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I swear your posts always go with your avy 
One way to get big...

I attended a funeral today and ate like a horse. Upon returning home, immediately hit the gym. Bad idea jeans. I nearly vomited. I know the feel when the man grabbed the barrel and almost puked. Lifting on an overfull, not a word, stomach was not the move. Wonder if I acquired teh gainz.
You're supposed to eat like horse post work out not pre :lol:

I lift on an empty stomach, can't stand the feeling of food in me while I'm under the iron
yo how much fish oil do you guys take? I'm reading people take something like 10 capsules a day. Sounds kind of wild :lol:
Any good non-franchise gyms in NYC/ Long Island area? Tired of NYSC and their fake cross fit gimmicks. Get some more god damn squat racks in there!!!
yo how much fish oil do you guys take? I'm reading people take something like 10 capsules a day. Sounds kind of wild :lol:

Just 2, what kinda small as capsules got ****** taking 10? Everything is overkill in this "fitness" life :lol:

I eat a lot of salmon anyway so I'm usually good on Omega-3
The thing about Chris Jones vids I hate is that he has to make a 5 minute video that has 30 seconds of useful information. 4 minutes and 30 seconds of introducing himself, telling people what he's up to and telling people to "like my ****". Just get to the point brah.
I'm a firm believer that arms need their own gym day now. I was able to push myself further than I ever have.

Started off with cable bicep work for a few sets. Punished my biceps with Preacher Curls for 15 sets, or so. I can't even remember. Did some CG Bench, 7-8 sets total. Maxed at 135 for 8 reps. Did some cable triceps work, and hit my core.

Also, Dropten, I talked to the people at the gym. They don't have a guest fee, but they gave me a 1 week pass if you wanna meet up with me sometime this week.
No forearms?

Hit them forearms if you're not already. That was my mistake years ago. Now my forearms look like Quagmire 
any of my powerlifters here do heavy barbell hyperextensions? pete rubish suggested these to assist with deadlift lock out. says its helped him a lot. going to try these out sometime this week.
ARe you having trouble with your lockouts? Don't see anything wrong with them, but it's a if it's not broken, don't fix it type of thing. I.e. unless you're struggling with locking out, type/energy spent on them would probably be better devoted to just deadlifting. That's just my general lifting philosophy though.

chris jones is self conscious. Dude won't take his hat or durag off for nothingggg at allllll...... You'd think he sleeps in a hat.
A lot of bodybuilders are quite self-conscious and insecure. I think the sport/pastime/lifestyle/art (whatever you want to call it; don't want to get involved in that can of worms) forces participants to constantly scrutinize their own bodies, which depending on personality type can result in them dwelling on perceived shortcomings.

yo how much fish oil do you guys take? I'm reading people take something like 10 capsules a day. Sounds kind of wild :lol:
I take two to three a day.

Any good non-franchise gyms in NYC/ Long Island area? Tired of NYSC and their fake cross fit gimmicks. Get some more god damn squat racks in there!!!
May want to check out Edge on the UES - I think it's around 91st or 93rd and like 1st or something. They have Oly lifting platforms plus plenty of cool bars and toys like sand bags and chains and stuff. Not super dark basement hardcore too, which I think can be offputting.
Youd be better served by just hanging from a bar for as long as you can. Its so much more functional than other forearm exercises.
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