Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Once a shorty looks at me repping and I make eye contact it throws me off. Gotta get on my grizzy without distractions from women at the gym.

Has this ever happen to yal'l?
Yeah, then i drop the iron and start lifting wood.


On the real though there's a really really cute chick who works at my 24... my gym crush

Speaking of gaming at the gym, wj4 whatever happened between you and the chick who threw her digits at you when you were running or something?
We hung out and stuff. She shares my determination in getting into a better shape.
She said she lost a lot of weight over the last she's pretty cute.

She's been hinting quite a bit that she wants to get into a relationship, but I'm in a weird state right now..I don't really want a GF, I justwanna do, gym, educating myself in all aspects (reading whatever books I find interesting), saving as much money as I can.

This is another plus of why I like going to the gym at's a weird calming feeling when the gym is practically empty and you can work out in peace. No eye candy to distract you and get you off rhythm.
Waiting for 10AM to hit so I can go to Best Buy and buy "Fighting".
I love corny fight movies...this thing will probably fuel my fire even moreto hit the gym harder and become even more dedicated.

And the low weight, high rep routine is no joke. I try to do 6 sets of 15 reps...almost doubled my usual 8 reps and I must look like a little girl outthere...breathing hard and sweating with small stack of weight.
Forreal though, after my first year in college, I feel like an $+$#+*+ for spending as much as I did on useless spending so this year I'm trying to cutback on all that stuff. After thinking about why I'm working out in the first place though, I feel like a bit of a hypocrite. I honestly started because Iwanted to feel better but also to catch glances from women...which is funny because I don't really want a relationship either.

Last year was ridiculous just going out on dates and stuff. We weren't even hitting up expensive spots, hell I wasn't even buying anything for thesechicks but small stuff adds up so quickly. I'm not really a "jumpoff" type of guy either, I guess that's just not really a cali thingreally....but's gonna be a dry year for me....gonna be living like a damn monk haha.
^You live and you learn, man. My first year in college when I got my leftover Financial Aid money...I'd dash down to Undefeated and such to buy somehypebeast shoes.

You gotta work out for yourself, man. Getting glances from broads is just a positive side effect.

And tell me about it on the dates, when I was with my last GF, I never had more than $100 in my checking account. Just going places (gas was only around $2 agallon back then and I was still broke) and eating snacks and regular meals and movies add up to the extreme.

I used to be real shook comes Friday or Saturday night and I had no plans..I'd start sending out texts by the dozens. Now I'll probably be going to thegym or reading a book, I find it more relaxing and calming. Talk about having no life at 23.

Sorry for the off topic post, fellas.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Wj4..never back down is way better then fighting.
I just got back from Best Buy, it's starting now. Jay Z is playing
. I just watch these movies for the storyline.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

who else is doing legs today???
I got legs and biceps tooday....perhaps just biceps, we'll see how things play out

squats first thing man
i would be doing squats today, but got up-ended playing bball last night and landed flat on my sacrum. luckily it wasn't my tailbone, but ithurts when i squat bodyweight. maybe i'll do a biceps day
nah,prob upper body
Man, I went on a journey looking for tha bread. Trader's and whole foods both didn't have it! I walked as much as I ran today looking for it. I'mpissed
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

btw stupid question but has anyone lifted

while back i took just one hit out of a pipe but it as some nice medical so i got a decent high off that one rip.....lifted chest and it felt so nice, i couldn't feel the pain you get when you're struggling with a weight, it was so weird. it just felt like i was lifting it really slowly but no strain. anyway i got like 315x2 or something which was better than i had ever done at the time.

not trying to say its a performance enhancer.....but it makes you think. it def made lifting way less strenuous, like i said i couldnt feel any muscle strain or anything.

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Me, personally I can only speak from experience. I guess I should of said IMO. But the reason I say that is, the soreness is from tearing, and working the muscle. When the tearing rebuilds thats when the growth happens. So if the soreness is decreased then your not tearing enough fibers. Of coarse thats not the "all in all" but just my opinion.
Muscle tears are healed via the same mechanism that causes hypertrophy. Very briefly, satellite cells are mobilized in response to misshapen and damaged muscle proteins, and bring new contractile proteins and replace old worn or damaged ones. The rate of this process is dependent heavily on Test and androgens. A muscle tear stimulates this response as does heavy resistance training in muscle.

Therefore, an increased anabolic environment will more rapidly mobilize satellite cells and speed healing of a muscle tear.

youre welcome IICE
"youre welcome IICE"
.... yo *** is way to scrawny to the that cocky in this threa

how am i hater if i understand steroids?

haters usually dont know what theyre talking about
Who said you were a hater?.... I just wanna know why your on my nuts

cuz you blatanly ignored my previous post,
My apologies sweetie. I wasnt aware you wanted me to jock your posts.

.i dont have a problem with people who juice, fronters maybe.......
You really go around askn ppl at the gym and on message boards if they juice and then throw a hissy fit if they say no?

I think you need a time out mister

No eye candy to distract you and get you off rhythm.

there's this blonde chic @ my gym, really fit, nice glutes and all...

throws my concentration off all the time. I try to avoid her at all costs coz I'd be starin at that %%@ for an hour straight and I'd be counting"12, 11, 10,5,6,7,3,2,1" for my reps
True or false?

**Top 10 Fitness Fundamentals for Noobs**

If you have no clue where to start on your fitness journey, start here:

1. Create a calorie deficit. A good starting point is your current weight x 12.
2. Eat 6 meals a day, each containing a lean protein and complex carb.
3. Drink 8+ glasses of water per day.
4. Eat 2+ servings of vegetables per day.
5. Perform at least 20 minutes of high intensity cardio at least 3x per week.
6. Train with weights vigorously at least 3x per week.
7. Consume 1g protein per lb. of lean body mass.
8. Train your abs a maximum of 3x per week.
9. Take a multivitamin daily and use protein shakes as a meal replacement.
10. Limit your cheat meal to 1x per week.

These are the absolute basics of fat-loss and fitness.
If you aren't losing weight, simply go down the checklist. What are you not doing?

Fat-loss is not complicated. These fundamentals account for 99% of your success. All talk about anything else is simply "tweaking". If you haven't mastered the basics, then it's useless talking about macro ratios, fat-burners, etc.

If you plateau, simply lower your calories and increase exercise intensity/duration/frequency.
went to the gym today for the first time in a couple of months. did chest/tri

i am already sore. tomorrow will suck
yo i lied i did shoulders was no carb day i'll wait til tomorrow (high carb) to do is a must

lets stop the arguments tho........e-fights are pointless

to whoever asked me (i think ericescobar) what i use for music yeah i do the ipod+armband thing. works good. honestly i'd rather just stick it in a pocketbut i only have like 1 pair of gym shorts w/pockets so that's not an option.

also yeah some of those tips are terrible. substituting meals for protein shakes? uh....if i'm on a caloric deficit better believe i'm getting as manycalories from whole foods as possible. terrible advice.

also those x calories or x g of protein per lb of bodyweight are not the best ways of doing it. there are a lot of different body types that all weigh thesame, all different goals, etc.

i like the 6 meals a day part, a lot of people think they got the nutrition aspect down but still do the 3 big meals/day, which is less than ideal.
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