STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Couldn't imagine wanting to lose mass….

That height/weight ratio isn't even that big.
anyone ever had XF Ultra Peptide 2.0? Been seeing crazy hype for it lately, kind of reminds me of how Trutein would get hyped
That's awesome you guys hit up the gym

Any reason why this workout had that affect?

Nothing special really
Bent over barbell rows reverse grip- 3 sets
Lat pulldown reverse wide grip- 4 sets
Lat pulldown behind- 4 sets
Lat pulldown front- 3 sets
Then wrapped it up with rope straight arm pull down- 4 sets

Weight was moderate to semi heavy. Reps close to failure.

The focus was on lats, and we could of did about 2 more exercises but I had to dip and eat some food.
Traps, rear delts and other back exercises I do on a different day as I rarely stay in the gym over an hour and thats including 20 mins on the treadmill.
Although the workout is short to many, its straight to the point and does the job.
baltimoregutta baltimoregutta we gotta hit it up again one day
thanks for all the help fellas. i tried to rep everyone who gave me advice, but i ran out of reps. :smh:

my knees are sooo bad that even the elliptical hurts, thats how bad they are. :\ but as far as swimming goes, im def gonna try that out. i love swimming b. :smokin

as far as dieting goes, im not really an expert. when it comes to dieting, i just cut out sugar drinks (just drink water), no fried foods, and watch my portions.

i see sooo many people meal prepping, counting carbs, proteins, fats, etc. im just like, uhhhhhhhh watch what i eat? lol.

appreciate the advice & luck yall giving me. much love. :D

i'm ready to get back in shape like i used to. got caught up in my college life i just forgot about my health man. damn.

i dont count calories or macros, and ive done well for myself.

just cut off the junk and fat and you will be fine. drink nothing but water, limit the bread if you can. eat lean cuts of meat.

i wish you luck and dont be afraid to ask questions in here. most are willing to help out and some have been in the same position as you.
prob going to try butterscotch when i get paid even though I have a ton of protein, but the hype is getting to me lol

ha. i have some triple chocolate and banana cream left and in a few days i should be getting more butterscotch and cinnamon roll - just waiting on the mailman. i'll send you a scoop of each to try. if you're gonna mix them in water, then i dunno if you'd like it that much. almond milk or skim milk and they taste fantastic to me.
i dont count calories or macros, and ive done well for myself.

just cut off the junk and fat and you will be fine. drink nothing but water, limit the bread if you can. eat lean cuts of meat.

i wish you luck and dont be afraid to ask questions in here. most are willing to help out and some have been in the same position as you.


ma n____ :smokin
i dont count calories or macros, and ive done well for myself.

just cut off the junk and fat and you will be fine. drink nothing but water, limit the bread if you can. eat lean cuts of meat.

i wish you luck and dont be afraid to ask questions in here. most are willing to help out and some have been in the same position as you.
You really track nothing?

I can somewhat maintain my weight and deff gain weight not counting but for cutting I have to somewhat track what Im eating.

You probably got one of them fast metabolisms doe...
I think I'm gonna go for the hammy ACL.

Even still, something just seems wrong about paying for a new ACL with another body part.

Definitely not messing with zombie parts, though. Sounds cool on paper, but I'm not on a liquid snake hype.

Also getting a stitch on my meniscus. Luckily the tear is near the edge of my leg, so we could get some bleeding in there.

It's a trip though, one doctor sends you to the next doctor, and so on, each giving you a little more information, but just enough to make you want to see the next one.

Like searching for a princess ACL and finding out she's in another hospital office.

Anyway, surgery should happen in a month, since all these guys are trying to go on vacation.

I want to document the rehab process with instavideo or vine and stuff. Cena, as much as I hate him, is pretty inspiring in that promo package.
Oh I forgot.

Anyone here ever mess with disability pay (SSI, comp, whatever you want to call it)?

I can't work, but need to eat. Assuming at least one person here has dealt with trying to get that set up.

Of course, I'm asking about this because some of us have been injured and rendered unable to perform our jobs, thus making us unable to earn money.
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i dont count calories or macros, and ive done well for myself.

just cut off the junk and fat and you will be fine. drink nothing but water, limit the bread if you can. eat lean cuts of meat.

i wish you luck and dont be afraid to ask questions in here. most are willing to help out and some have been in the same position as you.
You really track nothing?

I can somewhat maintain my weight and deff gain weight not counting but for cutting I have to somewhat track what Im eating.

You probably got one of them fast metabolisms doe...

nope my metabolism is slow as hell :lol: SRS

i just make sure to eat a lot of protein when im cutting. all i ate was chicken, turkey burgers, eggs, and sausage at times and A LOT of fruit when i was cutting. occasional protein shakes post workout

worked wonders
nope my metabolism is slow as hell

i just make sure to eat a lot of protein when im cutting. all i ate was chicken, turkey burgers, eggs, and sausage at times and A LOT of fruit when i was cutting. occasional protein shakes post workout

worked wonders
Hmm interesting, I don't really eat much fruit, honestly counting calories is somewhat driving me crazy 
Lifted back with a guy I've been shooting the ish with lately. First exercise is pull ups, dude was confused why I was doing regular overhand wide grip pull ups...

Then he talks about doing his biceps 2-3 more times... Nice guy but man..
I think I'm gonna go for the hammy ACL.

Even still, something just seems wrong about paying for a new ACL with another body part.

Definitely not messing with zombie parts, though. Sounds cool on paper, but I'm not on a liquid snake hype.

Also getting a stitch on my meniscus. Luckily the tear is near the edge of my leg, so we could get some bleeding in there.

It's a trip though, one doctor sends you to the next doctor, and so on, each giving you a little more information, but just enough to make you want to see the next one.

Like searching for a princess ACL and finding out she's in another hospital office.

Anyway, surgery should happen in a month, since all these guys are trying to go on vacation.

I want to document the rehab process with instavideo or vine and stuff. Cena, as much as I hate him, is pretty inspiring in that promo package.
Zombie parts? 

What the hell is liquid snake hype? Its a normal thing to get your ACL replaced that way, sound like you on some voo doo black magic tip…. 
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Zombie parts? :rofl:

What the hell is liquid snake hype? Its a normal thing to get your ACL replaced that way, sound like you on some voo doo black magic tip…. 

There's this videogame dude has another dead dude's hand grafted on. Goes psycho, or pretends to.

Anyway, it seems that allografts are losing steam, though. I mean, it's the least harmful. I wouldn't have to lose hamstring or knee.

But it doesn't re-vascularize as quickly. Course, one could always just get a cadaver ACL, and if it fails, then go for the other options.

It's a tricky decision for sure. Still wrestling with it.
There's this videogame dude has another dead dude's hand grafted on. Goes psycho, or pretends to.

Anyway, it seems that allografts are losing steam, though. I mean, it's the least harmful. I wouldn't have to lose hamstring or knee.

But it doesn't re-vascularize as quickly. Course, one could always just get a cadaver ACL, and if it fails, then go for the other options.

It's a tricky decision for sure. Still wrestling with it.

I had a cadaver ligaments put in my shoulder when it fully separated. Most fragile time is about 2-4 weeks out from surgery because your body attacks the foreign tissue and rebuilds it. With that said my brother has had 2 ACL's done and I would say go with the autograft from your hamstring. His has been successful although he had to go in and get his meniscus cleaned up about 4 months out after his 2nd. Have heard of some taking the graft from the patellar tendon but that would scare me since it's much smaller than the hamstring.
That suck man. Sorry you guys have had to go under that many times.

The patellar option is interesting. It's the most "ready" of the options.

They take a piece of bone with the tendon so that they can screw it into your legs. It has a higher chance of healing, but man that's painful. Spite your knee to heal your leg.

Hammies are pretty easy to get out, but again have to sacrifice some pain and leg stuff.

Such a crappy choice to make.
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I dont count my calories either.. I just know. Once you been doing it for a while cutting and bulking you should already know.
can any one help tell me whats wrong with me?

a while back (a month ago?) after back day I decided to hit legs/squats

my back was a little sore but nothing outside of the ordinary

I warmed up my legs the usual way, building the weight up and eeerthing felt fine

until I hit 2 plates...

I unranked the weight, went down and on the way up my back got tight? or cracked or something and i was in pain but I shrugged it off :rolleyes
the weight was normal weight for me so it wasn't like i was in there doing half reps with 4 plates or something, so that was weird

and after that day my back hurts when i stretch, foam roll, lift my hands up and back

foam rolling hasn't helped and I took like 2 weeks completely off, but its still tight or what ever is wrong

now I feel like I'm slouching all the time bc of that..

please help your bro out :lol:

ill be forever grayful :smoking

think i got some snap action going on in my back, not lower action but 3/4s down type
after squatting after back day
back has been wrong(tight) for a month+
foam roller hasn't helped
hurts when i lift hands up and back, stretch etc

can semi lift but ishh sucks
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