Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

True or false?

**Top 10 Fitness Fundamentals for Noobs**

If you have no clue where to start on your fitness journey, start here:

1. Create a calorie deficit. A good starting point is your current weight x 12.
2. Eat 6 meals a day, each containing a lean protein and complex carb.
3. Drink 8+ glasses of water per day.
4. Eat 2+ servings of vegetables per day.
5. Perform at least 20 minutes of high intensity cardio at least 3x per week.
6. Train with weights vigorously at least 3x per week.
7. Consume 1g protein per lb. of lean body mass.
8. Train your abs a maximum of 3x per week.
9. Take a multivitamin daily and use protein shakes as a meal replacement.
10. Limit your cheat meal to 1x per week.

These are the absolute basics of fat-loss and fitness.
If you aren't losing weight, simply go down the checklist. What are you not doing?

Fat-loss is not complicated. These fundamentals account for 99% of your success. All talk about anything else is simply "tweaking". If you haven't mastered the basics, then it's useless talking about macro ratios, fat-burners, etc.

If you plateau, simply lower your calories and increase exercise intensity/duration/frequency.
VERY TRUE. I lost a lot of weight in over 2 years with diet and exercise following most of those principles. I cheat. I don't do as muchcardio as I should. I see where I need improvement. CARDIO. Your trying to have that nice, lean yet strong look. CARDIO. More. Wish I have. Love HandlesFTMFL! It has ruined 2 years of work. So much that I have very seriously considered SmartLipo. Because at 31, I don't know how much more I can burn offmyself.

Moral of this story, CARDIO!
Joe cam: yeah I'm thinking about investing in an armband. Which one do u use, brand?

Anyone watching remake bodybuilders on E!? Pretty interesting. Some chick from my city, San Fran, has probobly the most muscular abs I have ever seen lol
Originally Posted by ericescobar

Joe cam: yeah I'm thinking about investing in an armband. Which one do u use, brand?

Anyone watching remake bodybuilders on E!? Pretty interesting. Some chick from my city, San Fran, has probobly the most muscular abs I have ever seen lol

i have this ipod is the 1st gen touch 16gb and it works good......unless someone has like 20" arms it should be perfect

i hear some fall apart/break, this one is good so far
Originally Posted by Boot and Leg

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

True or false?

**Top 10 Fitness Fundamentals for Noobs**

If you have no clue where to start on your fitness journey, start here:

1. Create a calorie deficit. A good starting point is your current weight x 12.
2. Eat 6 meals a day, each containing a lean protein and complex carb.
3. Drink 8+ glasses of water per day.
4. Eat 2+ servings of vegetables per day.
5. Perform at least 20 minutes of high intensity cardio at least 3x per week.
6. Train with weights vigorously at least 3x per week.
7. Consume 1g protein per lb. of lean body mass.
8. Train your abs a maximum of 3x per week.
9. Take a multivitamin daily and use protein shakes as a meal replacement.
10. Limit your cheat meal to 1x per week.

These are the absolute basics of fat-loss and fitness.
If you aren't losing weight, simply go down the checklist. What are you not doing?

Fat-loss is not complicated. These fundamentals account for 99% of your success. All talk about anything else is simply "tweaking". If you haven't mastered the basics, then it's useless talking about macro ratios, fat-burners, etc.

If you plateau, simply lower your calories and increase exercise intensity/duration/frequency.
VERY TRUE. I lost a lot of weight in over 2 years with diet and exercise following most of those principles. I cheat. I don't do as much cardio as I should. I see where I need improvement. CARDIO. Your trying to have that nice, lean yet strong look. CARDIO. More. Wish I have. Love Handles FTMFL! It has ruined 2 years of work. So much that I have very seriously considered SmartLipo. Because at 31, I don't know how much more I can burn off myself.

Moral of this story, CARDIO!

i think the title is off for sure... should be "fat-loss" not "fitness"

and besides the bad meal replacement advice, there's no need for 3x a week ab training for weight loss.

boot... cardio isn't THE answer, but it works... to a point. throw in some HIIT/tabata/circuit training, regular resistance training, variety of movement(sports and whatnot) and you'll be well on your way.
Well the protein shakes really do come in handy when you just can't sit down and eat or as a snack. Muscle Milk Lights are perfecto.
I can attest to the whole 'abs are made in the ktichen'

After dieting, a lot of fat comes of the belly area. You just need to supplement dieting with cardio/HIIT/regular cardiovascular or anaerobic activity. Itsjust losing the last few lbs of fat thats the @%@%+*%#**!!* hardest.
If you plateau, simply lower your calories and increase exercise intensity/duration/frequency.
Not neccesarily. Could be that you're overtraining, or eating so little that your body is storing fat to survive. Lowering calories canbackfire if you overdo it, same with overtrianing or not recovering enough.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

True or false?

**Top 10 Fitness Fundamentals for Noobs**

If you have no clue where to start on your fitness journey, start here:

1. Create a calorie deficit. A good starting point is your current weight x 12.
2. Eat 6 meals a day, each containing a lean protein and complex carb.
3. Drink 8+ glasses of water per day.
4. Eat 2+ servings of vegetables per day.
5. Perform at least 20 minutes of high intensity cardio at least 3x per week.
6. Train with weights vigorously at least 3x per week.
7. Consume 1g protein per lb. of lean body mass.
8. Train your abs a maximum of 3x per week.
9. Take a multivitamin daily and use protein shakes as a meal replacement.
10. Limit your cheat meal to 1x per week.

These are the absolute basics of fat-loss and fitness.
If you aren't losing weight, simply go down the checklist. What are you not doing?

Fat-loss is not complicated. These fundamentals account for 99% of your success. All talk about anything else is simply "tweaking". If you haven't mastered the basics, then it's useless talking about macro ratios, fat-burners, etc.

If you plateau, simply lower your calories and increase exercise intensity/duration/frequency.
6 meals? i would think four meals with two snacks (fruits, almonds, ect)............damn thats alot of food
Anyone else changing their food intakes for fall? I'm taking a couple of classes that are back to back, primary on Tuesday I got 2 classes from 5-6:45 and7-9:45 so I gotta revamp my eating habit around it.

I'm staying at around 2,000-2,100 cals/day

Right when I wake up at 4-5AM....bowl of cereal, banana, a teaspoon full of nuts, whey protein.
*Go to gym*
After gym......................peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread, 3 egg whites, several pieces of watermelon, whey protein.
Around 10 AM.............turkey burger on wheat buns.
Around 1PM.................turkey burger on wheat buns.
Around 4PM.................salmon with rice.
Around 6PM.................dried pear or apple.
Around 7:30PM..................granola bar.
Around 9PM..................banana
Around 10PM...............whey protein.
*Go to bed*

Add in HIIT 2-3 times a week in addition to what's posted too.
I could never wake up that early

First day at a new school today... about to head to the gym to do legs and hands.
Originally Posted by JPioneer

I could never wake up that early

First day at a new school today... about to head to the gym to do legs and hands.
I got home last night after school at around 10PM, was in bed by 10:30. It's 5:30AM now..I'm about to leave for the gym.
Timing itright so when I get to the gym, it's at least an hour after I ate.

In my business management class last night, we were having a heated discussion on morals and ethics. "Would you feel uncomfortably if your coworkers wearrevealing clothes?". Of course, the bigger chicks had a lot to say. SMH.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by JPioneer

I could never wake up that early

First day at a new school today... about to head to the gym to do legs and hands.
I got home last night after school at around 10PM, was in bed by 10:30. It's 5:30AM now..I'm about to leave for the gym.
Timing it right so when I get to the gym, it's at least an hour after I ate.

In my business management class last night, we were having a heated discussion on morals and ethics. "Would you feel uncomfortably if your coworkers wear revealing clothes?". Of course, the bigger chicks had a lot to say. SMH.
For the past two weeks I've been waking up at 4 to get ready to go to the gym (M-F). Lately my body has been getting tired and doesn'thave the drive to get up when my alarm goes off. Any suggestions to keep me motivated?

I'm trying to get lean, any suggest multi-vitamins I should look into? (Yes, I've changed my eating habits, cut fast food, no soda, red meat, etc.)
Make sure that you're sleeping enough. Rest is vital to proper health. When the body doesn't get enough, it stresses out and stores fat.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Make sure that you're sleeping enough. Rest is vital to proper health. When the body doesn't get enough, it stresses out and stores fat.
I sleep at least 7 hours a day.
I know sleep is vital.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by JPioneer

I could never wake up that early

First day at a new school today... about to head to the gym to do legs and hands.
I got home last night after school at around 10PM, was in bed by 10:30. It's 5:30AM now..I'm about to leave for the gym.
Timing it right so when I get to the gym, it's at least an hour after I ate.

In my business management class last night, we were having a heated discussion on morals and ethics. "Would you feel uncomfortably if your coworkers wear revealing clothes?". Of course, the bigger chicks had a lot to say. SMH.
For the past two weeks I've been waking up at 4 to get ready to go to the gym (M-F). Lately my body has been getting tired and doesn't have the drive to get up when my alarm goes off. Any suggestions to keep me motivated?

I'm trying to get lean, any suggest multi-vitamins I should look into? (Yes, I've changed my eating habits, cut fast food, no soda, red meat, etc.)
How's your sleeping pattern looking like? After I got home last night, I thought for sure that I wouldn't get up until 7-8AM. When Iwoke up, it was still in the wee hour. Couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to get up and start the day. I will take a nap before I head out to schoolthough so I don't fall asleep in class.

Getting lean and building muscle is the hard part that's tedious. Losing weight would be the easier. Just keep up the good work and check yourself everyseveral months.

Exercise on a regular basis + good eating routine = road to success.

I just read what Monday posted..I agree on the abs thing. I see so many people do the same routine daily, leaving no time for the muscle to recover andrebuild. And yes, some people do eat 6 small meals a day. It's easy to make a meal less than 500 cals, so even if you eat 6 meals a day, that's only3,000 cals.
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wj4, I don't see too many vegetables in your diet. I think that you should add some (more), like add a salad to replace the granola bar. Vegetables arefull of vitamins and minerals. Plus, they're high fiber and low calorie, keeping you satisfied longer without having to worry about weight gain.
I just picked up the Iron Gym pull up bar after using a generic rig pull up bar I made myself. It really is great because you can get a quick solid workout inbetween workouts. I like how you can use it to do pull ups, push ups, dips, and crunches with one piece of equipment.

I leave it up and do a set of pull ups every time I pass under it.
Anyone in here taking White Flood? Just started taking it and holy crap...pumps like the point it was starting to hurt.
So last night I was doing some dead-lifts (Romanian I believe)

Im up to 260lbs 1rep Max

After I was done and moved on to some lad pulls etc, I began to start feeling queezy

I could not continue working cause I felt like I was going to throw up

when I got out the gym I tried taking a breather for about 5 minutes before heading home but I still had that throwing up feeling, I waited and it wasinevitable.

I threw up water I drank and some of the protein shake I had take earlier (Im not sure what went out, but it was mostly water)

Anyone had this experience before? Was it the weight I lifted that affected my stomach?
Nah, I told myself I was gonna try to lay off on pre-workout supps. Mainly because most of them are loaded with just caffeine basically. I don't know muchabout white flood though.
Originally Posted by Baybully650

Anyone in here taking White Flood? Just started taking it and holy crap...pumps like the point it was starting to hurt.
Ive been meaning to try some type of work out sup like White Flood

is it worth it in the long run?
man i need some help with my food
I'm lifting and also running at least 3-4 times a week, and my main goal is to lose the gut thats left and build muscle
I've lost 10 pounds in 2 months

I dont know what exactly i should be doing, cutting or bulking? since im doing a little bit of both

suggestions on the foods i should be eating throughout the day?
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